Physics - Recall for Chapter 17; Oscillations



What is the equilibrium position in an oscillation?

The point at which an object experiences no resultant force.

If an object doesn’t experience a resultant force in the equilibrium position, what also must be true?

There is no acceleration at the equilibrium position.

How many radians are there in one complete oscillation?


How can you calculate the angular frequency of an oscillation?

\[2\pi f\]

What are the conditions required for simple harmonic motion?

The acceleration is directly proportional to displacement from equilibrium and in the opposite direction to the displacement.

What is simple harmonic motion?

When the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to displacement from equilibrium and in the opposite direction to the displacement.

What is the acceleration of an object undergoing SHM when its displacement is zero?


What is an isochronous oscillator?

An oscillator with a period/frequency that doesn’t depend on amplitude.

What is a fiducial marker?

A visual aid placed at the equilibrium position of an oscillation to make it easier to mark track oscillations.

For an object in simple harmonic motion, what is the displacement, $x$?

The distance and direction from the equilibrium position.

For an object in simple harmonic motion, what is the amplitude, $A$?

Maximum displacement from the equilibrium position.

What’s the definition of “phase difference” between 2 systems oscillating with the same frequency?

Phase difference is the fraction of a cycle by which one system is ahead of the other, measured in radians.

What’s the equation for the displacement $x$ of an object in simple harmonic motion at time $t$ if the object was released from its max displacement at $t = 0$?

\[A = A\cos(\omega t)\]

What measures can be taken to improve the accuracy when measuring the time period of simple harmonic motion?

Use multiple oscillations and calculate the average of these repeats.

What is the kinetic energy of a simple harmonic oscillator at the maximum displacement?


How does the total energy in a simple harmonic oscillator vary with time?

It is constant.

At what displacement is the potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator at a maximum?

When the displacement is at the maximum.

How can you calculate the total energy of a spring-based simple harmonic oscillator from its amplitude?


What is a free oscillation?

An oscillation in which no external driving force is present.

What causes damping of an oscillation?

An external force opposing motion.

What effect does damping of an oscillation have in terms of energy?

It transfers the kinetic energy of the oscillation into other forms, such as thermal.

What is light damping of an oscillation?

A small damping force causing the amplitude of the oscillations to decrease slowly.

What is heavy damping of an oscillator?

A damping force that results in a rapid decrease in the amplitude of oscillations.

What is very heavy (critical) damping of an oscillation?

A large damping force that prevents any oscillations of the system when it is displaced.

What is the natural frequency of an oscillator?

The frequency at which oscillations will occur in a system with no external driving forces.

What are oscillations that occur when there is no external driving forces called?

Free oscillations.

What is a forced oscillation?

An oscillation in which a (periodic) external driving force is present.

What is the driving frequency in a forced oscillation?

The frequency of the external driving force.

What is resonance?

When the driving frequency of a forced oscillation is close to the natural frequency of the system, resulting in a large increase in the amplitude of oscillations.

What is likely to occur when a mechanical system with little no damping resonates?

The amplitude of the oscillations will increase until the object breaks.

What occurs in terms of energy during resonance?

There is the greatest possible transfer of energy from the driver to the forced oscillation.

What effect does damping have on resonance?

The amplitude of the resonance peak decreases and occurs at a lower frequency.

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