Notes - ADS HT24, Flow networks
Can you define a flow network as a 4-tuple?
- $G = (V, E)$ is a directed graph
- $s \in V$ is a “source node”
- $t \in V$ is a “sink node”
- $c : E \to \mathbb Z _ {\ge 0}$ is a capacity function
Suppose we have an edge $(u, v)$ and $(v, u)$ in a flow network. How can we fix this so that we have no anti-parallel edges?
Add another node $v’$ such that $(u,v’)$ and $(v’, v)$ have the capacity from $(u, v)$ and keep $(v, u)$ the same.
How can you deal with multiple sources/sinks in a flow network?
Add two more nodes, a “supersource” and “supersink” which connect to each source/sink with infinite capacity.
Suppose we have a flow network $(G, s, t, c)$. What is an $s$-$t$ cut?
A partition of $V$ into two sets $A$, $B$ such that $s \in A$ and $t \in B$.
- We have a flow network $(G, s, t, c)$
- We have an $s$-$t$ cut $(A, B)$.
What is $\text{cap}(A, B)$, and what is the min-cut problem for flow networks?
The min-cut problem is the problem of identifying $A$ and $B$ such that the capacity is minimised.
Suppose we have a flow network $(G, s, t, c)$. What is a “flow” $f$, what is meant by $ \vert f \vert $, and what is the maximum-flow problem?
A flow is a function $f : E \to \mathbb R _ {\ge 0}$ that satisfies:
- Capacity constraints: For each edge $e \in E$, $0 \le f(e) \le c(e)$.
- Flow conservation: $\sum _ {e \text{ into } v} f(e)$ = $\sum _ {e \text{ out of } v} f(e)$.
The value of $f$, denoted $ \vert f \vert $ is
\[|f| = \sum_{e \text{ out of } s} f(e)\]and the maximum-flow problem is then to find a flow with maximum value.
Suppose we have a flow network $(G, s, t, c)$. What is meant by the weak duality between the max-flow and min-cut problems?
For any flow $f$ and any $s$-$t$ cut $(A, B)$, we have
\[|f| \le \text{cap}(A, B)\]Suppose:
- $(G, s, t, c)$ is a flow network
- $f$ is a flow
- $(A, B)$ is an $s$-$t$ cut
Quickly prove the “weak duality” between the max-flow and min-cut problems, i.e. that then
\[|f| \le \text{cap}(A, B)\]
where (1, 2, 3) are justified since:
- This is the definition of $ \vert f \vert $, using the notation that $f^\text{in}(e) = \sum _ {e\text{ into }v} f(e)$ and $f^\text{out}(e) = \sum _ {e \text{ out of }v} f(e)$
- This is justified by the fact that for $v \in A\setminus\{s\}$, we have the flow in must equal the flow out
- Because edges with both endpoints in $A$ cancel
Alternative proof: Consider the flow network obtained by adding an edge from $t$ to $s$ with capacity $ \vert f \vert $ in the original flow network and setting $f(t, s) = \vert f \vert $. This is another valid flow.
Then, in the modified network, the flow out of $A$ equals the flow coming to $A$, i.e.
\[\sum_{e \text{ out of } A} f(e) = |f| + \sum_{e \text{ into } A} f(e)\]Then the LHS is less than or equal to $\text{cap}(A, B)$, (since $f(e) \le c(e)$ for all edges), and the RHS is greater than or equal to $ \vert f \vert $. Then
\[\text{cap}(A, B) \ge |f| + \sum_{e \text{ into } A} f(e) \ge |f|\]as required.
- $(G, s, t, c)$ is a flow network
- $f$ is a flow
- $(A, B)$ is an $s$-$t$ cut
Quickly prove that
\[|f| = \sum_{e \text{ out of } A} f(e) - \sum_{e \text{ into } A} f(e)\]
(this is used in the proof of weak duality, and the termination of the capacity scaling algorithm).
with the steps justified since:
- $(\star 1)$: This is just subtracting $0$, since the flow into $s$ is $0$.
- $(\star 2)$: This is justified by the fact that for $v \in A\setminus\{s\}$, we have the flow in must equal the flow out.
- $(\star 3)$: This is justified since the flow cancels for edges with both endpoints in $A$.
- $(G, s, t, c)$ is a flow network
- $f$ is a flow
- $(A, B)$ is an $s$-$t$ cut
What condition allows us to conclude that $f$ is a maximum flow, and why?
Because of the weak duality between max-flow and min-cut.
Very quickly prove that if
- $(G, s, t, c)$ is a flow network
- $f$ is a flow
- $(A, B)$ is an $s$-$t$ cut
- $ \vert f \vert = \text{cap}(A, B)$
- $f$ is a max flow
You can assume weak duality.
This follows from weak duality, since, if $ \vert f^\star \vert $ is the value of max flow, $ \vert f \vert \le \vert f^\star \vert $. But then $ \vert f^\star \vert \le \text{cap}(A, B)$ by weak duality.
- $(G, s, t, c)$ is a flow network
- $f$ is a flow
Can you define the residual graph $G _ f$ with corresponding edge weights $c _ f$?
$G _ f$ has the same vertices. For each edge in $G$,
- If $f(e) < c(e)$, add a forward edge $e$ with $c _ f(e) = c(e) - f(e)$.
- If $f(e) > 0$, add a backward edge $e’ = \text{rev}(e)$ with $c _ f(e’) = f(e)$
(both these conditions can be met seperately)
Draw the residual graph for this flow network.
- $(G, s, t, c)$ is a flow network
- $f$ is a flow
- $G _ f$ is the residual network
- $P$ is a path from $s$ to $t$ in $G _ f$
What is the “bottleneck capacity” $b _ p$ of $P$?
The minimum residual capacity $c _ f(e)$ over $e \in P$.
In this network it would be $10$.
- $(G, s, t, c)$ is a flow network
- $f$ is a flow
- $G _ f$ is the residual network
- $P$ is a path from $s$ to $t$ in $G _ f$
- $b _ P$ is the bottleneck capacity of $P$
Can you define $f’ = \text{Augment}(f, P)$, which constructs a new flow on $G$ using the residual network?
Quickly prove that if
- $(G, s, t, c)$ is a flow network
- $f$ is a flow
- $G _ f$ is the residual network
- $P$ is a path from $s$ to $t$ in $G _ f$
- $b _ P$ is the bottleneck capacity of $P$
and we define the augmented flow given this path as
\[\text{Augment}(f, P)(e) = f'(e) = \begin{cases}
f(e) + b_p &\text{if } e\in P \\\\
f(e) - b_p &\text{if } \text{rev}(e) \in P \\\\
f(e) &\text{otherwise}
Then $f’$ is a valid flow with $ \vert f’ \vert = \vert f \vert + b _ P$.
We need to check the capacity constraints and the flow conservation property.
- Capacity constraints: Need to check $0 \le f’(e) \le c(e)$
- If $e \in P$, then $f’(e), f(e) + b _ p$ and $b _ p \le c _ f(e) = c(e) - f(e)$
- If $\text{rev}(e) \in P$, then $f’(e) = f(e) - b _ P$ and $b _ P \le c _ f(\text{rev}(e)) = f(e)$
- Otherwise $f’(e) = f(e)$
- Flow conservation: Need to check $\sum _ {e \text{ into } v} f’(e) = \sum _ {e \text{ out of } v} f’(e)$
- If $v$ is not in $P$, then it is immediate
- If $v$ is in $P$, flow into / out of $v$ increases by $b _ p$.
Then $ \vert f’ \vert = \sum _ {e \text{ out of } s} f’(e)$, and $s$ has exactly one edge $e$ leaving it on $P$, whose flow has increased by $b _ P$. Then $ \vert f’ \vert = \vert f \vert + b _ P$.
Give high-level pseudocode for the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, given a flow network $(G, s, t, c)$.
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
while exists s-t path P in G_f:
f = Augment(f, P)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
return f
Quickly prove that basic implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
while exists s-t path P in G_f:
f = Augment(f, P)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
Does indeed return the max-flow for a network.
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
while exists s-t path P in G_f:
f = Augment(f, P)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
- When the algorithm terminates, there is no path from $s$ to $t$ in $G _ f$.
- Let $A = \text{reach}(s)$, $B = V \setminus A$. Clearly $(A, B)$ form a cut.
- What is the capacity of $(A, B)$?
- For edge $e = (u, v)$ in $G$ with $u \in A, v \in B$, $f(e) = c(e)$.
- For edge $e’ = (v, u)$ in $G$ with $v \in B$, $u \in A$, $f(e’) = 0$, since if this were not true, then $v$ would be reachable from $s$ in $G _ f$.
- Hence $ \vert f \vert = \text{cap}(A, B)$.
Quickly analyse the running time of the basic Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
while exists s-t path P in G_f:
f = Augment(f, P)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
while exists s-t path P in G_f:
f = Augment(f, P)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
- The while loop runs at most $ \vert f^\star \vert $ times, since at each stage the flow increases by at least $1$, and Ford-Fulkerson terminates at max flow
- $ \vert f^\star \vert \le \vert V \vert C$ where $C$ is the maximum capacity over all edges in the network
- Execution of the loop takes time $O( \vert E \vert )$
Hence total time is
\[O(|V|\cdot|E|\cdot C)\]Can you give the high-level pseudocode for the capacity scaling algorithm for solving the max-flow problem?
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
T = largest power of 2 <= maximum capacity over all edges in graph
while T >= 1:
calculate G_f(T), where G_f(T) is the subgraph of G_f with edge capacities >= T
while exists s-t path P in G_f(T):
f = Augment(f, P)
Update G_f(T)
T /= 2
return f
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
T = largest power of 2 <= maximum capacity over all edges in graph
while T >= 1:
calculate G_f(T), where G_f(T) is the subgraph of G_f with edge capacities >= T
while exists s-t path P in G_f(T):
f = Augment(f, P)
Update G_f(T)
T /= 2
return f
The capacity scaling algorithm for solving the max-flow problem seeks to improve the amount the flow is improved at each iteration by considering not just $G _ f$, but $G _ f(\Delta)$. What is $G _ f(\Delta)$ in this case?
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
T = largest power of 2 <= maximum capacity over all edges in graph
while T >= 1:
calculate G_f(T), where G_f(T) is the subgraph of G_f with edge capacities >= T
while exists s-t path P in G_f(T):
f = Augment(f, P)
Update G_f(T)
T /= 2
return f
The subgraph of $G _ f(\Delta)$ with edge capacities $\ge \Delta$.
Consider the capacity scaling algorithm for the max-flow problem, i.e.
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
T = largest power of 2 <= maximum capacity over all edges in graph
while T >= 1:
calculate G_f(T), where G_f(T) is the subgraph of G_f with edge capacities >= T
while exists s-t path P in G_f(T):
f = Augment(f, P)
Update G_f(T)
T /= 2
return f
Suppose $\Delta \ge 1$ and $f$ is the flow at the end of the $\Delta$-scaling phase. We have the following lemma:
$ \vert f^\star \vert \le \vert f \vert + m \Delta$
Quickly justify that for any value of $\Delta$, the inner loop (i.e. the “while exists”) runs $\le 2 \vert E \vert $ times.
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
T = largest power of 2 <= maximum capacity over all edges in graph
while T >= 1:
calculate G_f(T), where G_f(T) is the subgraph of G_f with edge capacities >= T
while exists s-t path P in G_f(T):
f = Augment(f, P)
Update G_f(T)
T /= 2
return f
$ \vert f^\star \vert \le \vert f \vert + m \Delta$
Suppose $f$ is the flow of at the end of the previous iteration, when we were considering $2\Delta$.
By the lemma, we have $ \vert f^\star \vert \le \vert f \vert + 2\Delta m$.
Since each augmentation increases $f$ by at least $\Delta$ (by construction, we are only considering paths where the bottleneck capacity is at least $\Delta$), it must be the case that we have had at most $2 \vert E \vert $ iterations in this phase (if we had more, then we’d end up with a flow where $ \vert f \vert \ge \vert f^\star \vert $, which is impossible).
Consider the capacity scaling algorithm for the max-flow problem, i.e.
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
T = largest power of 2 <= maximum capacity over all edges in graph
while T >= 1:
calculate G_f(T), where G_f(T) is the subgraph of G_f with edge capacities >= T
while exists s-t path P in G_f(T):
f = Augment(f, P)
Update G_f(T)
T /= 2
Quickly justify that for $\Delta \ge 1$ with flow $f$ at the end of the scaling phase, we have $ \vert f^\star \vert \le \vert f \vert + m \Delta$, where $ \vert f^\star \vert $ is the max flow and $m$ is the number of edges (intuitively, this says that $f$ is not that far off from the max flow).
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
T = largest power of 2 <= maximum capacity over all edges in graph
while T >= 1:
calculate G_f(T), where G_f(T) is the subgraph of G_f with edge capacities >= T
while exists s-t path P in G_f(T):
f = Augment(f, P)
Update G_f(T)
T /= 2
- Since we are at the end of the scaling phase, there exists no $s$-$t$ path in $G _ f(\Delta)$.
- Let $A = \text{reach}(s)$ and $B = V \setminus A$.
\[\begin{aligned} |f| &= \sum_{e \text{ out of } A} f(e) - \sum_{e \text{ into } A} f(e) &&(\star 1) \\\\ &\ge \sum_{e \text{ out of } A} (c(e) - \Delta)) - \sum_{e \text{ into } A} \Delta &&(\star2, 3) \\\\ &= \sum_{e \text{ out of } A} c(e) - \sum_{e \text{ out of } A} \Delta - \sum_{e \text{ into } A} \Delta \\\\ &\ge \text{cap}(A, B) - \Delta m &&(\star 4) \\\\ &\ge |f^\star| - \Delta m \end{aligned}\]Where we have the justifications
- $(\star 1)$: This is a lemma which can be derived from considering $ \vert f \vert = f^\text{out}(s) - f^\text{in}(s)$ and then rewriting as a sum over edges in $A$ by using the flow conservation property.
- $(\star 2)$: For edge $e = (u, v)$ in $G$ with $u \in A$, $v \in B$, $c(e) \le f(e) + \Delta$. This is true because in the residual network, the $e$ has capacity $c(e) - f(e)$. This is less than $\Delta$ since otherwise we would have a connection from $A$ to $B$ in the residual network.
- $(\star 3)$: For edge $e = (v, u)$ in $G$ with $v \in B$, $u \in A$, $f(e) \le \Delta$. Again, this is true since otherwise in $G _ f(\Delta)$, $v$ would be reachable from $s$. (Although this edge is reversed, $(v, u)$ is an edge in $G$, but it becomes $(u, v)$ in $G _ f(\Delta)$)
- $(\star 4)$: The definition of $\text{cap}(A, B)$ is $\text{cap}(A, B) = \sum _ {e\text{ out of } A} c(e)$
Alternative proof: Let $(A, B)$ be the $s$-$t$ cut induced by $f$ on $G _ f(\Delta)$. Then the number of edges crossing the cut is $0$ in $G _ f(\Delta)$, and the number of edges crossing the cut in $G _ f$ is $\le m$. Since the capacity of each edge crossing the cut in $G _ f$ is $< \Delta$, we must have $ \vert f^\star \vert \le \cap(A, B) \le \vert f \vert + m\Delta$ (i.e. the size of the best cut must be less than the flow we have going across the cut in $G _ f(\Delta)$, plus all the possible extra flow we could have if we removed the restriction that the edge weights are $< \Delta$).
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
T = largest power of 2 <= maximum capacity over all edges in graph
while T >= 1:
calculate G_f(T), where G_f(T) is the subgraph of G_f with edge capacities >= T
while exists s-t path P in G_f(T):
f = Augment(f, P)
Update G_f(T)
T /= 2
Given that analysis shows that each inner loop only runs $O( \vert E \vert )$ times, can you give an upper bound on the running time?
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
T = largest power of 2 <= maximum capacity over all edges in graph
while T >= 1:
calculate G_f(T), where G_f(T) is the subgraph of G_f with edge capacities >= T
while exists s-t path P in G_f(T):
f = Augment(f, P)
Update G_f(T)
T /= 2
- There are $O(1 + \log C)$ iterations in the outer loop
- $O( \vert E \vert )$ iterations for the inner loop, doing $O( \vert E \vert )$ work each time
So we have
\[O(|E|^2(1 + \log C))\]Give the high-level pseudocode for the Edmonds-Karp algorithm, which solves the max-flow problem in a graph more efficiently than the Ford-Folkerson algorithm.::
EDMONDS-KARP(G, s, t, c):
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
while exists s-t path P in G_f:
P = s-t path with fewest edges
f = Augment(f, P)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
return f
The high-level pseudocode for the Edmonds-Karp algorithm is as follows:
EDMONDS-KARP(G, s, t, c):
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
while exists s-t path P in G_f:
P = s-t path with fewest edges
f = Augment(f, P)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
return f
What is the runtime of this algorithm? (a careful analysis is needed to derive this, but just the big-O will suffice here)
EDMONDS-KARP(G, s, t, c):
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
while exists s-t path P in G_f:
P = s-t path with fewest edges
f = Augment(f, P)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
return f
Describe the differences between the Ford-Fulkerson, Edmonds-Karp and capacity scaling algorithm, and give the running time of each in terms of $n$ nodes, $m$ edges and max capacity $C$.
- Ford-Fulkerson: pick any path to augment flow, running time $O(mnC)$
- Edmonds-Karp: pick the path with least edges to augment flow, $O(m^2 n)$
- Capacity scaling: restrict attention to paths with all edge capacities $\ge 2^k$ each time, $O(m^2 \log C)$.
Give a flow network that demonstrates that the time complexity Ford-Fulkerson algorithm is actually dependent on $f^\star$, the maximum flow on the network.
- 4 nodes: $s, u, v, t$.
- Edges:
- $(s, u)$ w/ capacity $C$
- $(s, v)$ w/ capacity $V$
- $(u, v)$ w/ capacity $1$
- $(u, t)$ w/ capacity $C$
- $(v, t)$ w/ capacity $C$
The high-level pseudocode for the Edmonds-Karp algorithm is as follows:
EDMONDS-KARP(G, s, t, c):
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
while exists s-t path P in G_f:
P = s-t path with fewest edges
f = Augment(f, P)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
return f
What two lemmas are used in proving the runtime of this algorithm is $O(m^2 n)$, and after stating these lemmas, can you prove this?
EDMONDS-KARP(G, s, t, c):
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
while exists s-t path P in G_f:
P = s-t path with fewest edges
f = Augment(f, P)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
return f
- Lemma 1: For any vertex $v \in V$, $d _ i(s, v)$ is non-decreasing with $i$, i.e. $d _ 1(s, v) \le d _ 2(s, v) \le \cdots$
- Lemma 2: If $e$ is a bottleneck edge at time $i$, it will not be used in an augmenting path again until $d _ i(s, t)$ increases
Assuming this:
- The distance between $s$ and $t$ can increase at most $n$ times (since the max distance between $s$ and $t$ is $n$, and the distance is nondecreasing, so in the worst case the distance starts off at $1$ and is incremented $\le n$ times).
- While the distance between $s$ and $t$ is some $d$, an edge becomes a bottleneck $\le 1$ times, so there are at most $m$ augmentations for each $d \in \{1, \cdots, n\}$.
- It takes $O(m)$ time each iteration to find the path $P$ using BFS
Thus the total time is
\[O(m^2n)\]The high-level pseudocode for the Edmonds-Karp algorithm is as follows:
EDMONDS-KARP(G, s, t, c):
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
while exists s-t path P in G_f:
P = s-t path with fewest edges
f = Augment(f, P)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
return f
Quickly prove that the time complexity is $O(m^2 n)$.
EDMONDS-KARP(G, s, t, c):
Start with an empty flow f
(i.e. f(e) = 0 for all e \in E)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
while exists s-t path P in G_f:
P = s-t path with fewest edges
f = Augment(f, P)
G_f = residual graph of G wrt f
return f
- Lemma 1: For any vertex $v \in V$, $d _ i(s, v)$ is non-decreasing with $i$, i.e. $d _ 1(s, v) \le d _ 2(s, v) \le \cdots$
- Lemma 2: If $e$ is a bottleneck edge at time $i$, it will not be used in an augmenting path again until $d _ i(s, t)$ increases
Assuming this:
- The distance between $s$ and $t$ can increase at most $n$ times (since the max distance between $s$ and $t$ is $n$, and the distance is nondecreasing, so in the worst case the distance starts off at $1$ and is incremented $\le n$ times).
- While the distance between $s$ and $t$ is some $d$, an edge becomes a bottleneck $\le 1$ times, so there are at most $m$ augmentations for each $d \in \{1, \cdots, n\}$.
- It takes $O(m)$ time each iteration to find the path $P$ using BFS
Thus the total time is
\[O(m^2n)\]Proof of Lemma 1: Order the vertices in $G _ i$ in “levels” according to the distance from $s$, so that level $1$ vertices are at distance $1$, level $2$ are at distance $2$, etc.
Let $P$ be some augmenting path from $s$ to $t$ in $G _ i$.
Since $P$ is a shortest path in $G _ i$, it goes through levels $0, 1, \cdots, j$ in that order.
Edges of $P$ are reversed in $G _ {i + 1}$, so they join levels $j, j-1, \cdots, 0$ in that order.
Reversed edges cannot be therefore used in $G _ {i+1}$ as shortcuts to move from level $j _ 1$ to level $j _ 2$ with $j _ 1 < j _ 2$. So $d _ i(s, v) \le d _ {i+1} (s, v)$ for each $v \in V$.
Proof of Lemma 2: Suppose $e = (u, v)$ and let $x = d _ i(s, u)$, $y = d _ i(v, t)$. Then $d _ i(s, v) = x+1$ and $d _ i(u, t) = y+1$, and $d _ i(s, t) = x + y + 1$.
Suppose $e$ reappears in $G _ f$ for the first time at time $j + 1 > i$.
At times $i + 1, \cdots, j$, edge $e$ appears backwards in $G _ f$ as an edge $(v, u)$ since $e$ is a bottleneck of an augmenting path in $G _ i$.
Then edge $(u, v)$ is used at time $j$ in a shortest path $P$ from $s$ to $t$.
By claim $1$, $d _ j \ge d _ i(s, v) = x+1$ and $d _ j(u, t) \ge d _ i(u, t) = y+1$.
So $d _ j(s, t) \ge x + y + 3$, so $d _ {j + 1}(s, t) \ge d _ j(s, t)$.
\[d_j(s, t) \ge x + y + 3 > x + y + 1 = d_i(s, t)\]