Notes - Quantum Information HT24, Bra-ket notation
How are $ \vert 0\rangle$ and $ \vert 1\rangle \in \mathbb C^2$ defined in bra-ket notation, and more generally, how is $ \vert k\rangle \in \mathbb C^2$ defined?
where $e _ k$ is the $k$-th unit vector.
Suppose $\psi = {\alpha \choose \beta} \in \mathbb C^2$. What would this equal in bra-ket notation?
Suppose $\psi = {\alpha \choose \beta} \in \mathbb C^2$. What would $\langle \psi \vert $ equal in ordinary vector notation?
Suppose $\psi = {\alpha \choose \beta}, \psi’ = {\alpha’ \choose \beta’} \in \mathbb C^2$. What is $\langle\psi \vert \psi’\rangle$
Suppose $\psi = {\alpha \choose \beta}$. How can you write $\langle \psi \vert $ more familiarly in terms of $\psi$?
where $\dagger$ represents the conjugate transpose.
What are column vectors called in bra-ket notation?
What are row vectors called in bra-ket notation?