Notes - Quantum Information HT24, Quantum communication


What protocol can be used to demonstrate the communication resource inequality

\[1 \text{ ebit} + 2 \text{ cbits} \implies 1 \text{ qubit}\]


  • $1 \text{ ebit}$ is a unit of entanglement
  • $1 \text{ cbit}$ is one classical bit


Quantum teleportation; sharing a Bell state and then communicating $2$ classical bits is enough to communicate a quantum state.

What protocol can be used to demonstrate the communication resource inequality

\[1 \text{ qubit} \implies 1 \text{ ebit}\]


  • $1 \text{ ebit}$ is a unit of entanglement


Preparing a two qubits in the Bell state, and then sending one qubit.

What protocol can be used to demonstrate the communication resource inequality

\[1 \text{ qubit} \implies 1 \text{ cbit}\]


  • $1 \text{ ebit}$ is a unit of entanglement
  • $1 \text{ cbit}$ is one classical bit


Encoding the classical bit as either $ \vert 0\rangle$ or $ \vert 1\rangle$, which can then be decoded perfectly.

What protocol can be used to demonstrate the communication resource inequality

\[1 \text{ ebit} + 1 \text{ qubit} \implies 2 \text{ cbits}\]


  • $1 \text{ ebit}$ is a unit of entanglement
  • $1 \text{ cbit}$ is one classical bit


Dense coding.


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