Notes - Complex Analysis MT23, Winding numbers


We want to be able to define the winding number of some path $\gamma : [0, 1] \to \mathbb C \setminus \{0\}$ as

\[\arg\gamma(b) - \arg\gamma(a)\]

but this doesn’t work because $\arg$ is not a continuous function. Can you state a theorem that lets us rewrite $\gamma$ in a way that lets us do something similar?

Let $\gamma$ be such a path. Then $\exists a : [0, 1] \to \mathbb R$ such that:

  • $a$ is continuous
  • $\gamma(t) = \vert \gamma(t) \vert e^{2\pi i a(t)}$

Moreover, if $a$ is unique up to adding or subtracting a natural number.

Can you define, in terms of some function $a(t)$, the winding number of a closed path $\gamma : [0, 1] \to \mathbb C \setminus \{0\}$, denoted $I(\gamma, 0)$?


\[\gamma(t) = |\gamma(t)|e^{2\pi i a(t)}\]


\[I(\gamma, 0) = a(1) - a(0)\]

For some closed path $\gamma : [0, 1] \to \mathbb C \setminus \{0\}$ where $\gamma(t) = \vert \gamma(t) \vert e^{2\pi i a(t)}$, the winding number is $I(\gamma, 0) = a(1) - a(0)$. How is the winding number $I(\gamma, z _ 0)$ defined for points $z _ 0$ that aren’t the origin?

\[I(\gamma, z_0) = I(t \circ \gamma, 0)\]


\[t(z) = z - z_0\]


  • $\gamma : [a, b] \to \mathbb C$ is a piecewise $C^1$ closed path
  • $z _ 0 \in \mathbb C$ but $z _ 0 \notin \gamma^\star$.

Then how can we equivalently write the winding number $I(\gamma, z _ 0)$ as an integral, so that we are not relying on rewriting $\gamma(t)$ as $ \vert \gamma(t) \vert e^{2\pi i a(t)}$?

\[I(\gamma, z_0) = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_\gamma \frac{1}{z - z_0} \text d z\]

Quickly prove that if

  • $\gamma : [a, b] \to \mathbb C$ is a piecewise $C^1$ closed path
  • $z _ 0 \in \mathbb C$ but $z _ 0 \notin \gamma^\star$


\[I(\gamma, z_0) = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_\gamma \frac{1}{z-z_0} \text dz\]

Wlog $\gamma : [0, 1] \to \mathbb C$ and $\gamma(t) = z _ 0 + r(t)e^{2\pi a(t)}$. Then

\[\begin{aligned} \int_\gamma \frac{1}{z-z_0} \text dz &= \int^1_0 \frac{1}{r(t)e^{2\pi ia(t)}\\,}(r'(t) + 2\pi ir(t) a'(t))e^{2\pi i a(t)} \text dz \\\\ &= \int^1_0 \frac{r'(t)}{r(t)} + 2\pi i a'(t) \text dt \\\\ &= \left[ \log(r(t)) - 2\pi i a(t) \right]^1_0 \\\\ &= 2\pi i(a(1) - a(0)) \end{aligned}\]

Let $U$ be an open set in $\mathbb C$ and let $\gamma : [0, 1] \to U$ be a closed path. Can you define $I _ f(\gamma, w)$ where $f(z)$ is a continuous function on $\gamma^\star$?

\[I_f(\gamma, w) = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_\gamma \frac{f(z)}{z-w} \text dz\]

For $U$ open, $\gamma$ path, and $f$ continuous function on $\gamma^\star$, $I _ f(\gamma, w)$ is given by

\[I_f(\gamma, w) = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_\gamma \frac{f(z)}{z-w} \text dz\]

What useful property does this function possess?

It is analytic in $w$.

For $U$ open, $\gamma$ path, and $f$ continuous function on $\gamma^\star$, $I _ f(\gamma, w)$ is given by

\[I_f(\gamma, w) = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_\gamma \frac{f(z)}{z-w} \text dz\]

This function is analytic in $w$. Using $f$ given by $x \mapsto 1$, what can we deduce about the winding numbers of a path on the connected components of $\mathbb C \setminus \gamma^\star$?

Analytic, so continuous, and since integer valued (this is just the winding number), it is constant on the connected components of $\mathbb C \setminus \gamma^\star$.

Let $\gamma : [0, 1] \to \mathbb C$ be a closed path. What does it mean for $z$ to be on the inside of $\gamma$?

$z \notin \gamma^\star$ and $I(\gamma, z) \ne 0$.

What does it mean for a path $\gamma : [0, 1] \to \mathbb C$ to be simple?

\[\gamma(t) = \gamma(s) \iff s = t, \text{ or } s,t \in \\{0, 1\\}\]

Can you state the Jordan curve theorem?


  • $\gamma : [0, 1] \to \mathbb C$ is a simple closed curve


  • $\mathbb C \setminus \gamma^\star$ is the union of one bounded and unbounded connected component
  • On the bounded component, $I(\gamma, z)$ is either $1$ or $-1$.

What does it mean for a simple closed curve to be positively or negatively oriented?

For $z$ on the inside of $\gamma$,

  • $I(\gamma, z) = 1$
  • $I(\gamma, z) = -1$


  • $U \subseteq \mathbb C$ open
  • $\gamma : [0, 1] \to U$ closed path
  • $f : U \to \mathbb C$ continuous on $\gamma^\star$


\[I_f(\gamma, w) := \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_\gamma \frac{f(z)}{z - w} \text dz\]

Quickly prove:

  • $I _ f(\gamma, w)$ is analytic in $w$
  • The winding number $I(\gamma, w)$ is constant on the connected components of $\mathbb C \setminus \gamma^\star$
  • There is a nice expression integral for the derivatives of $g(w) := I _ f(\gamma, w)$ which you should state (this, along with Cauchy’s integral formula, gives a nice expression for the derivatives of an arbitrary holomorphic function)

We want to show that given $z _ 0 \notin \gamma^\star$, we can find a disk $B(z _ 0, r)$ within which $I _ f(\gamma, w)$ is given by a powers series in $(w - z _ 0)$. Translating, we can assume $z _ 0 = 0$.

Since $\mathbb C \setminus \gamma^\star$ is open, $\exists r > 0$ such that $B(0, 2r) \cap \gamma^\star = \emptyset$. Now note if $w \in B(0, r)$ and $z \in \gamma^\star$, $ \vert w/z \vert < 1/2$. Furthermore, since $\gamma^\star$ is compact,

\[M = \sup \\{|f(z)| : z\in \gamma^\star\\}\]

is finite, and so

\[\begin{aligned} \left| f(z) \cdot \frac{w^n}{z^{n+1}\\,} \right| &= |f(z)| \cdot |z|^{-1} \cdot \left|\frac w z\right|^n \\\\ &< M \cdot (2r)^{-1 } \cdot (1/2)^n \end{aligned}\]


\[\begin{aligned} \frac{f(z)}{z - w} &= \frac{f(z)}{z} \frac{1}{1-\frac w z} \\\\ &= \sum^\infty_{n = 0} \frac{f(z)}{z} \left(\frac w z\right)^n \\\\ &= \sum^\infty_{n = 0} \frac{f(z)}{z^{n+1}\\,} w^n \end{aligned}\]

where in the second equality we have used Weierstrass $M$-test, and the bound we found above. Then the series converges uniformly on $\gamma^\star$ to $f(z) / (z-w)$, so $\forall w \in B(0, r)$ we have

\[\begin{aligned} I_f(\gamma, w) &= \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_\gamma \frac{f(z)}{z-w} \text dz \\\\ &= \sum^\infty_{n=0} \left(\frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_\gamma \frac{f(z)}{z^{n+1}\\,}\text dz\right) w^n \end{aligned}\]

So $I _ f(\gamma, w)$ is given as a convergent power series in $B(0, r)$.

If $f = 1$, then $I _ 1(\gamma, z) = I(\gamma, z)$. Since the winding number is integer valued, and is continuous on $\mathbb C \setminus \gamma^\star$, it must be constant on the connected components.

Since the power series of $I _ f(\gamma, w)$ determines its derivatives, we must have

\[\frac{\text d^n}{\text dw^n} I_f(\gamma, w) = \frac{n!}{2\pi i} \int_\gamma \frac{f(z)}{z^{n+1}\\,} \text dz\]


Prove that if $\gamma : [0, 1] \to \mathbb C$ is a path, then there is a function $a : [0, 1] \to \mathbb R$ such that

  • $a$ is continuous
  • $\gamma(t) = \vert \gamma(t) \vert e^{2\pi i a(t)}$

Moreover, if $a$ is unique up to adding or subtracting a natural number.

Todo, can replace $\gamma(t)$ by $\gamma(t)/ \vert \gamma(t) \vert $.

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