Notes - Linear Algebra MT23, Rings


Can you define $\mathbb F [x]$, the polynomals over $\mathbb F$?

\[\mathbb F[x] = \\{a_0 + a_1 x + \cdots + a_n x^n : a_i \in \mathbb F, n \in \mathbb N\\}\]

Define a ring.

A ring is a triple $(R, +, \times)$ where:

  • $(R, +)$ is an Abelian group
  • $(R\{0\}, \times)$ is a monoid, i.e. associative and has identity
  • Distributive laws
    • $a(b + c) = ab + ac$
    • $(a + b)c = ac + bc$

Can you define the ring $\mathbb F[A]$ where $A \in M _ {n \times n} (\mathbb F)$?

\[\mathbb F[A] = \\{p(A) : p \in \mathbb F[x]\\}\]

Define a ring homomorphism.

Suppose $R, S$ are rings, $\phi : R \to S$ a homomorphism if

\[\phi(r_1 + r_2) = \phi(r_1)+ \phi(r_2)\]


\[\phi(r_1 r_2) = \phi(r_1)\phi(r_2)\]

Define the $\ker$ and $\text{Im}$ of a ring homomorphism $\phi : R \to S$, and state what is “special” about each

\[\ker \phi = \\{ r \in R : \phi(r) = 0\\}\]

this is a subring.

\[\text{Im } \phi = \\{\phi(r) : r \in R\\}\]

this is an ideal.

What are the elements of a ring with multiplicative inverses called?

A unit.

What is an ideal $I$ of a ring $R$, denoted $I \trianglelefteq R$?

A nonempty subset of $R$ with the following properties:

  • $I$ is closed under addition
  • If $s$ is in $I$ and $r$ is in $R$, then $rs$ and $sr$ is in $I$.

Suppose $R$ is a commutative ring and $I \trianglelefteq R$ is an ideal. Can you define the new commutative ring, $R / I$?

\[R/I = \\{r + I : r \in R\\}\]


\[(r + I) + (r' + I) = (r + r') + I\]


\[(r + I)(r' + I) = rr' + I\]

Suppose $r \in R$ is an element of a ring and $S$ is a subset. What does the notation $r + S$ mean?

\[r + S = \\{r + s : s \in S\\}\]

Can you state the first isomorphism theorem for rings?

Suppose $\phi : R \to S$ is a ring homomorphism. Then

  • $\ker \phi$ is an ideal
  • $\text{Im } \phi$ is a subring, and
  • $R/\ker \phi \cong \text{Im } f$

What ring isomorphism do you use to show

\[R / \ker \phi \cong \text{Im }\phi\]


\[r + \ker \phi \mapsto \phi(r)\]

What does it mean for an ideal $I$ to be a principal ideal?

The ideal is generated by a single element.

Can you state the “Bézout lemma” for polynomial rings?

Let $a(x), b(x) \in \mathbb F[x]$ be non-zero polynomials with $c(x) = \gcd(a(x), b(x))$. Then there exists $s(x), t(x)$ such that

\[a(x) s(x) + b(x) t(x) = c(x)\]

Quickly prove the “Bézout lemma” for polynomials over a field, i.e. let $a(x), b(x) \in \mathbb F[x]$ be non-zero polynomials with $c(x) = \gcd(a(x), b(x))$. Then there exists $s(x), t(x)$ such that

\[a(x) s(x) + b(x) t(x) = c(x)\]

Wlog, we can assume $c = \gcd(a, b) = 1$ and that $\deg(a) \ge \deg(b)$ (why? if $\gcd(a, b) \ne 1$, divide both $a$ and $b$ by $c$, and we can assume $\deg(a) \ge \deg(b)$ by symmetry).

Induct on $\deg(a) + \deg(b)$.

By the division algorithm, $\exists q, r \in \mathbb F[x]$ such that

\[a = qb + r\]

with $\deg b > \deg r$, then

\[\deg b + \deg r < \deg a + \deg b\]

and $\gcd(b, r) = 1$.

If $r = 0$, then $b(x) = \lambda$ is a constant since $\gcd(a, b) = 1$. Hence

\[a(x) \cdot 1 + b(x) \left(\frac 1 \lambda (1-a(x))\right) = 1\]

Assume $r \ne 0$. Then by the inductive hypothesis,

\[bs' + rt' = 1\]


\[bs' + (a - qb)t' = 1\]

which implies

\[at' + b(s'-qt') = 1\]

So we can take $t = t’$ and $s = s’ - qt’$.


Suppose $R$ is a commutative ring and $I \trianglelefteq R$ is an ideal. The new commutative ring, $R / I$, is defined

\[R/I = \\{r + I : r \in R\\}\]


\[(r + I) + (r' + I) = (r + r') + I\]


\[(r + I)(r' + I) = rr' + I\]

Show that this is a well-defined definition.


Prove the first isomorphism theorem for rings, i.e. suppose $\phi : R \to S$ is a ring homomorphism. Then

  • $\ker \phi$ is an ideal
  • $\text{Im } \phi$ is a subring, and
  • $R/\ker \phi \cong \text{Im } f$


Prove that the division algorithm works in a ring of polynomials, i.e. if $f(x) \in R[x], g(x) \not\equiv 0 \in F[x]$, then $\exists q(x), r(x)$ with

\[f(x) = g(x)q(x) + r(x)\]

where $r \equiv 0$ or $\deg r(x) < \deg g(x)$.

Todo, induct on $\deg f - \deg g$.

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