Notes - Linear Algebra MT23, Triangular form theorem
Can you state the triangular form theorem?
- $V$ finite dimensional
- $T : V \to V$ linear transformation
- $\chi _ T(x)$ splits completely into (possibly repeated) linear factors
- There exists a basis in which $T$ is upper triangular.
Can you state the triangular form theorem, under the assumption that the base field is algebraically closed?
- $V$ finite dimensional
- $T : V \to V$ linear transformation
- ($\chi _ T(x)$ splits completely into (possibly repeated) linear factors, but this is guaranteed by closure)
- There exists a basis in which $T$ is upper triangular.
The triangular form theorem states:
Let $T : V \to V$ be a linear transformation such that $\chi _ T(x)$ splits completely into (possibly repeated) linear factors. Then there exists a basis in which $T$ is upper-triangular.
What is actually guaranteed about the diagonal elements, and what is this a consequence of?
Let $T : V \to V$ be a linear transformation such that $\chi _ T(x)$ splits completely into (possibly repeated) linear factors. Then there exists a basis in which $T$ is upper-triangular.
The diagonal elements are eigenvalues, and this comes from the fact we use induction and need a $T$-invariant subspace at each step, which the lines spanned by eigenvectors are.
The triangular form theorem states:
Let $T : V \to V$ be a linear transformation such that $\chi _ T(x)$ splits completely into (possibly repeated) linear factors. Then there exists a basis in which $T$ is upper-triangular.
What is a high-level description of the proof?
Let $T : V \to V$ be a linear transformation such that $\chi _ T(x)$ splits completely into (possibly repeated) linear factors. Then there exists a basis in which $T$ is upper-triangular.
Two possible proofs:
- The matrix with respect to bases that contain invariant subspaces have a leading column $(\lambda, 0, \cdots, 0)^\intercal$
- Lines spanned by eigenvectors form invariant subspaces
- Use induction to whittle down the matrix by modding out the subspace spanned by each eigenvector, and using theorem that $\chi _ T(x) = \chi _ {T \vert _ U}(x) \chi _ {\overline T} (x)$
- First show that for matrices $T$ where $(T - \lambda I)^k = 0$ for some $k$, these are upper-triangular
- Under the assumption that $\chi _ T(x)$ splits into linear factors, use the primary decomposition theorem to split $V$ into subspaces of this form, and then consider a union of bases.
Quickly prove the triangular form theorem, i.e. that if
- $V$ finite dimensional
- $T : V \to V$ linear transformation
- $\chi _ T(x)$ splits completely into (possibly repeated) linear factors
- There exists a basis in which $T$ is upper triangular.
*Proof 1:
We proceed by induction on $\dim V$. The case where $\dim V = 1$ is trivial, so suppose $\dim V > 1$. By the assumption that $\chi _ T(x)$ splits completely, $\exists (\lambda, v)$ such that $v \ne 0$ is an eigenvector of $T$ with associated eigenvalue $\lambda$.
Consider $U = \langle v \rangle$, this is $T$-invariant. Then this induces a map of quotients
\[\overline T : V/U \to V/U\]and by general properties of quotient maps,
\[\chi_{\overline T} (x) = \chi_T(x) / (\lambda - x)\]So $\chi _ {\overline T}$ is also a product of linear factors. Also, note that $\dim V/U = \dim V - 1$, so by the inductive hypothesis there exists a basis $\{v _ 2 + U, \cdots, v _ n + U\}$ such that $\overline T$ is upper-triangular. But then by sticking $\{v\}$ and this basis together, we get that $T$ is similar to a matrix
\[T = \begin{pmatrix} \lambda & * \\ 0 & \overline T \end{pmatrix}\]and so we are done.
Proof 2: (a more “concrete” argument using bases)
General idea: First show that for matrices $T$ where $(T - \lambda I)^k = 0$ for some $k$, these can be made upper-triangular, and then under the assumption that $\chi _ T(x)$ splits into linear factors, use the primary decomposition theorem to split $V$ into subspaces of this form.
First consider transformations $S$ such that $S^k = 0$ for some $k$. Note that
\[\\{\pmb 0\\} = \ker S^0 \subseteq \ker S^1 \subseteq \cdots \subseteq \ker S^k = V\]Write
\[\ker S^k = \langle B_1\rangle \cup \langle B_2 \setminus B_1 \rangle \cup \langle B_3 \setminus (B_1 \cup B_2) \rangle \cup \cdots\]where $B _ 1$ is a basis for the kernel of $S^1$, $B _ 2$ is a kernel for $S^2$, and so on, i.e. we have a basis for $B _ 1$ and we slowly extend to a basis for all of $V$, using a basis for each of the intermediate kernels.
Note that $\ker S^i \supseteq S^{-1}(\ker S^{i-1})$, so $S(\langle B _ i \rangle) \subseteq \langle B _ {i-1} \rangle$, so the matrix of $S$ with respect to the basis for $\ker S^k$ is strictly upper-triangular, since all entries corresponding to $B _ 1$ are $0$, and then all subsequent columns correspond to elements of $\ker S^{i+1} \setminus \ker S^i$. But these are sent to elements of $\ker S^i$ by $S$, hence are $0$ on and below the diagonal.
It then follows that any $T$ such that $(T - \lambda I)^k = 0$ for some $k$ is upper-triangular (since we just add a multiple of the identity matrix).
By our assumption,
\[m_T(x) = \prod^r_{i=1} (x - \lambda_i)^{k_i}\]for some appropriate constants, and hence by the primary decomposition theorem
\[V = \bigoplus^r_{i = 1} \ker((T - \lambda_i I )^{k_i})\]Applying the previous result to each of these, $T$ is an upper-triangular matrix with respect to the basis that makes each of these blocks upper-triangular.
(A proof combining both the above proofs: You could also show that all nilpotent matrices have a basis on which the diagonal entries are $0$ by using a similar argument to the first proof of the triangular form theorem, and then use the primary decomposition theorem).
What key fact lets you deduce that if
\[\chi_T(x) = \prod^N_{i =1}(x-\lambda_i)\]
then if $A$ is upper triangular with the eigenvalues of $T$,
\[\chi_T(A) = \prod^N_{i=1}(A-\lambda_i I) = 0\]
If $v \in \langle e _ 1, \cdots, e _ n \rangle$, then
\[(A - \lambda_n I) v = \langle e_1, \ldots, e_{n-1}\rangle\]Suppose:
- $V$ is a nonzero finite dimensional vector space over $\mathbb F$ of dimension $N$
- $\mathbb F$ has characteristic $0$
- $T : V \to V$ is a linear map such that $\text{Tr}(T^m) = 0$ for all $m \ge 1$.
- $m _ T(x) = x^n + a _ {n-1} x^{n-1} + \cdots + a _ 0$
Very quickly show that $a _ 0 = 0$.
\[a_0 N = 0\]so $a _ 0 = 0$, since $N \ge 1$.