Notes - Machine Learning MT23, Multidimensional scaling


Sometimes we have data in Euclidean space that we wish to cluster using a method that is based on pairwise dissimilarities. Suppose $\pmb x = (x _ 1, \cdots, x _ n)^\top$. What’s a typical way of assigning a dissimilarity to points like this?

\[d(\pmb x, \pmb x') = f\left( \sum^D_{j=1} w_j d_j(x_j, x_j') \right)\]

where $f$ is an increasing function and $d _ j$ is a distance function for each feature.

What is the problem of multidimensional scaling?

Finding a Euclidean representation of a set of points given only their pairwise dissimilarities.

Quickly describe how given a matrix

\[M_ {ij} = \pmb x_ i^\top \pmb x_ j\]

You can find vectors $\hat{\pmb x} _ 1, \cdots, \hat{\pmb x} _ N$ such that

\[M_ {ij} = \hat{\pmb x}_ i^\top \hat{\pmb x_ j}\]

(i.e. you can find points with the same pairwise similarities).

Consider the full SVD of $M$

\[M = U \Sigma V^\top\]

Since $M$ is symmetric, $U = V$ and $U, \Sigma$ are $n \times n$, we have:

\[M = U\Sigma U^\top\]

Now define

\[\widetilde{X} = U \Sigma^{1/2}\]

And take row $i$ to be $\hat{\pmb x} _ i$. Then let’s check the pairwise similarities:

\[\widetilde{X} \widetilde{X}^\top = U \Sigma^{1/2} \Sigma^{1/2} U^\top = M\]

Hence we have found an example of the points we require.

Suppose we have a dissimilarity matrix $D$. Can you define the stress function, and what its value represents?

\[\text{stress}(\hat{\pmb x}_ 1 \cdots, \hat{\pmb x}_ n)= \sum_ {i \ne j} \left( ||\hat{\pmb x}_ i - \hat{\pmb x_ j} ||^2_2 - D_ {ij} \right)^2\]

Its value represents the degree to which it is not posssible to find a Euclidean embedding for the given dissimilarity matrix.

In the problem of multidimensional scaling, we have a matrix

\[M _ {ij} = \pmb x _ i^\top \pmb x _ j\]

and want to find vectors $\hat{\pmb x} _ 1, \cdots, \hat{\pmb x} _ N$ such that

\[M _ {ij} = \hat{\pmb x} _ i^\top \hat{\pmb x _ j}\]

(and we don’t know the original $\pmb x _ i$). The approach works as:

Consider the full SVD of $M$

\[M = U \Sigma V^\top\]

Since $M$ is symmetric, $U = V$ and $U, \Sigma$ are $n \times n$, we have:

\[M = U\Sigma U^\top\]

Now define

\[\widetilde{X} = U \Sigma^{1/2}\]

And take row $i$ to be $\hat{\pmb x} _ i$. Then the pairwise similarities do indeed match:

\[\widetilde{X} \widetilde{X}^\top = U \Sigma^{1/2} \Sigma^{1/2} U^\top = M\]

How can this be kernelised, and what do you require about the kernel in order to make sure this construction works?

  • $M$ can be interpreted as the Gram matrix for a given kernel.
  • We need symmetry and positive semidefiniteness (so that we can take square roots). This happens if it’s a Mercer kernel.


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