Notes - Models of Computation MT23, Pumping lemma
State the Pumping Lemma for regular languages, in the form “if $A$ is a regular language…”.
If $A$ is a regular language, then there is a number $p$ such that if $s \in A$ of length at least $p$, then $s$ may be divided into three pieces $s = xyz$ satisfying:
- For each $i \ge 0$, $xy^i z \in A$ (i.e. we can pump up or down).
- $ \vert y \vert > 0$
- $ \vert xy \vert \le p$.
State the Pumping Lemma for regular languages, in contrapositive form, i.e. “… then $L$ is not regular”.
If for all $p \ge 1$, there exists $s \in L$ with $s \in L$ with $ \vert s \vert \ge p$ such that for all $x, y, z \in \Sigma^\star$ with $s = xyz$, $ \vert xy \vert \le p$, and $ \vert y \vert > 0$ there is an $i \ge 0$ such that $xy^i z \notin L$, then $L$ is not regular.
State the Pumping Lemma as a quantified statement, starting “$A \text{ regular} \implies \cdots$”.
Why is the pumping lemma not an exact characterisation of regular languages?
There exist languages that satisfy the pumping lemma but which are not regular.
(For example:)
\[L = \\{01^i01^j01^j \mid i, j > 0\\} \cup \\{w \in \\{0,1\\}^\star \mid w \text{ contains } 00\\}\]Can you state the pumping lemma for context-free languages?
If $L$ is a context-free language, then there exists some $p > 0$, such that if $w \in L$ and $ \vert w \vert \ge p$, then there exists $u,x,y,z$ such that:
- $w = uxyzv$
- $ \vert xz \vert > 0$
- $ \vert xyz \vert \le p$
- For all $i \ge 0$, $u x^i y z^i v \in L$
The pumping lemma for context-free languages states that if $L$ is a context-free language, then there exists some $p > 0$, such that if $w \in L$ and $ \vert w \vert \ge p$, then there exists $u,x,y,z$ such that:
- $w = uxyzv$
- $ \vert xz \vert \cdots$
- $ \vert xyz \vert \cdots$
- For all $i \ge 0$, $u x^i y z^i v \in L$
But where the the inequalities have been omitted. What are the correct inequalities, and how can you remember these?
- $ \vert xz \vert > 0$
- $ \vert xyz \vert \le p$
You can remember it by contradiction. If the inequalities were the other way around, i.e.
- $ \vert xz \vert \le p$
- $ \vert xyz \vert > 0$
then just taking $x, z = \epsilon$ and having $y$ be bigger would mean that the pumping lemma was trivial (for any string $s$, take $u, x, z, w = \epsilon$ and $y = s$).
Quickly prove the Pumping Lemma for regular languages, i.e. if $A$ is a regular language, then there is a number $p$ such that if $s \in A$ of length at least $p$, then $s$ may be divided into three pieces $s = xyz$ satisfying:
- For each $i \ge 0$, $xy^i z \in A$ (i.e. we can pump up or down).
- $ \vert y \vert > 0$
- $ \vert xy \vert \le p$.
Take $p = \vert Q \vert + 1$ and consider any string of length $n \ge p$, say $w = x _ 1 \cdots x _ n \in L(M)$.
Use the notation $\hat \delta(q, a) := q’$ if the DFA is in state $q’$ after reading $a$.
By the pigeonhole principle, $\exists 1 \le i < j \le p$ such that $\hat \delta(q _ 0, x _ 1 \cdots x _ i) = \hat\delta(q _ 0, x _ 1 \cdots x _ j)$ (in any collection of more than $ \vert Q \vert $ states, we must have a repeated state somewhere).
Then let
\[\begin{aligned} &x = x_1 \cdots x_i \\\\ &y = x_{i+1} \cdots x_j \\\\ &z = x_j \cdots x_n \end{aligned}\]Then
\[\hat \delta (q_0, xy) = \hat \delta(q_0, xy^i)\]for all $i \ge 0$, so $xy^iz \in L(M)$ for all $i \ge 0$.
Prove the pumping lemma for context-free grammars, i.e. if $L$ is a context-free language, then there exists some $p > 0$, such that if $w \in L$ and $ \vert w \vert \ge p$, then there exists $u,x,y,z$ such that:
- $w = uxyzv$
- $ \vert xz \vert > 0$
- $ \vert xyz \vert \le p$
- For all $i \ge 0$, $u x^i y z^i v \in L$
Todo, argument about parse trees.