Notes - Galois Theory HT25, Fields and field extensions
[[Course - Galois Theory HT25]]U
- Significant overlap with:
- [[Notes - Rings and Modules HT24, Fields]]U
- $F$ is a subfield of $\mathbb C$
- $y \in \mathbb C$
Give two equivalent @definitions for what it means for $y$ to be algebraic over $F$, and state the word used when $\alpha$ is not algebraic.
- There exist $\alpha _ 0, \alpha _ 1, \ldots, \alpha _ d \in F$, where $\alpha _ d \ne 0$ and $\alpha _ d y^d + \cdots + \alpha _ 1 y + \alpha _ 0 = 0$
- $\mathbb Q$ has a finite degree extension which contains $y$
If $y$ is not algebraic, then it is transcendental.
- $F$ is a subfield of $\mathbb C$
- $\alpha \in \mathbb C$ is algebraic over $F$
@Define what it means for $\alpha$ to be solvable by radicals over $F$.
There exists a chain of subfields
\[F = F_0 \subset F_1 \subset F_2 \subset \cdots \subset F_n\]such that:
- $\alpha \in F _ n$
- For each $1 \le i \le n$, there exists $\alpha _ i \in F _ i$ and a positive integer $d _ i$ such that $F _ i = F _ {i-1}(\alpha _ i)$ and $\alpha _ i^{d _ i} \in F _ {i-1}$.
Intuitively, it means that $\alpha$ can be written as an expression containing elements of $F$ and using the operations $+$, $-$, $\times$, $\div$ and $\sqrt[k]{\cdot}$.
@Prove that if:
- $K/F$ is a finite field extension
- $\alpha \in K$
Then $\alpha$ is algebraic over $F$.
Let $n = [K : F]$, the degree of the field extension. Then $\{1, \alpha, \cdots, \alpha^n\}$ is linearly dependent over $F$. So then there exists $\lambda _ n, \ldots, \lambda _ 0 \in F$ such that
\[\lambda_n \alpha^n + \cdots \lambda_1 \alpha + \lambda_0 = 0\]So $\alpha$ is algebraic over $F$.
@Define what it means for an extension $E / F$ to be simple.
for some $\alpha \in E$.
Suppose $K/F$ is a field extension where $\alpha \in K$. What is the difference between $F[\alpha]$ and $F(\alpha)$, and when are they equal?
- $F[\alpha]$ is the subring of $K$ generated by $F$ and $\alpha$
- $F(\alpha)$ is the smallest subfield of $K$ that contains both $F$ and $\alpha$
If $\alpha$ is algebraic over $F$, then $F(\alpha) = F[\alpha]$.
Suppose $K / F$ is a field extension and $\alpha \in K$. @State a lemma that connects $F[\alpha]$ and the minimal polynomial $m _ {F, \alpha}$.
(why? the first isomorphism theorem for rings applied to the evaluation map $\text{ev} _ \alpha$).
- $K/F$ is a finite field extension
- $\alpha \in K$
- $m _ {F, \alpha}$ is the corresponding minimal polynomial
@State and quickly @prove a lemma which connects the degree of the polynomial with the degree of the field extension.
Let $d := \deg m _ {F, \alpha}$. Then $[F[\alpha] : F] = d$.
By the division algorithm, for every $f \in F[t]$, there are unique $q, r \in F[t]$ with $\deg r < d$ such that $f = q m _ {F, \alpha} + r$. Since $\{1, t, \ldots, t^{d-1}\}$ is a basis of $F[t]/\langle m _ {F, \alpha} \rangle$, since $F[t]/\langle m _ {F, \alpha} \rangle \cong F[\alpha]$, it follows that $\{1, \alpha, \ldots, \alpha^{d-1}\}$ is a basis for $F[\alpha]$ over $F$ and so it has degree $d$.
- $K/F$ is a field extension
- $\alpha _ 1, \ldots, \alpha _ n \in K$ are algebraic over $F$
@State a result on the size of the field $F(\alpha _ 1, \ldots, \alpha _ n)$..
@Prove that if:
- $K/F$ is a field extension
- $\alpha _ 1, \ldots, \alpha _ n \in K$ are algebraic
\[[F(\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_n) : F] < \infty\]
Induct on $n$.
Base case: $n = 1$. This is equivalent to showing that $[F(\alpha _ 1) : F] < \infty$, which follows from the result that says for all $\alpha \in K$ that are algebraic over $F$, $[F(\alpha) : F] = \deg m _ \alpha$.
Inductive step: Suppose that $n > 1$. Then:
\[\begin{aligned} \text{}[F(\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_n) : F] &= [F(\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_{n-1})(\alpha_n) : F] \\\\ &=[F(\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_{n-1})(\alpha_n) : F(\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_{n-1})] \times [F(\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_{n-1}) :F ] \\\\ &< \infty \end{aligned}\]where:
- The second equality is justified by the tower law, and
- The final inequality is justified by the inductive hypothesis: on the left for $n = 1$, and on the right for $n-1$.