Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, All the algorithms
This is a list of all the (examinable) algorithms presented in [[Course - Artificial Intelligence MT24]]U. Mainly so that I can see which algorithms I’ve covered in my notes.
- Tree search in general
- Breadth-first search
- Uniform-cost search
- Depth-first search
- Depth-limited search and iterative deepening
- Graph search in general
- Best-first search
- A* search, tree and graph variants
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Informed search]]U
- Code
- Example for tree search
- Example for graph search
- IDA*
- Hill climbing
- Local beam search, non-stochastic and stochastic variants
- Simulated annealing
- Regression planning
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Planning]]U
- Code
- Example
- Constructing partial order plans
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Planning]]U
- Code
- Example
- Planning with propositional logic
- Constructing visibility graphs slowly
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Robots]]U
- Code
- Example
- Constructing visibility graphs slightly faster
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Robots]]U
- Code
- Example
- Constructing generalised Voronoi diagrams (no detail)
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Robots]]U
- Code
- Example
- Constructing probabilistic roadmaps
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Robots]]U
- Code
- Example
- Region decomposition
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Robots]]U
- Code
- Example
- Backtracking search for CSPs
- AC-3 algorithm
- Efficient solution of tree-structured CSPs
- Cutset conditioning
- Tree decompositions
- Local search for CSPs
- Code
- Example
- Minimax
- Minimax with alpha-beta pruning
- Expectiminimax
- Monte-Carlo tree search
- Averaging over clairvoyance
- Code
- Example
- And-Or search
- Online depth-first search