Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Partially observable environments


@Define a belief state.

A set of possible physical states that the agent could feasibly be in.

Describe the process used to convert a sensorless physical search problem into an ordinary search problem, by specifying the

  • States
  • Initial states
  • Actions
  • Transition model
  • Goal test
  • Step cost

Perform the search over belief state space, which is fully observable.

Belief states: the $2^n$ subsets of $n$ physical states.

Initial states: A subset of physical states.

Actions: Depends on what happens when an illegal action is attempted. If illegal actions do not affect environment, then:

\[\mathbf{Actions}(b) = \bigcup _ {s \in b} \mathbf{Actions} _ P(s)\]

If illegal actions are not allowed, then:

\[\mathbf{Actions}(b) = \bigcap _ {s \in b} \mathbf{Actions} _ P(s)\]

where $\text{Actions} _ P(s)$ is the action function for the original search problem.

Transition model:

\[\mathbf{Result}(b, a) = \bigcup _ {s \in b} \\{\mathbf{Result} _ P(s, a)\\}\]

Goal test:

\[\mathbf{GoalTest}(b) = \bigwedge _ {s \in b} \mathbf{GoalTest} _ P(s)\]

Step cost: Action cost is dependent on the state, so assume that all step costs are the same.

A sensorless physical search problem can be converted into an ordinary search problem by performing a search over belief state space, where nodes are sets of states that the agent could be in. Suppose $b _ 1$ has just been searched, and no solution has been found from it.

What optimisation can be used in this case?

Mark all supersets $b _ 2 \supseteq b _ 1$ as visited, since if there is no solution from $b _ 1$, there can’t be a solution from $b _ 2$ (it’s a more constrained problem).

One problem with belief state search is that belief states are very large (exponential in the number of possible states). What are two approaches for addressing this?

  • Use compact representation of belief states, perhaps using propositional logic
  • Use “incremental belief state search” where you find a solution that works for one initial state, and then see if it extends to larger initial states

Suppose search is being done in a partially observable environment. Describe the components of the search space, by specifying the

  • States
  • Initial states
  • Actions
  • Transition model
  • Goal test
  • Step cost

(Similar to sensorless search, but we can refine the transition model by taking into account the Pre)

Belief states: the $2^n$ subsets of $n$ physical states.

Initial states: A subset of physical states.

Actions: Depends on what happens when an illegal action is attempted. If illegal actions do not affect environment, then:

\[\mathbf{Actions}(b) = \bigcup _ {s \in b} \mathbf{Actions} _ P(s)\]

If illegal actions are not allowed, then:

\[\mathbf{Actions}(b) = \bigcap _ {s \in b} \mathbf{Actions} _ P(s)\]

where $\text{Actions} _ P(s)$ is the action function for the original search problem.

Transition model:

Compute belief state as if this were sensorless search:

\[b' = \mathbf{Predict}(b, a) = \bigcup _ {s \in b} \\{\mathbf{Result} _ P(s, a)\\}\]

Predict possible percepts, since the search is not online we have to consider all things we could observe:

\[\mathbf{PossiblePercepts}(b') = \bigcup _ {s \in b'} \\{\mathbf{Percept}(s)\\}\]

Update given an observation, only keeping states where this observation is consistent with the possible percepts in that state.

\[\mathbf{Update}(b', o) = \\{s \in b' \mid o = \mathbf{Percept}(s)\\}\]

Finally, combining everything together to give the final result:

\[\mathbf{Results}(b, a) = \bigcup _ {o \in \mathbf{PossiblePercepts}(b')} \\{\mathbf{Update}(b', o)\\}\]

Goal test:

\[\mathbf{GoalTest}(b) = \bigwedge _ {s \in b} \mathbf{GoalTest} _ P(s)\]

Step cost: Action cost is dependent on the state, so assume that all step costs are the same.

How could you describe localisation in the context of belief state search?

Finding a path in belief state space from a set of physical states to a singleton set containing just one physical state.

Describe the algorithms you might use to solve searching problems in:

  • Nondeterministic environments
  • Sensorless environments
  • Partially observable environments
  • Nondeterministic partially observable environments

For those where And-Or search would work, explain what the And and Or nodes correspond to.

  • Nondeterministic environments, And-Or:
    • And: The environment chooses which state we end up in.
    • Or: The agent gets to choose which action to take.
  • Sensorless environments, belief state search
  • Partially observable environments, And-Or:
    • And: Deal with all possible outcomes consistent with a possible percept.
    • Or: The agent gets to choose which action to take.
  • Nondeterministic partially observable environments, And-Or:
    • And: Deal with all possible outcomes consistent with a possible percept in all possible next states
    • Or: The agent chooses which action to take.

Consider an agent $A$ in a $3 \times 4$ grid with sensors that tell it if there are empty squares in all 4 directions, and actuators that allow it to move up, down, left or right.

Initially it has no information about where it is:

(this is a compact representation of the current belief state as a set of physical states).

Show how the agent might localise itself using a percept, an action, and then an another percept.


Draw the first level of the And-Or tree in the partially observable vacuum world, where percepts are of the form $[L/R, \text{Dirty}/\text{Clean}]$.


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