Notes - Computer Security MT24, Diffie-Hellman key exchange


Describe the Diffie-Hellman key exchange @algorithm, which Alice and Bob can use to generate a symmetric session key over an insecure channel.

Key generation:

  • Alice picks a random integer $s _ a$.
  • Bob picks a random integer $s _ b$.
  • Alice and Bob agree on a large prime number $p$ and a number (not necessarily prime) $g$.

Determining symmetric session key:

  • Alice sends Bob $a := g^{s _ a} \pmod p$
  • Bob sends Alice $b := g^{s _ b} \pmod p$
  • Alice computes $b^{s _ a} \pmod p$
  • Bob computes $a^{s _ b} \pmod p$.
  • Now Alice and Bob both have the integer $g^{s _ a s _ b} \pmod p$, which they can use to generate a session key.

@Define the discrete logarithm problem.

Given $m$, $n$ and $m^x \pmod n$, compute $x$.

The discrete logarithm problem is:

  • Given $m$, $n$ and $m^x \pmod n$, compute $x$.

The Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm for determining a session key is as follows:

  • Key generation:
    • Alice picks a random integer $s _ a$.
    • Bob picks a random integer $s _ b$.
    • Alice and Bob agree on a large prime number $p$ and a number (not necessarily prime) $g$.
  • Determining symmetric session key:
    • Alice sends Bob $a := g^{s _ a} \pmod p$
    • Bob sends Alice $b := g^{s _ b} \pmod p$
    • Alice computes $b^{s _ a} \pmod p$
    • Bob computes $a^{s _ b} \pmod p$.
    • Now Alice and Bob both have the integer $g^{s _ a s _ b} \pmod p$, which they can use to generate a session key.

If an attack has an efficient algorithm for the discrete logarithm problem, how can they break the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm?

  • From $a$ they can compute $s _ a$ and from $b$ they can compute $s _ b$.
  • Since $g$ and $p$ are known, they can determine the session key $g^{s _ a s _ b}$.

The Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm for determining a session key is as follows:

  • Key generation:
    • Alice picks a random integer $s _ a$.
    • Bob picks a random integer $s _ b$.
    • Alice and Bob agree on a large prime number $p$ and a number (not necessarily prime) $g$.
  • Determining symmetric session key:
    • Alice sends Bob $a := g^{s _ a} \pmod p$
    • Bob sends Alice $b := g^{s _ b} \pmod p$
    • Alice computes $b^{s _ a} \pmod p$
    • Bob computes $a^{s _ b} \pmod p$.
    • Now Alice and Bob both have the integer $g^{s _ a s _ b} \pmod p$, which they can use to generate a session key.

Why is this algorithm insecure against a man-in-the-middle attack?

An attacker could share their own $a$ and $b$ with Bob and Alice, rather than letting them see each others.

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