Notes - Logic and Proof MT24, Unification and resolution
There’s a few related results with similar names:
- Resolution lemma for first-order logic: Analogue of the normal resolution lemma for predicate logic, i.e. you can add the resolvent as a clause.
- Soundness theorem for predicate-logic resolution: By induction on the resolution lemma, you can add any clause obtained by a sequence of resolution steps.
- Lifting lemma: Technical result used to prove the completeness theorem, non-examinable (I hope).
- Completeness theorem for resolution: If a first-order formula is unsatisfiable, then you can prove this by predicate-logic resolution.
- Ground resolution theorem: If a first-order formula is unsatisfiable, then you can prove this by propositional resolution on its Herbrand expansion ( [[Notes - Logic and Proof MT24, Ground resolution]]U)
Ground resolution is a more “primitive” result; it says that you can convert proving unsatisfiability of a set of first-order clauses to proving unsatisfiability of a set of propositional clauses.
The results here instead give a procedure for proving unsatisfiability of first-order clauses “on the same level”. Unification and predicate-logic resolution means you don’t have to find the Herbrand expansion and know the terms you’ll need in advance, and we can prove that this procedure is sound and complete.
In the context of unification, @define a substitution $\theta$.
A substitution is a map
\[\theta : T_\sigma \to T_\sigma\]on the set of $\sigma$-terms such that
- $c\theta = c$ for each constant $c$ (function application is written on the right)
- $f(t _ 1, \ldots, t _ k) \theta = f(t _ 1 \theta, \ldots, t _ k \theta)$ for each $k$-ary function symbol
Therefore a substitution is determined by its action on variables.
In the context of unification, @define a term equation.
An ordered pair of terms $s \stackrel?= t$.
@Define what it means for a substitution $\theta$ to be a unifier of a system of term equations
\[\\{s_1 \stackrel?= t_1, \ldots, s_n \stackrel?= t_n\\}\]
and furthermore what it means for $\theta$ to be a most general unifier.
- $\theta$ is a unifier if for all $1 \le i \le n$, $s _ i \theta = t _ i \theta$.
- $\theta$ is a most general unifier if for all unifiers $\theta’$, $\theta’$ “factors through” $\theta$, i.e. $\theta’ = \theta \theta’’$ for some substitution $\theta’$.
Give a unifier $\theta’$ and a most general unifier $\theta$ for the term equation
\[x \stackrel?= f(y)\]
- Unifier: $\theta’ = [f(a)/x][a/y]$
- Most general unifier: $\theta = [f(y)/x]$.
@Define what it means for a system of term equations
\[S = \\{s_1 \stackrel?= t_1, \ldots, s_n \stackrel?= t_n\\}\]
to be solved, and why this definition makes sense.
It is in the form
\[S = \\{x_1 \stackrel?= t_1, \ldots, x_n \stackrel?= t_n\\}\]where each $x _ i$ are distinct variables that do not appear in any term $t$. Such a system is said to be solved because deriving a most general unifier is easy:
\[\theta_S = [t_1/x_1] \cdots [t_n / x_n]\]@Define what it means for a substitution $\theta$ to be a unifier for a set of literals
\[D = \\{L_1, \ldots, L_k\\}\]
Find a most general unifier for the set of literals
\[D = \\{P(f(x), u), P(y, y), P(y, u)\\}\]
by solving a set of term equations.
Consider the set of equations
\[S = \\{f(x) \stackrel?= y, y\stackrel?= y, u \stackrel?= y\\}\]Then it’s clear that an mgu is
Describe Martelli and Montanari’s unification @algorithm for solving a system of term equations.
Let $S$ be the system of term equation. Non-deterministically apply the following rewrite rules to either convert $S$ into a solved system or into $\bot$, representing a system that it’s impossible to solve.
- Simplify: $\{x \stackrel?= x\} \cup S \implies S$ for any variable $S$
- Swap: $\{t \stackrel?= x\} \cup S \implies \{x \stackrel?= t\} \cup S$ if $t$ is not a variable
- Decompose: $\{f(s _ 1, \ldots, s _ n) \stackrel?= f(t _ 1, \ldots, t _ n)\} \cup S \implies \{s _ 1 \stackrel?= t _ 1, \ldots, s _ n \stackrel?= t _ n\} \cup S$
- Conflict: $\{f(s _ 1, \ldots, s _ m) \stackrel?= g(t _ 1, \ldots, t _ n)\} \cup S \implies \bot$ if $f \ne g$ ($f$ and $g$ can also be constants, i.e. $0$-ary functions)
- Elim: $\{x \stackrel?= t\} \cup S \implies \{x \stackrel?= t\} \cup S[t/x]$ if $x$ occurs in $S$ and not in $t$
- Occur: $\{x \stackrel?= t\} \cup S \implies \bot$ if $x$ is a proper subterm of $t$
(Mnemonic: Martelli and Montanari were SSD CEOs)
Martelli and Montanari’s unification algorithm for solving a system of term equations is as follows:
Let $S$ be the system of term equation. Non-deterministically apply the following rewrite rules to either convert $S$ into a solved system or into $\bot$, representing a system that it’s impossible to solve.
Simplify: $\{x \stackrel?= x\} \cup S \implies S$ for any variable $S$
Swap: $\{t \stackrel?= x\} \cup S \implies \{x \stackrel?= t\} \cup S$ if $t$ is not a variable
Decompose: $\{f(s _ 1, \ldots, s _ n) \stackrel?= f(t _ 1, \ldots, t _ n)\} \cup S \implies \{s _ 1 \stackrel?= t _ 1, \ldots, s _ n \stackrel?= t _ n\} \cup S$
Conflict: $\{f(s _ 1, \ldots, s _ m \stackrel?= g(t _ 1, \ldots, t _ n)\} \cup S \implies \bot$ if $f \ne g$ ($f$ and $g$ can also be constants, i.e. $0$-ary functions)
Elim: $\{x \stackrel?= t\} \cup S \implies \{x \stackrel?= t\} \cup S[t/x]$ if $x$ occurs in $S$ and not in $t$
Occur: $\{x \stackrel?= t\} \cup S \implies \bot$ if $x$ is a proper subterm of $t$
@Prove that the algorithm always terminates and therefore any unifiable set of literals $D$ has a most general unifier.
Let $S$ be the system of term equation. Non-deterministically apply the following rewrite rules to either convert $S$ into a solved system or into $\bot$, representing a system that it’s impossible to solve.
- Simplify: $\{x \stackrel?= x\} \cup S \implies S$ for any variable $S$
- Swap: $\{t \stackrel?= x\} \cup S \implies \{x \stackrel?= t\} \cup S$ if $t$ is not a variable
- Decompose: $\{f(s _ 1, \ldots, s _ n) \stackrel?= f(t _ 1, \ldots, t _ n)\} \cup S \implies \{s _ 1 \stackrel?= t _ 1, \ldots, s _ n \stackrel?= t _ n\} \cup S$
- Conflict: $\{f(s _ 1, \ldots, s _ m \stackrel?= g(t _ 1, \ldots, t _ n)\} \cup S \implies \bot$ if $f \ne g$ ($f$ and $g$ can also be constants, i.e. $0$-ary functions)
- Elim: $\{x \stackrel?= t\} \cup S \implies \{x \stackrel?= t\} \cup S[t/x]$ if $x$ occurs in $S$ and not in $t$
- Occur: $\{x \stackrel?= t\} \cup S \implies \bot$ if $x$ is a proper subterm of $t$
We prove that given a system $S$ of term equations, there is no infinite sequence of rewrites $S = S _ 1 \implies S _ 2 \implies S _ 3 \implies \cdots$, so that a maximal chain of rewrites starting from $S$ either ends in $\bot$ in a solved system $T$.
Note that $\mathbb N^3$ is well-ordered under the lexicographic order (i.e. there are no infinite decreasing terms). For each system $S$, associate a rank $(n _ 1, n _ 2, n _ 3) \in \mathbb N^3$ where:
- $n _ 1$ is the number of variables in $S$ that are not solved (where a variable is solved if it appears once in $S$ with the single occurrence being in an equation of the form $x \stackrel?= t$)
- $n _ 2$ is the total size of all terms occurring in $S$
- $n _ 3$ is the number of equations in $S$ of the form $t \stackrel?= x$ with $t$ not a variable
Then, each rule that doesn’t lead immediately to termination decreases the rank of the system:
- Simplify does not increase $n _ 1$ and decreases $n _ 2$
- Swap increases neither $n _ 1$ or $n _ 2$ and decreases $n _ 3$
- Decompose does not increase $n _ 1$ and decreases $n _ 2$
- Elim decreases $n _ 1$
Hence the algorithm must terminate.
On termination we either have $\bot$ or a solved system. Since each rule preserves the set of unifiers of the system, it follows that any unifiable set of literals $D$ has a most general unifier.
Describe Robinson’s unification @algorithm for finding a most general unifier of a set of literals $D$.
Input: a set of literals D
Output: a most general unifier of D or "fail"
theta = identity substitution
while D is not a singleton:
pick two distinct literals in D and find the left-most positions at which they differ
if one of the corresponding sub-terms is a variable x and the other a term t not containing x:
D = D[t/x],
theta = theta[t/x]
output "fail", halt
Robinson’s unification algorithm for finding a most general unifier of a set of literals $D$ is as follows:
Input: a set of literals D
Output: a most general unifier of D or "fail"
theta = identity substitution
while D is not a singleton:
pick two distinct literals in D and find the left-most positions at which they differ
if one of the corresponding sub-terms is a variable x and the other a term t not containing x:
D = D[t/x],
theta = theta[t/x]
output "fail", halt
@Prove that it always terminates and that it indeed finds a most general unifier.
Input: a set of literals D
Output: a most general unifier of D or "fail"
theta = identity substitution
while D is not a singleton:
pick two distinct literals in D and find the left-most positions at which they differ
if one of the corresponding sub-terms is a variable x and the other a term t not containing x:
D = D[t/x],
theta = theta[t/x]
output "fail", halt
For termination, note that in any iteration of the while loop that does not cause termination, a variable $x$ is replaced everywhere in $D\theta$ by a term $t$ that does not contain $x$.
Thus the number of different variables occurring in $D\theta$ decreases by one in each iteration, and so the loop must terminate.
For correctness, consider the loop invariant that:
For any unifier $\theta’$ of $D$, we have $\theta’ = \theta \theta’$.
The invariant is established by the initial assignment of the identity substitution to $\theta$.
Now suppose that the invariant holds before at the start of an iteration. Suppose we find an occurrence of variable $x$ in a literal in $D\theta$ such that a different term $t$ occurs in the same position in another literal in $D\theta$.
From the invariant, we know that $\theta’$ is a unifier of $D\theta$, and thus $t\theta’ = x\theta’$. It follows that $\theta’ = [t/x]\theta’$. Thus the loop invariant is maintained by the assignment $\theta = \theta[t/x]$.
The negation of the while loop condition along with the invariant implies that the final value of $\theta$ is a most general unifier of $D$. The invariant also implies that if $\theta’$ is a unifier of $D$, then it is also a unifier of $D\theta$.
Because the algorithm only outputs “fail” if $D\theta$ has no unifier, it follows $D$ has no unifier.
Apply Robinson’s unification algorithm to find a most general unifier of the set of literals
\[D = \\{P(x, y), P(f(z), x)\\}\]
Robinson’s unification algorithm for finding a most general unifier of a set of literals $D$ is as follows:
Input: a set of literals D
Output: a most general unifier of D or "fail"
theta = identity substitution
while D is not a singleton:
pick two distinct literals in D and find the left-most positions at which they differ
if one of the corresponding sub-terms is a variable x and the other a term t not containing x:
D = D[t/x],
theta = theta[t/x]
output "fail", halt
The first discrepancy is
\[D = \\{P(\underline x, y), P(\underline f(z), x)\\}\]and so we need to apply the substitution $[f(z) / x)]$. This gives the set
\[D' = \\{P(f(z), \underline y), P(f(z), \underline f(z)\\}\]and so we need to apply the substitution $[f(z)/y]$ to $D’$ to yield the singleton
\[\\{P(f(z), f(z))\\}\]Thus
\[[f(z)/x][f(z)/y]\]is a most general unifier of $D$.
- $C _ 1$ and $C _ 2$ are two first-order clauses (represented as sets containing disjuncts)
@Define what it means for a clause $R$ to be a resolvent of $C _ 1$ and $C _ 2$.
Two cases.
Case 1, $C _ 1$ and $C _ 2$ have no variables in common: $R$ is a resolvent of $C _ 1$ and $C _ 2$ if there are sets of literals $D _ 1 \subseteq C _ 1$ and $D _ 2 \subseteq C _ 2$ such that
\[D_1 \cup \overline{D_2}\]has a most general unifier $\theta$ and
\[R = (C_1 \theta \setminus \\{L\\}) \cup (C_2 \theta \setminus \\{\overline L\\})\]where $L = D _ 1 \theta$ and $\overline L = D _ 2 \theta$.
Case 2, $C _ 1$ and $C _ 2$ do have variables in common: $R$ is a resolvent of $C _ 1$ and $C _ 2$ if there are variable renaming $\theta _ 1$ and $\theta _ 2$ such that $C _ 1 \theta _ 1$ and $C _ 2 \theta _ 2$ have no variable in common and $R$ is a resolvent of $C _ 1 \theta _ 1$ and $C _ 2 \theta _ 2$ according to the above.
Consider a signature $\sigma$ with:
- A constant symbol $e$
- Unary function symbols $f$ and $g$
- A ternary predicate $P$
Find a resolvent of the two clauses
- $C _ 1 = \{\lnot P(f(e), x, f(g(e)))\}$
- $C _ 2 = \{\lnot P(x, y, z), P(f(x), y, f(z))\}$
First, apply the substitution $[u/x]$ to $C _ 1$ to obtain a clause $C _ 1’$ that has no variable in common with $C _ 2$. Now unify complementary literals under the substitution $[e/x][u/y][g(e)/z]$, obtaining $\{\lnot P(e, u, g(e))\}$.
@Define a predicate-logic resolution derivation of a clause $C$ from a set of clauses $F$.
A sequence of clauses $C _ 1, \ldots, C _ m$ with $C _ m = C$ such that each $C _ i$ is either a clause of $F$ (possibly with the variables renamed) or it follows by a resolution step from two preceding clauses.
Consider a signature $\sigma$ with:
- A constant symbol $e$
- A unary function symbol $s$
- A ternary predicate $A$
and the following sentences:
- $F _ 1 : \forall x A(e, x, x)$
- $F _ 2 : \forall x \forall y \forall z (\lnot A(x, y, z) \lor A(s(x), y, s(z)))$
- $F _ 3 : \forall x \exists y A(s(s(e)), x, y)$
Use first-order resolution to show that $F _ 1 \land F _ 2 \models F _ 3$.
This is equivalent to showing that $F _ 1 \land F _ 2 \land \lnot F _ 3$ is unsatisfiable. By the completeness of predicate logic resolution, there must be a derivation of $\square$ from the corresponding clauses $\{F _ 1, F _ 2, \lnot F _ 3\}$.
Skolemise each formula:
- $F _ 1$ is already in Skolem form
- $F _ 2$ is already in Skolem form
- Skolemising $\lnot F _ 3$ leads to the equisatisfiable formula $G _ 3 = \forall z \lnot A(s(s(e)), c, z)$ where $c$ is a new constant symbol.
Then $F _ 1 \land F _ 2 \land G _ 3$ is equisatisfiable with $F _ 1 \land F _ 2 \land \lnot F _ 3$, so it suffices to give a resolution refutation of $F _ 1 \land F _ 2 \land G _ 3$.
Derive the empty clause using resolution:
Since resolution requires distinct variables, we lay out the proof on several lines where each variable is subscripted by the line number (this is equivalent to applying the corresponding substitution).
- Clause of $G _ 3$: $\{ \lnot A(s(s(e)), c, z _ 1) \}$
- Clause of $F _ 2$: $\{\lnot A(x _ 2, y _ 2, z _ 2), A(s(x _ 2), y _ 2, s(z _ 2))\}$
- 1,2 Res with $\theta = [s(e)/x _ 2][c/y _ 2][s(z _ 2)/z _ 1][z _ 3/z _ 2]$: $\{ \lnot A(s(e), c, z _ 3) \}$
- 2,3 Res with $\theta = [e/x _ 2][c/y _ 2][s(z _ 2)/z _ 3][z _ 4/z _ 3]$: $\{\lnot A(e, c, z _ 4)\}$
- Clause of $F _ 1$: $\{A(e, y _ 5, y _ 5)\}$
- 4,5 Res with $[c/y _ 5][c/z _ 4]$: $\square$
as required.
@State the resolution lemma for first-order logic.
- $F = \forall x _ 1 \cdots \forall x _ n G$ is a closed formula in Skolem form where $G$ is quantifier free
- $R$ is a resolvent of two clauses in $G$
- $F \equiv \forall^\ast (G \cup \{R\})$ (where $\forall^\ast$ denotes the universal closure)
@Prove the resolution lemma for first-order logic, i.e. that if:
- $F = \forall x _ 1 \cdots \forall x _ n G$ is a closed formula in Skolem form where $G$ is quantifier free
- $R$ is a resolvent of two clauses in $G$
- $F \equiv \forall^\ast (G \cup \{R\})$ (where $\forall^\ast$ denotes the universal closure)
Note that $\forall^\ast (G \cup \{R\}) \models F$ since $\forall^\ast G \models F$.
For the other direction, we need to show that $F \models \forall^\ast R$. Since $F$ is closed, it suffices to show that $F \models R$ (@todo).
Suppose that $R$ is a resolvent of clauses $C _ 1, C _ 2 \in G$ with
\[R = (C_1 \theta \setminus \\{L\\}) \cup (C_2 \theta' \setminus \\{\overline L\\})\]for some substitutions $\theta$ and $\theta’$ and complementary literals $L \in C _ 1 \theta$ and $\overline L \in C _ 2 \theta’$.
Let $\mathcal A$ be an assignment that satisfies $F = \forall^\ast G$. Since $C _ 1, C _ 2 \in G$, by the translation lemma, $\mathcal A \models C _ 1 \theta$ and $\mathcal A \models C _ 2 \theta’$.
Since $\mathcal A’$ satisfies at most one of the complementary literals $L$ and $\overline L$, it follows that $\mathcal A$ satisfies at least one of $C _ 1 \theta \setminus \{L\}$ and $C _ 2 \theta’ \setminus \{L’\}$.
Therefore $\mathcal A$ satisfies $R$, as required.
@State the soundness theorem for predicate-logic resolution.
- $F = \forall x _ 1 \cdots \forall x _ n G$ is a closed formula in Skolem form
- $C$ is a clause obtained from $G$ by a resolution derivation
\[F \equiv \forall^\ast (G \cup C)\]@State the completeness theorem for first-order resolution.
- $F$ is a closed formula in Skolem form with its matrix $G$ in CNF
- $G$ is unsatisfiable
- There is a predicate-logic resolution proof of $\square$ from $G$.