Notes - Analysis II HT23, Monotonic functions

Non-examinable but still useful.


Can you state the theorem about one-sided limits of increasing functions?

Let $f : E \to \mathbb R$ be increasing. If $p \in E$ is a left limit point of $E$, then:

  • The left-hand limit $f(p^-)$ of $f$ at $p$ exists and $f(p^-) = \sup \{f(x): x < p\} \le f(p)$
  • The right hand limit $f(p^+)$ of $f$ at $p$ exists and $f(p^+) = \inf \{f(x): p < x\} \ge f(p)$

Can you state the theorem that describes the properties when an increasing function $f : E \to \mathbb R$ has a discontinuity at $p$?

If $f : E \to \mathbb R$ is increasing and discontinuous at $p \in E$, then either

  • $p$ is a left limit point of $E$ and $f(p^-) < f(p)$
  • $p$ is a right limit point of $E$ and $f(p^+) > f(p)$

What theorem relates monotonic functions defined on intervals and its continuity, given properties of its image?

Suppose $f : I \to \mathbb R$ is monotonic and $I$ is an interval. Then $f$ is continuous if and only if the image $f(I)$ is an interval.

There is a theorem that states:

Suppose $f : I \to \mathbb R$ is monotonic and $I$ is an interval. Then $f$ is continuous if and only if the image $f(I)$ is an interval.

How can you use this to prove that the inverse of a continuous function defined on an interval $I$ is also continuous (the hard bit of the continuous inverse function theorem)?

Consider $f^{-1} : f(I) \to I$. $f^{-1}$ is monotonic (by the first part of the continuous inverse function theorem), and $f(I)$ is an interval, so since $I$ is also an interval, $f^{-1}$ must also be continuous.

Consider $f([a, b])$ and $[f(a), f(b)]$. When are these contained in one another?

\[f([a, b]) \supseteq [f(a), f(b)] \text{ when }f\text{ continuous}\] \[f([a, b]) \subseteq [f(a), f(b)] \text{ when } f \text{ increasing}\]

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