Notes - Functional Programming MT22, Fold cheatsheet
Can you give the definition of zip
as (almost) a fold?
as (almost) a fold?zip' ;; [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip' = foldr cons (const [])
where cons x r [] = []
cons x r (y:ys) = (x,y) : r ys
Can you give the definition of map
as a fold?
as a fold?map' ;; (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map' f = fold (\x fxs -> f x: fxs) []
Can you give the definition of filter
as a fold?
as a fold?filter' p = fold (\x xs -> if p then x:xs else xs) []
Can you give the definition of concat
as a fold?
as a fold?concat = foldr (++) []
Can you give the definition of (++ ys)
as a fold?
(++ ys)
as a fold?(++ ys) = foldr (:) ys
Can you give the definition of takeWhile
as a fold?
as a fold?takeWhile p = foldr cons []
where cons x xs = if p x then x : xs else []
Given the definition of natural numbers as
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
what is the natural fold?
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
foldN ;; (a -> a) -> a -> Nat -> a
foldN succ zero Zero = zero
foldN succ zero (Succ x) = succ (foldN succ zero x)
Can you give the Haskell type and corresponding fold for a binary tree with data at every node?
data Tree a = Null | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
foldT ;; b -> (a -> b -> b -> b) -> Tree a -> b
foldT null node Null = null
foldT null node (Node a left right)
= node a (foldT null node left) (foldT null node right)
Can you give the Haskell type and corresponding fold for a binary tree with data only at the leaves?
data Tree a = Leaf a | (Tree a) `Fork` (Tree a)
foldT ;; (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> Tree a -> b
foldT leaf fork (Leaf a) = leaf a
foldT leaf fork (left `Fork` right) = fork
(foldT leaf fork left)
(foldT leaf fork right)
Can you define cp
as a fold in Haskell?
as a fold in Haskell?cp ;; [[a]] -> [[a]]
cp = foldr (\a b -> [x:ys | x <- a, ys <- b]) [[]]
Can you give the definition of permutations
as a fold in Haskell, using the following function include
include ;; a -> [a] -> [[a]]
include x = foldr cons [[x]]
where cons a b = (x:a:tail (head b)) : map(a:) b
as a fold in Haskell, using the following function include
:include ;; a -> [a] -> [[a]]
include x = foldr cons [[x]]
where cons a b = (x:a:tail (head b)) : map(a:) b
permutations ;; [a] -> [[a]]
permutations = foldr (concatMap . include) [[]]
Can you define a Haskell function include x xs
that includes x
in all possible positions in a list?
include x xs
that includes x
in all possible positions in a list?include ;; a -> [a] -> [[a]]
include x = foldr cons [[x]]
where cons a b = (x:a:tail (head b)) : map(a:) b
Can you define a Haskell function inits
that returns all the initial segments of a list as a fold, e.g. inits [1,2,3]
is [[], [1], [1,2], [1,2,3]]
that returns all the initial segments of a list as a fold, e.g. inits [1,2,3]
is [[], [1], [1,2], [1,2,3]]
?inits ;; [a] -> [[a]]
inits = foldr cons [[]]
where cons x xss = [] : map(x:) xss
Can you define (++)
as a fold in Haskell?
as a fold in Haskell?(++) ;; [a] -> [a] -> [a]
(++) = foldr cons id
where cons x y z = x:(y z)