Notes - Imperative Programming TT23, Tree traversal


Suppose we had a class

class Tree(var datum: Int, var left: Tree, var right: Tree)

how could we implement a non-recursive inorder traversal of this data structure with a stack, assuming we want to call a Visit method at each node?

def inorderTraversal(root: Tree) : Unit = {
	val stack = new Stack[Tree]()
	val current = root

	while(!stack.isEmpty || current != null) {
		if (curr != null) {
			curr = curr.left
		} else {
			val node = stack.pop()
			curr = node.right

Suppose we had a class

class Tree(var datum: Int, var left: Tree, var right: Tree)

how could we implement a non-recursive postorder traversal of this data structure with a stack, assuming we want to call a Visit method at each node?

def inorderTraversal(root: Tree) : Unit = {
	if (root == null) {
	val firstStack = new Stack[Tree]()
	val secondStack = new Stack[Tree]()

	while (!firstStack.isEmpty) {
		val curr = firstStack.pop()

		if (curr.left != null) { firstStack.push(curr.left) }
		if (curr.right != null) { firstStack.push(curr.right) }

	while (!secondStack.isEmpty) {
		val node = secondStack.pop()

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