Computing - Networking

See Also


Explain the differences between client-server and peer-to-peer networking.

In a client-server network, some of the ndoes on the network are nominated as clients and some are nominated as servers. Clients request services from servers, such as shared resources or email information, and the server will respond. Arranging a network like this has a few advantages, such as allowing for easier backups and a higher level of security since everything is maintained by a central authority. This does however make the network more falliable and gives it a single point of failure, which a peer-to-peer network does not have.

In a peer-to-peer network, all computers have equal status in a way that means every node acts as both a client requesting services from other computers and as a server as it responds to queries from other devices. The main difference is that it’s decentralised, so you get advantages such as a higher level of reliability since one machine going down won’t affect the availability of the entire network. However, this means that tasks like managing access and mainting security are more difficult.


What is a protocol?

An established set of instructions that allow two or more devices to communicate.

Why do protocols exist?

So that two or more devices on a different platform can still communicate.

What is latency?

A measure of the amount of time it takes for some data to get to its destination across the network.

What is bandwidth?

The maximum amount of data that can be transmitted over a network in a given amount of time.

What is star network?

Redefined in [[Computing - Topologies]]A.

What does a hub do?

Sends every packet of data to every device.

What does a switch do?

Sends packets of data to the destination device.

Why is a star network reliable?

If one device fails then all the others will continue to work.

Why is a star network high-performing?

No data collisions can occur.

What are the two reasons a star network are expensive?

  • There’s a lot of cable
  • You need to buy a switch or a hub

Why are star reasons slightly unreliable?

If a hub or switch fails, all the devices connected to it will lose connection.

What is a bus network?

Redefined in [[Computing - Topologies]]A.

What is the one cable called that links all devices in bus network?

The bus.

What are at both ends of the bus in a bus network?

A terminator.

Why are bus networks cheap to install?

It doesn’t require as much cable.

Why are bus networks easy to install?

It doesn’t require as much cable.

Why are bus networks unreliable?

If the bus gets damaged the whole network will fail.

Why is a bus network slow?

As more devices join data collisions are more likely.

Why is a bus network a security risk?

Every device sees all the data on the network.

What is bit rate?

The number of bits per second.

What is baud rate?

Redefined in [[Computing - Communication]]A.

What is the difference between bit rate and baud rate?

Redefined in [[Computing - Communication]]A.

What are the two types of network topology?

  • Physical star
  • Logical bus

What is a peer-to-peer network?

Where each computer has equal status

What adjective could you use to describe a peer-to-peer network?


What’s an example of a use for peer-to-peer networks?


What is a client-server network?

Some computers are nominated as clients and some as servers. Clients request services from servers.

What is the purpose of WiFi?

To enable devices to connect to a network wirelessly.

What is WiFi?

A wireless LAN that is based on international standards.


What is commonly on port $25$?



What is a URL (uniform resource locator)?

An address that specifies both the location of the resource and the protocol that will be used to access it.

What is the scheme in a URL?

The protocol that should be used to access the resource.

What is a fully qualified domain name in a URL?

The part that unambiguously specifies the location of the host relative to the root of the internet.

What is a domain name?

A user friendly names that save users from having to remember IP addresses.



Which part of this is the scheme?? https



Which part of this is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN)??



What are the three domain names here??

  • academy



What is the path here?? /runestone/books/published/pythonds/index.html

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