The Harvard Classics
The Harvard Classics are a 50-volume series of books compiled in 1910 by Charles W. Eliot, then president of Harvard, which were claimed to give the reader a liberal education in 15 minutes of reading a day. I thought it would be fun to read some of these books, so this tracks my progress.
- Volume 50 of the set contains an editors introduction, reader’s guide, and an index. These are split into two classes: Class I and Class II.
- Class I contains “works regarded by their authors as history, but includes letters, dramas, novels and the like, which, by virtue of their character, period, or scene, throw light upon social and intellectual conditions”.
- Class II contains the rest.
- The classes are:
- Class I: The History of Civilization
- Class I: Religion and Philosophy
- Class I: Education
- Class I: Science
- Class I: Politics
- Class I: Voyages and Travels
- Class I: Criticism of Literature and the Fine Arts
- Class II: Drama
- Class II: Biography and Letters
- Class II: Essays
- Class II: Narrative Poetry and Prose Fiction
- Editor’s Introduction, Reader’s Guide and Index (Reader’s guide starts on page 28 of the PDF)
- contains excellent free video lectures produced by Dr. Tom McGee on (as of writing) the first 39 volumes.
- Project Gutenberg contains free e-book versions of (almost) every book.
- “Harvard Classics” on Wikipedia contains a lot of information and the list of contents.
This is a list of volumes. Each book contains resources like a good EPUB copy and videos.
- Volume 1:
- Volume 2:
- Volume 3:
Volume 4:
- [[Complete Poems, Milton]]N (written in English)
- Volume 5:
- Volume 6:
- Volume 7:
- Volume 8:
- Volume 9:
- Volume 10:
- Volume 11:
- Volume 12:
- Volume 13:
- Volume 14:
- Volume 15:
- Volume 16:
- Volume 17:
- Volume 18:
- Volume 19:
- Volume 20:
- Volume 21:
- Volume 22:
- Volume 23:
- Volume 24:
- Volume 25:
- Volume 26:
Volume 27:
- [[The Defense of Poesy, Sidney]]?
- [[On Shakespeare, Jonson]]?
- [[On Bacon, Jonson]]?
- [[Of Agriculture, Cowley]]?
- [[The Vision of Mirza, Addison]]?
- [[Westminster Abbey, Addison]]?
- [[The Spectator Club, Steele]]?
- [[Hints Towards an Essay on Conversation, Swift]]?
- [[A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding, Swift]]?
- [[A Letter of Advice to a Young Poet, Swift]]?
- [[On the Death of Esther Johnson, Swift]]?
- [[The Shortest-Way with the Dissenters, Defoe]]?
- [[The Education of Women, Defoe]]?
- [[Life of Addison 1672-1719, Samuel Johnson]]?
- [[Of the Standard of Taste, Hume]]?
- [[Fallacies of Anti-Reformers, Smith]]?
- [[On Poesy or Art, Coleridge]]?
- [[Of Persons One Would Wish to Have Seen, Hazlitt]]?
- [[Deaths of Little Children, Hunt]]?
- [[On the Realities of Imagination, Hunt]]?
- [[On the Tragedies of Shakespeare, Lamb]]?
- [[Levana and our Ladies of Sorrow, Quincey]]?
- [[A Defence of Poetry, Shelley]]?
- [[Machiavelli, Macaulay]]?
Volume 28:
- [[Jonathan Swift, Thackery]]?
- [[The Idea of a University, Newman]]?
- [[The Study of Poetry, Arnold]]?
- [[Sesame and Lilies, Ruskin]]?
- [[John Milton, Bagehot]]?
- [[Science and Culture, Huxley]]?
- [[Race and Language, Freeman]]?
- [[Truth of Intercourse, Stevenson]]?
- [[Samuel Pepys, Stevenson]]?
- [[On the Elevation of the Labouring Classes, Channing]]?
- [[The Poetic Principle, Poe]]?
- [[Walking, Thoreau]]?
- [[Abraham Lincoln, Lowell]]?
- [[Democracy, Lowell]]?
- Volume 29:
- Volume 30:
- Volume 31:
Volume 32:
- [[Essays, Montaigne]]?
- [[Montaigne, Sainte-Beuve]]?
- [[What is a Classic?, Sainte-Beuve]]?
- [[The Poetry of the Celtic Races, Renan]]?
- [[The Education of the Human Race, Lessing]]?
- [[Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man, Schiller]]?
- [[Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals, Kant]]?
- [[Byron and Goethe, Mazzini]]?
- Volume 33:
- Volume 34:
- Volume 35:
- Volume 36:
- Volume 37:
Volume 38:
- [[The Oath of Hippocrates]]?
- [[Journeys in Diverse Places, Paré]]?
- [[On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals, Harvey]]?
- [[The Three Original Publications on Vaccination Against Smallpox, Jenner]]?
- [[The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever, Holmes]]?
- [[On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery, Lister]]?
- [[Scientific Papers, Pasteur]]?
- [[Scientific Papers, Lyell]]?
Volume 39:
- Lots of famous prefaces
Volume 40:
- Selected English poems
Volume 41:
- Selected English poems
Volume 42:
- Selected English poems
Volume 43:
- American historical documents
Volume 44:
- [[The Sayings of Confucius]]?
- The Book of Job, [[The Bible]]?
- Psalms, [[The Bible]]?
- Ecclesiastes, [[The Bible]]?
- Luke, [[The Bible]]?
- Acts, [[The Bible]]?
Volume 45:
- Corinthians I, [[The Bible]]?
- Corinthians II, [[The Bible]]?
- Lots of hymns
- Buddhist Writings
- [[Bhagavad Gita]]?
- Chapters from the Koran
- Volume 46:
- Volume 47:
- Volume 48:
- Volume 49:
Volume 50
- Introduction, Reader’s Guide and Indexes