Fishing Pole Trap
The Fishing Pole Trap is a trap used by black against white. It happens when white castles after the Berlin Defense to the Ruy Lopez.
front: R2KQBNR/PPP1PPPP/2N5/3P4/3p2B1/2n2n2/ppp1pppp/r1bkqb1r
question: What does white have to here for the fishing pole trap to be applicable??
back: 1KR1QBNR/PPP1PPPP/2N5/3P4/3p2B1/2n2n2/ppp1pppp/r1bkqb1r
answer: Castle.
front: 1KR1QBNR/PPP1PPPP/2N5/3P4/3p2B1/2n2n2/ppp1pppp/r1bkqb1r
question: From this position, how do you carry out the fishing pole trap??
back: 1KR1QBNR/PPP1PPPP/2N5/1n1P4/3p2B1/5n2/ppp1pppp/r1bkqb1r
answer: Ng4
front: 1KR1QBNR/1PP1PPPP/P1N5/1n1P4/3p2B1/5n2/ppp1pppp/r1bkqb1r
question: Once white has pushed their pawn to threaten your knight, what should you do??
back: 1KR1QBNR/1PP1PPPP/P1N5/1n1P4/p2p2B1/5n2/1pp1pppp/r1bkqb1r
answer: Push your f-pawn.
front: 1KR1QBNR/1PP1PPPP/2N5/1p1P4/3p2B1/5n2/1pp1pppp/r1bkqb1r
question: What does white have to do here for it to be mate in 4 via the fishing pole trap??
back: 1KRNQBNR/1PP1PPPP/8/1p1P4/3p2B1/5n2/1pp1pppp/r1bkqb1r
answer: Retreat their knight.
Scholar’s Mate
Scholar’s Mate is a 4 move checkmate used a lot at beginner levels of chess. The aim is to threaten black’s f-pawn with a bishop and the queen.
front: RN1K1BNR/PPP1PPPP/8/3P1B2/Q2p4/5n2/ppp1pppp/rnbkqb1r
question: White here is going for a Scholar's mate. What is the best move to make to refute it??
back: RN1K1BNR/PPP1PPPP/8/3P1B2/Q2p4/1p3n2/p1p1pppp/rnbkqb1r
answer: Push forward the g-pawn.
front: RN1K1BNR/PPP1PPPP/2(Q)5/3P1B2/3p4/1p3n2/p1p1pp(p)p/rnbkqb1r
question: White has retreated from the advancing g-pawn to f3, still putting pressure on your f-pawn for a Scholar's mate. What's the best response here??
back: RN1K1BNR/PPP1PPPP/2Q5/3P1B2/3p4/1pn2(n)2/p1p1pppp/r1bkqb1r
answer: Nf6
front: RN1K1BNR/PPP1PPPP/6Q1/3P1B2/3p4/1pn2n2/p1p1pppp/r1bkqb1r
question: What's black's best response here after white is still aiming for Scholar's mate??
back: RN1K1BNR/PPP1PPPP/6Q1/3P(n)B2/3p4/1pn5/p1p1pppp/r1bkqb1r
answer: Nd4
front: RN1K1BNR/PPP1PPPP/6Q1/3Pn3/3p4/1pn5/p1B1pppp/r1bkqb1r
question: What's black's best response here after white takes the f-pawn??
back: RN1K1BNR/PPP1PPPP/6Q1/3Pn3/3p4/1pn5/p1Bkpppp/r1b1qb1r
answer: Ke7
front: RN1K1BNR/PPP1PPPP/8/3PnQ2/3p4/1pn5/p1Bkpppp/r1b1qb1r
question: What sequence of moves here wins a bishop??
back: RN1K1BNR/PPP1PPPP/4Q3/3Pn3/3p2p1/1pn5/p1k1pp1p/r1b1qb1r
question: b5, Qd3 Kf7