Course - Optimisation for Data Science HT25
- Course Webpage
- Lecture Notes
- From the previous year:
- Lecture Notes
- 1, Scope and examples
- 2, Terminology and prerequisites
- 3, Method of steepest descent
- 4, The proximal method
- 5, Acceleration of gradient methods
- 6, Stochastic gradient descent
- 7, Reducing the noise floor in SGD
- 8, Coordinate descent
- 9, Practical coordinate descent
- 10, Outlook (non-examinable)
- Other courses this term: [[Courses HT25]]U
- [[Notes - Optimisation for Data Science HT25, Basic definitions]]U
- [[Notes - Optimisation for Data Science HT25, Steepest descent]]U
- [[Notes - Optimisation for Data Science HT25, Proximal methods]]U
Problem Sheets
- From the previous year: