Notes - DAA HT23, Breadth-first search
Breadth-first search
What type of data structure is used when implementing breadth-first search?
A FIFO queue.
Running breadth-first search gives rise to a “breadth-first search tree”, a graph $G = (V _ \pi, E _ \pi)$. How is $E _ \pi$ defined?
\[E_\pi = \\{(\pi[u], u): u \in V_\pi\\}\]
What is the running time of breadth-first search?
\[O(|V| + |E|)\]
Can you state pseudocode for breadth-first search on a graph $G$ and from a start vertex $s$?
BFS(G, s):
for each vertex u in G\{s}:
u.color = white
u.d = infinity
u.pi = null
s.color = grey
s.d = 0
s.pi = null
while queue is not empty:
for each vertex v adjacent to u:
if v.color == white:
v.color = grey
v.d = u.d + 1
v.pi = u
u.color = black