Computing - Finite State Machines

PHOTO STATE What does this symbol represent in FSM?

A state.

PHOTO START STATE What does this symbol represent in FSM?

The start state.

PHOTO END OR ACCEPT STATE What does this symbol represnt in FSM?

The end or accept state.

PHOTO TRANSITION What does this symbol represent in FSM?

A transition.

What does the language recognised by a FSM consist of?

All string accepted by the finite state machine.

What is a finite state machine?

An abstract model of computation that is used to model logic.

What is an end or an accepting state?

A state which is reached when a valid string is entered.

What inputs do finite state machines accept?

A string.

In relation to FSM, what are strings made out of?

Symbols from a defined alphabet.

Do finite state machines need an end or accepting state?


What would the two states for a FSM machine be for a light turning on and off at the push of a button?

  • Light on
  • Light off

When in the “light on” state of a FSM machine for a light turning on and off at the push of a button, what are the two transitions you can make?

  • Button pressed
  • Button not pressed

What is a finite state machine with output called?

A Mealy Machine.

How are transitions labelled on a mealy machine?


What is the difference between a finite state machine and a mealy machine?

They generate an output on a state transition.


What are the 4 columns for a Mealy Machine’s state transition table?

  • Input
  • Current state
  • Output
  • Next state

What is a state transition table?

A table showing what happens to each input at each state.

PHOTO STATE TRANSITION DIAGRAM Explain in words the above part of a state sequence table?

A $0$ is inputed while at state $S1$. This causes an output of $1$ and the machine moves to state $S0$.

What is a common use of a Mealy Machine?

To recognise substrings.

PHOTO SUBSTRING MEALY MACHINE What substring does this Mealy Machine recognise?


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