Notes - Rings and Modules HT24, Factorisation in polynomial rings
- $f(t) = a _ 0 + a _ 1 t + \cdots + a _ d t^d \in \mathbb Z[t]$
How is the content of $f$, denoted $c(f)$, defined (note here that the polynomial is in $\mathbb Z[t]$)?
- $f(t) = a _ 0 + a _ 1 t + \cdots + a _ d t^d \in \mathbb Z[t] \text{ or } \mathbb Q[t]$
What does it mean for $f$ to be primitive?
It has content $1$.
Can you state Gauss’ lemma?
- $f(t), g(t) \in \mathbb Q[t]$
\[c(fg) = c(f) \cdot c(g)\]@Prove a weaker version of Gauss’ lemma, i.e. that if
- $f(t), g(t) \in \mathbb Z[t]$
\[c(fg) = c(f) \cdot c(g)\]
(this is weaker since Gauss’ lemma actually holds for polynomials over $\mathbb Q$).
Wlog, we can assume $f$ and $g$ are primitive, i.e. that
\[c(f) = c(g) = 1\]since otherwise we could just take out a factor from each. Hence we want to show that if $f$ and $g$ are primitive, then $fg$ is also primitive.
- $f(t) = a _ 0 + a _ 1 t + \cdots + a _ n t^n$
- $g(t) = b _ 0 + b _ 1 t + \cdots + b _ m t^m$
\[f(t)g(t) = c_0 + c_1 t + \cdots + c_{n + m} t^{n+m}\]where
\[c_k = \sum_{i + j = k} a_i b_j\]Suppose for a contradiction that $c(fg) \ne 1$, i.e. $\exists p$ prime such that $\forall i$, $p \mid c _ i$. By assumption $p$ does not divide all $a _ i$ or all $b _ j$ (inclusive).
Let $\ell$ be the smallest index with $p \not\mid a _ \ell$ and $s$ the corresponding smallest index with $p \not\mid b _ s$.
\[c_{\ell + s} = a_\ell b_s + \sum_{i + j = \ell + s, (i, j) \ne (\ell, s)} a_i b_j\](here we have just removed the $a _ \ell b _ s$ term from the sum). For each term in the sum, we must have either $i < \ell$ or $j < s$ (exclusive) since the indices have to sum up to $\ell + s$. But this is a contradiction:
- Each $a _ i b _ j$ is divisible by $p$, since $i < \ell$ or $j < \ell$
- $c _ {\ell + s}$ is divisible by $p$ by assumption
- But $a _ \ell b _ s$ is not, which cannot happen
Hence there exists no such $p$.
- $f(t) = a _ 0 + a _ 1 t + \cdots + a _ d t^d \in \mathbb Q[t]$
How is the content of $f$, denoted $c(f)$, defined (note here that the polynomial is in $\mathbb Q[t]$)?
The unique $\alpha$ such that
\[f = \alpha f_1\]and $f _ 1$ is primitive in $\mathbb Z[t]$.
Can you state a theorem which establishes the relationship between $f(t)$ factoring in $\mathbb Q[t]$ and factoring in $\mathbb Z[t]$?
- $f(t) \in \mathbb Z[t] \setminus \{0\}$
- $f(t)$ factors in $\mathbb Q[t]$.
Then $f(t)$ factors in $\mathbb Z[t]$ also.
@Prove that if
- $f(t) \in \mathbb Z[t] \setminus \{0\}$
- $f(t)$ factors in $\mathbb Q[t]$.
then $f(t)$ factors in $\mathbb Z[t]$ also.
\[f(t) = g(t) \cdot h(t)\]where $g(t), h(t) \in \mathbb Q[t]$. Then write
\[g = c(g) g_1\] \[h = c(h) h_1\]where $c(g), c(h) \in \mathbb Q$ and $g _ 1, h _ 1$ are irreducible polynomials in $\mathbb Z[t]$.
\[\begin{aligned} f &= g h \\\\ &= c(g) c(h) g_1 h_1 \\\\ &= c(gh) g_1 h_1 \\\\ &= c(f) g_1 h_1 \\\\ &= (c(f) g_1) h_1 \end{aligned}\]gives a factorisation into elements of $\mathbb Z[t]$ as required (since $c(f) \in \mathbb Z$).
What relationship do we have between irreduciblity in $\mathbb Z[t]$ and irreducibility in $\mathbb Q[t]$?
(primitive means $c(f) = 1$)
State a useful result for checking if a polynomial is reducible in $\mathbb Z[t]$ by reducing mod some prime.
- $f(t) \in \mathbb Z[t]$
- $f(t) = g(t) h(t)$, factorisation in $\mathbb Z[t]$.
- $p$ prime such that $0 \not\equiv g(t) \mod p$ and $0 \not\equiv h(t) \mod p$
\[\bar f(t) = \bar g(t) \bar h(t)\]gives a factorisation in $\mathbb F _ p[t]$.
This says if a polynomial is reducible in $\mathbb Z[t]$ and the nonzero condition is met, it is reducible in $\mathbb F _ p[t]$. The contrapositive then gives a useful criterion for irreducibility: if a polynomial is irreducible in $\mathbb F _ p[t]$, then either it is irreducible in $\mathbb Z[t]$, the nonzero condition is not met (or both).
Can you state Eisenstein’s criterion?
- $f \in \mathbb Z[t]$, primitive (i.e. content is $1$)
- $f(t) = a _ n t^n + a _ {n-1} t^{n-1} + \cdots + a _ 0$
- $p \in \mathbb Z$ prime
- $p \mid a _ i$, $\forall i, 0 \le i \le n-1$
- $p \not\mid a _ n$
- $p^2 \not\mid a _ 0$
- $f$ is irreducible in $\mathbb Z[t]$ and $\mathbb Q[t]$
@Prove Eisenstein’s criterion, i.e. that if
- $f \in \mathbb Z[t]$, primitive (i.e. content is $1$)
- $f(t) = a _ n t^n + a _ {n-1} t^{n-1} + \cdots + a _ 0$
- $p \in \mathbb Z$ prime
- $p \mid a _ i$, $\forall i, 0 \le i \le n-1$
- $p \not\mid a _ n$
- $p^2 \not\mid a _ 0$
- $f$ is irreducible in $\mathbb Z[t]$ and $\mathbb Q[t]$
Since $f$ is primitive (i.e. has content $1$), irreducibility in $\mathbb Z[t]$ and $\mathbb Q[t]$ are equivalent. Hence it suffices just to consider the $\mathbb Z[t]$ case.
Suppose for a contradiction that $f$ were reducible in $\mathbb Z[t]$, i.e. $\exists g, h \in \mathbb Z[t]$ such that $f = gh$ and they are not units. Consider the quotient map $\phi _ p : \mathbb Z[t] \to \mathbb F _ p [t]$ applied to this factorisation:
\[\phi_p(f) = \phi_p(g) \phi_p(h)\]By assumption, $\phi _ p(f) = \bar a _ n t^n$ and since $\mathbb F _ p[t]$ is an integral domain we must have
\[\phi_p(g) = \overline b_k t^k, \phi_p (h) = \overline c_{n-k}t^{n -k}\]where $k = \deg g$ and $\overline{b} _ k, \overline{c} _ {n-k}$ are some coefficients. But then the constant terms of $\phi _ p(g)$ and $\phi _ p(h)$ must both be divisible by $p$, and hence $a _ 0$ must be divisible by $p^2$, which contradicts our assumption, so no such factorisation exists.
(A similar proof works for any $R$ as a principal ideal domain and $p \in R$ a prime)
@Prove that if:
- $f \in \mathbb Q[t]$
- $f$ is irreducible (and so prime, since $\mathbb Q[t]$ is a PID)
- $c(f) = 1$
Then $f$ is a prime element of $\mathbb Z[t]$.
- If $f \in \mathbb Q[t]$ has $c(f) = 1$, then $f$ must lie in $\mathbb Z[t]$ (by definition).
- We want to show that if $g, h \in \mathbb Z[t]$, then if $f \mid gh$, $f \mid g$ or $f \mid h$ (where divisibility is considered in $\mathbb Z[t]$).
- If $f \mid gh$ in $\mathbb Z[t]$, then it does so in $\mathbb Q[t]$. Since $\mathbb Q[t]$ is a PID, the notion of irreducible is the same as being prime, so either $f \mid g$ or $f \mid h$ in $\mathbb Q[t]$. Wlog assume $f \mid g$ in $\mathbb Q[t]$.
- Then $\exists k \in \mathbb Q[t]$ such that $g = fk$. Writing $k = c(k) \cdot k’$ where $k’ \in \mathbb Z[t]$, we have by Gauss’ lemma that $c(g) = c(f) c(k) = c(k)$ since $c(f) = 1$.
- But $g \in \mathbb Z[t]$ (by assumption), hence $c(g) = c(k) \in \mathbb Z$. Since $c(k) \in \mathbb Z$, then $k \in \mathbb Z[t]$, so $f \mid g$ in $\mathbb Z[t]$.
Gauss’ lemma states that if $f(t), g(t) \in \mathbb Q[t]$ then $c(fg) = c(f) \cdot c(g)$, where $c$ is the content of the polynomial. What’s a useful (non-immediate) consequence of this fact?
@Prove that $\mathbb Z[t]$ is a UFD, stating any additional results that you use.
$\mathbb Z[t]$ is an integral domain (since $\mathbb Z$ is), so using the lemma that says “$R$ is a UFD $\iff$ $R$ is an integral domain and every non-zero non-unit $a \in R$ can be written as a product of prime elements”, we need to show every element $f \in \mathbb Z[t]$ is a product of primes.
If $f \in \mathbb Z[t]$, then we can write $f = a \cdot f’$ where $c(f’) = 1$ and $a \in \mathbb Z$. Since $\mathbb Z$ is a UFD, this can be factorised into a product of primes.
Hence we can assume that $c(f) = 1$ (now instead working with $f’$). Viewing $f’$ as an element of $\mathbb Q[t]$ (which we know is a PID as $\mathbb Q$ is a field, and hence a UFD), we have a factorisation in $\mathbb Q[t]$ as $f = p _ 1 \cdots p _ k$, where each $p _ i$ is prime in $\mathbb Q[t]$.
Then each $p _ i$ can be written $p _ i = a _ i q _ i$ where $a _ i \in \mathbb Q$ and $q _ i \in \mathbb Z[t]$, and $c(q _ i) = 1$.
Then $q _ i$ is a prime element of $\mathbb Z[t]$ (there is a lemma that says $f$ is irreducible in $\mathbb Q[t]$ and $c(f) = 1$, then $f$ is not just irreducible in $\mathbb Z[t]$, but also prime in $\mathbb Z[t]$).
Hence $f = (a _ 1 \cdots a _ k) q _ 1 \cdots q _ k$, and since $c(f) = 1$ and $c(q _ i) = 1$, we can conclude $a _ 1 \cdots a _ k = 1$ (since content is multiplicative), so we are done.
How could you quickly deduce that $1 + x + x^2$ is irreducible in $\mathbb Z _ 2[x]$?
Note that it has no roots in $\mathbb Z _ 2$.
Suppose we want to determine if a polynomial $f \in \mathbb F[x]$ is irreducible. Luckily, the polynomial has degree 2 or 3. What criteria do we have for irreducibility, and why does this work?
If $f$ has no roots in $\mathbb F$, then it is irreducible. This is because if it was reducible, say into a quadratic term and a linear term, the linear term would imply the existence of a root.
How could you quickly tell whether $f(x) = 1 + x + x^2$ was irreducible in $\mathbb Z _ 2$?::
Since it has degree less than or equal to three, we can just check for roots. Since $f(x) = 1$ for $x = 0$ and $x = 1$, this implies it is irreducible.
@Prove that $2^{1/3} \notin \mathbb Q$.
Suppose for a contradiction that $2^{1/3} \in \mathbb Q$. Then the polynomial $t^3 - 2$ would be reducible, but applying Eisenstein’s criterion with $p = 2$, we see that $t^3 - 2$ is not irreducible.
For reference, Eisenstein’s condition states that if:
- $f \in \mathbb Z[t]$, primitive (i.e. content is $1$)
- $f(t) = a _ n t^n + a _ {n-1} t^{n-1} + \cdots + a _ 0$
- $p \in \mathbb Z$ prime
- $p \mid a _ i$, $\forall i, 0 \le i \le n-1$
- $p \not\mid a _ n$
- $p^2 \not\mid a _ 0$
- $f$ is irreducible in $\mathbb Z[t]$ and $\mathbb Q[t]$
Here $a _ 3 = 1$, $a _ 2 = 0$, $a _ 1 = 0$ and $a _ 0 = 2$. Since $2 \mid a _ i$ for each $0 \le i < 3$, $2 \not\mid a _ 3$ and $4 \not\mid 2$, Eisenstein’s condition is satisfied.
\[p(x) = x^2 + x + 2\]
and we wish to determine if $p(x)$ is irreducible (without looking for a rational root). Eisenstein’s criterion doesn’t apply here, since $x$ does does not have a coefficient divisble by any prime. How can you get around this?
\[q(x) = p(x + 3) = x^2 + 7x + 14\]Then this polynomial satisfies Eisenstein’s criterion for the prime $7$, and since any factorisation of $q(x)$ would imply one for $p(x)$ (by undoing the substitution), it implies that $p(x)$ is irreducible.
@Justify that the cyclotomic polynomials
\[1 + x + x^2 + \cdots + x^{p-1}\]
for prime $p$ are irreducible.
Note that
\[1 + x + x^2 + \cdots + x^{p-1} = \frac{x^p - 1}{x-1}\]Then applying the substitution $x \mapsto x + 1$ gives
\[\frac{(x + 1)^p - 1}{x} = {p \choose 1} + {p \choose 2} x + \cdots + {p \choose{p - 1} } x^{p-2} + x^{p-1}\]which satisfies Eisenstein’s criterion using $p$ as the prime.