Notes - Rings and Modules HT24, Polynomial rings
How can you characterise all ring homomorphisms
\[\phi : \mathbb Z[x] \to \mathbb Z[x]\]
and for all other $f(x)$,
\[f(x) \mapsto f(q(x))\](this is because we require $a \mapsto a$, and then we can map $x$ to any polynomial in $\mathbb Z[x]$, and since $\mathbb Z[x] = \langle 1, x \rangle$, we’ve fully described the homomorphism on a generating set).
Can you state the division algorithm in a polynomial ring (in full generality, don’t assume that the ring is actually a field)?
- $R$ is a ring
- $f(x) = \sum^n _ {i = 0} a _ i x^i \in R[x]$
- $a _ n \in R^\times$
- $g(x) \in R[x]$
Then $\exists q(x), r(x) \in R[x]$ such that:
- $f(x) = q(x) g(x) + r(x)$
- $r = 0$ or $\deg r < \deg g$
(so in particular, if $R$ is a field, then the division algorithm works for all polynomials)
@Prove the division algorithm for polynomials in a polynomial ring, i.e. that if
- $R$ is a ring
- $f(x) \in R[x]$
- $g(x) = \sum^n _ {i = 0} a _ i x^i \in R[x]$
- $a _ n \in R^\times$
Then $\exists q(x), r(x) \in R[x]$ such that:
- $f(x) = q(x) g(x) + r(x)$
- $r = 0$ or $\deg r < \deg g$
Overall idea: If $\deg f < \deg g$ then just take $r = f$. Otherwise, multiply $g$ by a polynomial that means it has the same leading term as $f$, and then subtract this from $f$ to get a polynomial with smaller degree.
We proceed by induction on $\deg f$. Since $a _ n \in R^\times$, if $h \in R[x] \setminus \{0\}$, it follows that
\[\deg g(x) h(x) = \deg g(x) + \deg h(x)\]since if this were not true, the leading terms would multiply to $0$, but this contradicts the fact $a _ n \in R^\times$.
Thus if $\deg f < \deg g$, we must take $q = 0$ and thus $r = f$.
Now suppose $\deg f = m \ge \deg g = n$. Then
\[f(x) = \sum^m_{j = 0} b_j x^j\]where $b _ m \ne 0$. Then
\[a_n^{-1} b_m t^{m - n} g\]has leading term $b _ m t^m$, the polynomial
\[h = f - a_n^{-1} b_m t^{m - n} g\]has $\deg h < \deg f$. Then it follows by induction that there are unique $q’, r’$ with $h = q’ \cdot g + r’$. Setting $q = a _ n^{-1} b _ m t^{m - n} + q’$ and $r = r’$, it follows
\[f = qg +r\]Since $q$ and $r$ are uniquely determined by $q’$ and $r’$, they are also unique as required.
Alternative shorter but non-constructive proof for fields:
Suppose that $f, g \in \mathbb F[x]$ and $g \ne 0$. Then if $g \vert f$, take $r = 0$ and let $q$ be such that $f = qg$.
If not, consider
\[P := \\{f - gq \mid q \in \mathbb F[x]\\}\]Then by assumption $P$ does not contain $0$. Take $q$ such that $r := f - gq$ has minimal degree among polynomials in $P$. Suppose that $\deg r \ge \deg g$. Write $\lambda$ for the coefficient of $x^{\deg r}$ in $r$, and note that
\[r' := r - g\lambda x^{\deg r - \deg g}\]has $r’ \in P$ and $\deg r’ < \deg r$, a contradiction.
@Prove that if $\mathbb F$ is a field, then $\mathbb F[x]$ is a Euclidean domain.
Take $N(f) := \deg f$, and the fact this makes $\mathbb F[x]$ into a Euclidean domain follows from the division algorithm.
Short but non-constructive proof for division algorithm: Suppose that $f, g \in \mathbb F[x]$ and $g \ne 0$. Then if $g \vert f$, take $r = 0$ and let $q$ be such that $a = bq$.
If not, consider
\[P := \\{f - gq \mid q \in \mathbb F[x]\\}\]Then by assumption $P$ does not contain $0$. Take $q$ such that $r := f - gq$ is minimal for polynomials in $P$. Suppose that $\deg r \ge \deg g$. Write $\lambda$ for the coefficient of $x^{\deg r}$ in $r$, and note that
\[r' := r - g\lambda x^{\deg r - \deg g}\]has $r’ \in P$ and $\deg r’ < \deg r$, a contradiction.
Suppose $R[X]$ is a PID. What can you deduce about $R$?
It is a field.
(A quick proof: suppose $a \in R$, $a \ne 0$. Then $\langle a, x \rangle = \langle f \rangle$ for some $f$. Then $a = fg$, so $f$ is a constant. Then $x = fh$ implies $f$ is a unit. So $\langle f \rangle = R[x]$. Then $1 = ap + xq$ for some $p, q$. Evaluating both sides at $x = 0$ gives $a p = 1$, so $a$ must be a unit).
(The contrapositive is also interesting, if $R$ is not a field, then $R[X]$ is not a PID, so e.g. this allows us to immediately deduce that $\mathbb Z[x]$ is not a PID).