Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Constraint satisfaction problems
Basic definitions
@Define a constraint satisfaction problem and what a solution looks like.
A 3-tuple $P = \langle X, D, C \rangle$ where:
- $X$ is a set of variables $X = \langle x _ 1, \ldots, x _ n \rangle$
- $D$ is a set of domains for each variable $D = \langle D _ 1, \ldots, D _ n \rangle$
- $D _ i$ is a set of values $x _ i$ could take
- $C$ is a set of constraints $C = \langle C _ 1, \ldots, C _ t \rangle$
- $C _ i = \langle S _ i, R _ i \rangle$ a pair of a set containing the variables involved and a relation between them
- $S _ i = \langle x _ {i _ 1}, \ldots, x _ {i _ m}\rangle$
- $R _ i \subseteq D _ {i _ 1} \times \cdots \times D _ {i _ m}$
A solution is an assignment/valuations $v \in D _ 1 \times \cdots \times D _ n$ that satisfies all $C _ i$.
In what sense are CSPs a special case of search problems?
- Search problems:
- State: can be any data structure
- Goal test: Domain-dependent
- Successor: Domain-dependent
- Constraint satisfaction problems:
- State: assignment of values to variables
- Goal test: Every variable is assigned and it fits within constraints
Suppose $P$ is a CSP consisting of only binary constraints. @Define the corresponding constraint graph $G _ P$.
- Every variable corresponds to a vertex
- There is an edge between $x _ i$ and $x _ j$ is there is a binary constraint over variables $x _ i$ and $x _ j$
Suppose $P$ is a CSP. @Define the corresponding hypergraph and Gaifman graph.
- Hypergraph:
- Each variable corresponds to a vertex
- For every constraint over variables $x _ {i _ 1}, \ldots, x _ {i _ m}$ there is a hyperedge $\{x _ {i _ 1}, \ldots, x _ {i _ m}\}$
- Gaifman graph:
- Each variable corresponds to a vertex
- For every constraint over variables $x _ {i _ 1}, \ldots, x _ {i _ m}$, there is an edge for each $x _ {i _ k}$ and $x _ {i _ \ell}$.
@Justify why the decision version of CSP is $\mathbf{NP}$-complete in the discrete case.
- It is $\mathbf{NP}$-hard since $\mathbf{3SAT} \le \mathbf{CSP}$
- It is in $\mathbf{NP}$ since a simple nondeterministic algorithm just guesses assignments
@Justify why CSP is not $\mathbf{NP}$ when infinite domains are allowed (e.g. if the variables can take the value of any real number).
You can encode Diophantine equations (Hilbert’s 10th problem), and solving these problems is undecidable.
@Define a constrained optimisation problem.
- A CSP $P$ and an objective function $f : D _ 1 \times \cdots \times D _ n \to \mathbb R$.
- A solution satisfies $P$ and also minimises (or maximises) $f$.
@Define a weighted constraint satisfaction problem.
- A CSP $P$ and a weight $w _ i$ for each constraint $C _ i$
- Find the assignment that maximises the total weight of the satisfied constraints
Solving CSPs by backtracking
Describe the backtracking search @algorithm for CSPs, and relate it to standard search algorithms.
Backtracking search is DFS where each depth assigns just one variable (rather than considering all possible next assignments).
function BacktrackingSearch(csp) returns (solution/failure):
return Backtrack(empty, csp)
function Backtrack(assignment, csp) return s(soltuion/failure):
if assignment is complete then return assignment
var = SelectUnassignedVariable(csp, assignment, assignment)
# Try each of the possible values in turn
for each value in the domain of var:
# If it's not consistent with what we have so far, skip
if the value is consistent with the assignment, then:
# Otherwise, trial this value
add {var = value} to assignment
# How does this affect, e.g. arc-consistency
inferences = Inference(csp, var, value)
# If this doesn't mess up consistency, try another variable
if inferences ≠ failure, then
add inferences to assignment
# See what happens when we try the next variable
result = Backtrack(assignment, csp)
if result ≠ failure:
return result
# Otherwise, remove what we've done and try next value
remove {var = value }
remove inferences from assignment
return failure
where $\mathbf{Inference}$ is some technique for checking whether the assignment is or will be consistent with constraints (e.g. forward checking, constraint propagation).
The basic backtracking algorithm for solving CSPs looks like:
function BacktrackingSearch(csp) returns (solution/failure):
return Backtrack(empty, csp)
function Backtrack(assignment, csp) return s(soltuion/failure):
if assignment is complete then return assignment
var = SelectUnassignedVariable(csp, assignment, assignment)
# Try each of the possible values in turn
for each value in the domain of var:
# If it's not consistent with what we have so far, skip
if the value is consistent with the assignment, then:
# Otherwise, trial this value
add {var = value} to assignment
# How does this affect, e.g. arc-consistency
inferences = Inference(csp, var, value)
# If this doesn't mess up consistency, try another variable
if inferences ≠ failure, then
add inferences to assignment
# See what happens when we try the next variable
result = Backtrack(assignment, csp)
if result ≠ failure:
return result
# Otherwise, remove what we've done and try next value
remove {var = value }
remove inferences from assignment
return failure
In this context, @define the minimum remaining value heuristic.
function BacktrackingSearch(csp) returns (solution/failure):
return Backtrack(empty, csp)
function Backtrack(assignment, csp) return s(soltuion/failure):
if assignment is complete then return assignment
var = SelectUnassignedVariable(csp, assignment, assignment)
# Try each of the possible values in turn
for each value in the domain of var:
# If it's not consistent with what we have so far, skip
if the value is consistent with the assignment, then:
# Otherwise, trial this value
add {var = value} to assignment
# How does this affect, e.g. arc-consistency
inferences = Inference(csp, var, value)
# If this doesn't mess up consistency, try another variable
if inferences ≠ failure, then
add inferences to assignment
# See what happens when we try the next variable
result = Backtrack(assignment, csp)
if result ≠ failure:
return result
# Otherwise, remove what we've done and try next value
remove {var = value }
remove inferences from assignment
return failure
Choose the variable with the fewest legal values.
The basic backtracking algorithm for solving CSPs looks like:
function BacktrackingSearch(csp) returns (solution/failure):
return Backtrack(empty, csp)
function Backtrack(assignment, csp) return s(soltuion/failure):
if assignment is complete then return assignment
var = SelectUnassignedVariable(csp, assignment, assignment)
# Try each of the possible values in turn
for each value in the domain of var:
# If it's not consistent with what we have so far, skip
if the value is consistent with the assignment, then:
# Otherwise, trial this value
add {var = value} to assignment
# How does this affect, e.g. arc-consistency
inferences = Inference(csp, var, value)
# If this doesn't mess up consistency, try another variable
if inferences ≠ failure, then
add inferences to assignment
# See what happens when we try the next variable
result = Backtrack(assignment, csp)
if result ≠ failure:
return result
# Otherwise, remove what we've done and try next value
remove {var = value }
remove inferences from assignment
return failure
In this context, @define the degree heuristic.
function BacktrackingSearch(csp) returns (solution/failure):
return Backtrack(empty, csp)
function Backtrack(assignment, csp) return s(soltuion/failure):
if assignment is complete then return assignment
var = SelectUnassignedVariable(csp, assignment, assignment)
# Try each of the possible values in turn
for each value in the domain of var:
# If it's not consistent with what we have so far, skip
if the value is consistent with the assignment, then:
# Otherwise, trial this value
add {var = value} to assignment
# How does this affect, e.g. arc-consistency
inferences = Inference(csp, var, value)
# If this doesn't mess up consistency, try another variable
if inferences ≠ failure, then
add inferences to assignment
# See what happens when we try the next variable
result = Backtrack(assignment, csp)
if result ≠ failure:
return result
# Otherwise, remove what we've done and try next value
remove {var = value }
remove inferences from assignment
return failure
Choose the variable that is involved in the largest number of constraints on unassigned variables.
The basic backtracking algorithm for solving CSPs looks like:
function BacktrackingSearch(csp) returns (solution/failure):
return Backtrack(empty, csp)
function Backtrack(assignment, csp) return s(soltuion/failure):
if assignment is complete then return assignment
var = SelectUnassignedVariable(csp, assignment, assignment)
for each value in the domain of var:
if the value is consistent with the assignment, then:
add {var = value} to assignment
inferences = Inference(csp, var, value)
if inferences ≠ failure, then
add inferences to assignment
result = Backtrack(assignment, csp)
if result ≠ failure:
return result
remove {var = value } and inferences from assignment
return failure
In this context, @define the least constraining value heuristic.
function BacktrackingSearch(csp) returns (solution/failure):
return Backtrack(empty, csp)
function Backtrack(assignment, csp) return s(soltuion/failure):
if assignment is complete then return assignment
var = SelectUnassignedVariable(csp, assignment, assignment)
for each value in the domain of var:
if the value is consistent with the assignment, then:
add {var = value} to assignment
inferences = Inference(csp, var, value)
if inferences ≠ failure, then
add inferences to assignment
result = Backtrack(assignment, csp)
if result ≠ failure:
return result
remove {var = value } and inferences from assignment
return failure
Once a variable has been chosen to assign to, choose the value that rules out the fewest values in the neighbouring variables.
The basic backtracking algorithm for solving CSPs looks like:
function BacktrackingSearch(csp) returns (solution/failure):
return Backtrack(empty, csp)
function Backtrack(assignment, csp) return s(soltuion/failure):
if assignment is complete then return assignment
var = SelectUnassignedVariable(csp, assignment, assignment)
# Try each of the possible values in turn
for each value in the domain of var:
# If it's not consistent with what we have so far, skip
if the value is consistent with the assignment, then:
# Otherwise, trial this value
add {var = value} to assignment
# How does this affect, e.g. arc-consistency
inferences = Inference(csp, var, value)
# If this doesn't mess up consistency, try another variable
if inferences ≠ failure, then
add inferences to assignment
# See what happens when we try the next variable
result = Backtrack(assignment, csp)
if result ≠ failure:
return result
# Otherwise, remove what we've done and try next value
remove {var = value }
remove inferences from assignment
return failure
In this context, @define the forward checking inference approach.
function BacktrackingSearch(csp) returns (solution/failure):
return Backtrack(empty, csp)
function Backtrack(assignment, csp) return s(soltuion/failure):
if assignment is complete then return assignment
var = SelectUnassignedVariable(csp, assignment, assignment)
# Try each of the possible values in turn
for each value in the domain of var:
# If it's not consistent with what we have so far, skip
if the value is consistent with the assignment, then:
# Otherwise, trial this value
add {var = value} to assignment
# How does this affect, e.g. arc-consistency
inferences = Inference(csp, var, value)
# If this doesn't mess up consistency, try another variable
if inferences ≠ failure, then
add inferences to assignment
# See what happens when we try the next variable
result = Backtrack(assignment, csp)
if result ≠ failure:
return result
# Otherwise, remove what we've done and try next value
remove {var = value }
remove inferences from assignment
return failure
When a value $d$ is assigned to a variable $x$, delete values incompatible with $d$ from other variables’ domains.
@Define what it means for a variable $x _ i$ with domain $D _ i$ to be node-consistent.
All values in $D _ i$ satisfy the unary constraints on $x _ i$.
- $C = \big\langle \langle x, y\rangle, R \big\rangle$ is a binary constraint in a CSP
- $x$ is a variable
@Define what it means for $x$ to be consistent with respect to $C$.
For each $d _ x \in D _ x$, there exists some $d _ y \in D _ y$ such that $\langle d _ x, d _ y \rangle \in R$.
@Define what it means for a CSP to be arc-consistent.
All variables are consistent with respect to all binary constraints (i.e. for each $d _ x \in D _ x$, there exists some $d _ y \in D _ y$ such that $\langle d _ x, d _ y \rangle \in R$).
What’s the high-level idea behind AC-3, the arc consistency algorithm?
Make sure each edge is arc-consistent, and make sure that making one edge arc-consistent doesn’t make another inconsistent.
(Recall a CSP is arc-consistent if it is consistent with respect to all binary constraints).
AC-3 algorithm
Describe AC-3, the arc consistency @algorithm.
# Attempts to make CSP arc-consistent, and returns whether it succeeded
function AC3(csp):
inputs: csp, a binary CSP with components X, D, C
local variables: queue, a queue of directed arcs, initially containing every arc
while queue is not empty:
(x_i, x_j) = RemoveFirst(queue)
# Revise the domain of x_i, and if changes were made, add
# other constraints to the queue which will be affected.
if Revise(csp, x_i, x_j):
if D_i is empty:
# The CSP is not arc consistent
return false
# We have shrunk the domain of x_i, so now the constraints
# of the form (x_k, x_i) are harder to satisfy, so we need
# to revise these again.
for each x_k in x_i.Neighbours \ { x_j }:
add (x_k, x_i) to queue
return true
# Prunes the domain of x_i by removing values which don't work with
# the constraints involing x_j.
# It returns true or false depending on whether D_i is revised.
function Revise(csp, x_i, x_j):
revised = false
for each d in D_i:
if no value d' in D_j works with constraints between x_i and x_j:
delete d from D_i
revised = true
return revised
AC-3 is an algorithm for ensuring the arc consistency of a binary CSP and can be implemented as follows:
function AC3(csp) returns whether CSP is consistent
inputs: csp, a binary CSP with components X, D, C
local variables: queue, a queue of directed arcs, initially containing every arc
while queue is not empty:
(x_i, x_j) = RemoveFirst(queue)
if Revise(csp, x_i, x_j):
if D_i is empty:
return false
for each x_k in x_i.Neighbours \ { x_j }:
add (x_k, x_i) to queue
return true
function Revise(csp, x_i, x_j) returns true iff D_i gets revised:
revised = false
for each d in D_i:
if no value d' in D_j allows (d, d') to satisfy constraints between x_i and x_j:
delete d from D_i
revised = true
return revised
What is the time complexity of AC-3?
function AC3(csp) returns whether CSP is consistent
inputs: csp, a binary CSP with components X, D, C
local variables: queue, a queue of directed arcs, initially containing every arc
while queue is not empty:
(x_i, x_j) = RemoveFirst(queue)
if Revise(csp, x_i, x_j):
if D_i is empty:
return false
for each x_k in x_i.Neighbours \ { x_j }:
add (x_k, x_i) to queue
return true
function Revise(csp, x_i, x_j) returns true iff D_i gets revised:
revised = false
for each d in D_i:
if no value d' in D_j allows (d, d') to satisfy constraints between x_i and x_j:
delete d from D_i
revised = true
return revised
- $c$ is the number of binary constraints
- $d$ is the maximum size of a domain
AC-3 is an algorithm for ensuring the arc consistency of a binary CSP and can be implemented as follows:
function AC3(csp) returns whether CSP is consistent
inputs: csp, a binary CSP with components X, D, C
local variables: queue, a queue of directed arcs, initially containing every arc
while queue is not empty:
(x_i, x_j) = RemoveFirst(queue)
if Revise(csp, x_i, x_j):
if D_i is empty:
return false
for each x_k in x_i.Neighbours \ { x_j }:
add (x_k, x_i) to queue
return true
function Revise(csp, x_i, x_j) returns true iff D_i gets revised:
revised = false
for each d in D_i:
if no value d' in D_j allows (d, d') to satisfy constraints between x_i and x_j:
delete d from D_i
revised = true
return revised
@Justify that the time complexity of AC-3 is $O(cd^3)$, where $c$ is the number of binary constraints and $d$ is the maximum size of a domain.
function AC3(csp) returns whether CSP is consistent
inputs: csp, a binary CSP with components X, D, C
local variables: queue, a queue of directed arcs, initially containing every arc
while queue is not empty:
(x_i, x_j) = RemoveFirst(queue)
if Revise(csp, x_i, x_j):
if D_i is empty:
return false
for each x_k in x_i.Neighbours \ { x_j }:
add (x_k, x_i) to queue
return true
function Revise(csp, x_i, x_j) returns true iff D_i gets revised:
revised = false
for each d in D_i:
if no value d' in D_j allows (d, d') to satisfy constraints between x_i and x_j:
delete d from D_i
revised = true
return revised
- There are $O(c)$ arcs.
- Each arc can be inserted into the queue at most $d$ times.
- An arc $(x _ k, x _ i)$ gets added back to the queue when some value is deleted from the domain of $x _ i$.
takes $O(d^2)$
Generalised arc consistency
- $C = \big\langle \langle x _ 1, \ldots, x _ m\rangle, R \big\rangle$ is a constraint in a CSP
- $x _ i$ where $1 \le i \le m$ is a variable involved in the constraint
@Define generalised arc consistency in this context, i.e. what it means for $x _ i$ to be consistent with respect to the constraint $C$.
For each $d \in D _ i$, there exists some $\langle d _ 1, \ldots, d _ m \rangle \in R$ such that $d _ i = d$ and $d _ j \in D _ j$ for each $1 \le j \le n$.
(i.e. for every value $d$ in $x _ i$’s domain, there is some setting of other variables so that the constraint is satisfied with that particular value of $x _ i$ fixed)
@Define what it means for a CSP to be $k$-consistent.
For each set of $k-1$ variables and each consistent assignment to those variables, a consistent value exists for each $k$-th variable.
@Define what it means for a CSP to be strongly $k$-consistent.
It is $i$-consistent for all $i = 1, \ldots, k$.
How can you identify independent subproblems from the constraint graph?
Look at the strongly connected components.
Solving tree-shaped CSPs
The notes assume that the CSP is binary so that “constraint graph” makes sense. If the CSP has constraints of higher-arity, these results can be adapted by considering when the Gaifman graph is a tree (I think).
In this case, you can run these algorithms over the Gaifman graph, but rather than enforcing arc-consistency at each step, you need to enforce generalised arc-consistency for each of the relations that cause a node to be connected to its parent.
Suppose the constraint graph of a CSP is a tree (i.e. it contains no loops). Describe an @algorithm which can solve CSPs like this more efficiently.
function TreeCSPSolver(csp) returns solution/failure
inputs: csp, a CSP with components X, D and C
n = number of variables in X
assignment = the empty assignment
root = any variable in X
X = TopologicalSort(x, root)
for j = n down to 2:
# Remove values from the domain of the parent that aren't
# consistent with the values of the child
# Here parent means predecessor in the topological ordering
isConsistent = Revise(csp, Parent(x_j), x_j)
if not isConsistent:
return failure
for i = 1 to n:
assignment[x_i] = any value from D_i consistent with current assignment
if there is no consistent value:
return failure
return assignment
What’s the high-level idea behind the TreeCSPSolver
function TreeCSPSolver(csp) returns solution/failure
inputs: csp, a CSP with components X, D and C
n = number of variables in X
assignment = the empty assignment
root = any variable in X
X = TopologicalSort(x, root)
for j = n down to 2:
isConsistent = Revise(csp, Parent(x_j), x_j)
if not isConsistent:
return failure
for i = 1 to n:
assignment[x_i] = any value from D_i consistent with current assignment
if there is no consistent value:
return failure
return assignment
algorithm?function TreeCSPSolver(csp) returns solution/failure
inputs: csp, a CSP with components X, D and C
n = number of variables in X
assignment = the empty assignment
root = any variable in X
X = TopologicalSort(x, root)
for j = n down to 2:
isConsistent = Revise(csp, Parent(x_j), x_j)
if not isConsistent:
return failure
for i = 1 to n:
assignment[x_i] = any value from D_i consistent with current assignment
if there is no consistent value:
return failure
return assignment
- Compute a topological ordering; an ordering of nodes so that every node’s parent precedes it in the order
- Revise the domains of each variable in reverse order by deleting values that would cause inconsistencies
- Pick a value from each of the domains
Solving general CSPs using methods for tree-shaped CSPs
The $\mathbf{TreeCSPSolver}$ algorithm works on CSPs where the constraint graph is a tree. Sometimes the constraint graph is almost a tree, but not quite. In this context, describe the cycle conditioning @algorithm.
- Calculate the constraint graph
- Choose a cycle cutset, a subset $S$ of $X$ such that, after removing $S$, the constraint graph becomes a tree
- For each possible consistent assignment of variables in $S$:
- Prune the domain of each variable in $X \setminus S$ that has a neighbour of $S$
- Try and solve the remaining CSP using $\mathbf{TreeCSPSolver}$
The $\mathbf{TreeCSPSolver}$ algorithm works on CSPs where the constraint graph is a tree. Sometimes the constraint graph is almost a tree, but not quite. In this context, the cycle conditioning algorithm finds a cutset which
- Calculate the constraint graph
- Choose a cycle cutset, a subset $S$ of $X$ such that, after removing $S$, the constraint graph becomes a tree
- For each possible consistent assignment of variables in $S$:
- Prune the domain of each variable in $X \setminus S$ that has a neighbour of $S$
- Solve the remaining CSP using $\mathbf{TreeCSPSolver}$
What is the time complexity of this algorithm?
- Prune the domain of each variable in $X \setminus S$ that has a neighbour of $S$
- Solve the remaining CSP using $\mathbf{TreeCSPSolver}$
- $c$ is the cycle cutset size
- $d$ is the domain size
- $n$ is the number of variables
- (there’s $d^c$ possible choices for variables in the cutset, and the remaining $n - c$ variables can be solved with the tree CSP algorithm)
The $\mathbf{TreeCSPSolver}$ algorithm works on CSPs where the constraint graph is a tree. @Define a corresponding tree decomposition $T$ of $P$.
- Each variable $x \in X$ occurs in some node of $T$
- For each $C _ i$, some node of $T$ contains all variables of $C _ i$
- If a variable $x$ appears in two nodes of $T$, then $x$ appears in all nodes along the path connecting these two nodes (note there is only one such path)
- Edges can be arbitrary as long as these conditions are satisfied
The $\mathbf{TreeCSPSolver}$ algorithm works on CSPs where the constraint graph is a tree. A tree decomposition converts a CSP $P$ into a corresponding tree $T$ where:
- Each variable $x \in X$ occurs in some node of $T$
- For each $C _ i$, some node of $T$ contains all variables of $C _ i$
- If a variable $x$ appears in two nodes of $T$, then $x$ appears in all nodes along the path connecting these two nodes (note there is only one such path)
- Edges can be arbitrary as long as these conditions are satisfied
Describe an @algorithm for solving a CSP given a tree decomposition.
- For each node of $T$, compute all assignments that satisfy the constraints between variables in the node
- Make each node $t _ 1$ of $T$ consistent with its parent $t _ 2$. This can be done by eliminating each assignment $v _ 2$ in $t _ 2$ for which no compatible assignment $v _ 1$ in $t _ 1$ exists (the same as $\mathbf{TreeCSPSolver}$).
(i.e. we construct a new tree-shaped CSP from the tree decomposition. In this one, the variables are actually sets of variables in the original problem, the domains are feasible assignments to the original variables, and the new constraints enforce consistency between the constraints).
The $\mathbf{TreeCSPSolver}$ algorithm works on CSPs where the constraint graph is a tree. A tree decomposition converts a CSP $P$ into a corresponding tree $T$ where:
- Each variable $x \in X$ occurs in some node of $T$
- For each $C _ i$, some node of $T$ contains all variables of $C _ i$
- If a variable $x$ appears in two nodes of $T$, then $x$ appears in all nodes along the path connecting these two nodes (note there is only one such path)
An algorithm for solving a CSP given a tree decomposition is given by:
- For each node of $T$, compute all assignments that satisfy the constraints between variables in the node
- Make each node $t _ 1$ of $T$ consistent with its parent $t _ 2$. This can be done by eliminating each assignment $v _ 2$ in $t _ 2$ for which no compatible assignment $v _ 1$ in $t _ 1$ exists (the same as $\mathbf{TreeCSPSolver}$).
What is the time complexity of this algorithm?
- $w$ is the width of $T$
- $d$ is the maximum domain size of the original CSP
- $n$ is the number of nodes in $T$
The $\mathbf{TreeCSPSolver}$ algorithm works on CSPs where the constraint graph is a tree. A tree decomposition converts a CSP $P$ into a corresponding tree $T$ where:
- Each variable $x \in X$ occurs in some node of $T$
- For each $C _ i$, some node of $T$ contains all variables of $C _ i$
- If a variable $x$ appears in two nodes of $T$, then $x$ appears in all nodes along the path connecting these two nodes
@Define the width of the tree $T$.
The maximum number of variables in a node of $T$, minus one.