Notes - Computer Security MT24, Symmetric key ciphers
The typical example used for symmetric key ciphers is communication between two parties, Alice and Bob, where there might be an eavesdropper. How can you modify this scenario to show that symmetric key ciphers are still useful for secure storage?
Bob is the future version of Alice, and the transmission channel is the storage medium.
@Define formally a symmetric key cryptosystem.
- Definitions:
- $\mathcal M$ is the set of messages (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal C$ is the set of ciphertexts (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal K$ is the keyspace (typically binary strings of length $k$, the key size)
- $E : \mathcal K \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C$ is the encryption function
- $D : \mathcal K \times \mathcal C \to \mathcal M$
- Requirements:
- For every $m \in \mathcal M$, $D _ k(E _ k(m)) = m$
- (i.e. any encrypted message can be decrypted)
- (note also that it doesn’t have to be true that for every $c \in \mathcal C$, $E _ k(D _ k(c)) = c$)
Formally, a symmetric key cryptosystem is given by:
- Definitions:
- $\mathcal M$ is the set of messages (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal C$ is the set of ciphertexts (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal K$ is the keyspace (typically binary strings of length $k$, the key size)
- $E : \mathcal K \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C$ is the encryption function
- $D : \mathcal K \times \mathcal C \to \mathcal M$
- Requirements:
- For every $m \in \mathcal M$, $D _ k(E _ k(m)) = m$
- (i.e. messages can be decrypted)
What is the Caesar cipher in this context?
- $\mathcal M$ is the set of messages (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal C$ is the set of ciphertexts (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal K$ is the keyspace (typically binary strings of length $k$, the key size)
- $E : \mathcal K \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C$ is the encryption function
- $D : \mathcal K \times \mathcal C \to \mathcal M$
- For every $m \in \mathcal M$, $D _ k(E _ k(m)) = m$
- (i.e. messages can be decrypted)
- $\mathcal M$ are fixed length blocks of Roman alphabet characters, encoded as a sequence of integers
- $\mathcal C = \mathcal M$
- $\mathcal K = \{0, 1, \ldots, 25\}$, so $ \vert \mathcal K \vert = 26$.
- $E _ k\langle m _ n, \ldots, m _ k\rangle = \langle m _ 1 + k, \ldots, m _ n + k \rangle \pmod{26}$
- $D _ k\langle c _ 1, \ldots, c _ k\rangle = \langle c _ 1 - k, \ldots, c _ n - k \rangle \pmod{26}$
Formally, a symmetric key cryptosystem is given by:
- Definitions:
- $\mathcal M$ is the set of messages (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal C$ is the set of ciphertexts (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal K$ is the keyspace (typically binary strings of length $k$, the key size)
- $E : \mathcal K \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C$ is the encryption function
- $D : \mathcal K \times \mathcal C \to \mathcal M$
- Requirements:
- For every $m \in \mathcal M$, $D _ k(E _ k(m)) = m$
- (i.e. messages can be decrypted)
What is the monoalphabetic substitution cipher in this context, and why is it weak?
- $\mathcal M$ is the set of messages (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal C$ is the set of ciphertexts (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal K$ is the keyspace (typically binary strings of length $k$, the key size)
- $E : \mathcal K \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C$ is the encryption function
- $D : \mathcal K \times \mathcal C \to \mathcal M$
- For every $m \in \mathcal M$, $D _ k(E _ k(m)) = m$
- (i.e. messages can be decrypted)
- $\mathcal M$ are fixed length blocks of Roman alphabet characters, encoded as a sequence of integers
- $\mathcal C = \mathcal M$
- $\mathcal K = S _ {26}$ (i.e. symmetric group of $26$ elements), $ \vert \mathcal K \vert = 26!$.
- $E _ k\langle m _ 1, \ldots, m _ n\rangle = \langle \pi(m _ 1), \ldots, \pi(m _ n) \rangle$
- $D _ k\langle c _ 1, \ldots, c _ k\rangle = \langle \pi^{-1}(c _ 1), \ldots, \pi^{-1}(c _ n) \rangle$
Defeated straight away in a KPA, or using frequency analysis.
Formally, a symmetric key cryptosystem is given by:
- Definitions:
- $\mathcal M$ is the set of messages (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal C$ is the set of ciphertexts (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal K$ is the keyspace (typically binary strings of length $k$, the key size)
- $E : \mathcal K \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C$ is the encryption function
- $D : \mathcal K \times \mathcal C \to \mathcal M$
- Requirements:
- For every $m \in \mathcal M$, $D _ k(E _ k(m)) = m$
- (i.e. messages can be decrypted)
@Define the Vernam cipher in this context, and explain why it is weak.
- $\mathcal M$ is the set of messages (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal C$ is the set of ciphertexts (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal K$ is the keyspace (typically binary strings of length $k$, the key size)
- $E : \mathcal K \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C$ is the encryption function
- $D : \mathcal K \times \mathcal C \to \mathcal M$
- For every $m \in \mathcal M$, $D _ k(E _ k(m)) = m$
- (i.e. messages can be decrypted)
- $\mathcal M = \{0, 1\}^n$
- $\mathcal K = \mathcal C = \mathcal M$
- $E _ k(m) = m \oplus k$
- $D _ k(m) = m \oplus k$
It is defeated immediately by a KPA, since if $E _ k(m) = c$, then $k = c \oplus m$. (Here the cipher is linear in the key).
Formally, a symmetric key cryptosystem is given by:
- Definitions:
- $\mathcal M$ is the set of messages (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal C$ is the set of ciphertexts (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal K$ is the keyspace (typically binary strings of length $k$, the key size)
- $E : \mathcal K \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C$ is the encryption function
- $D : \mathcal K \times \mathcal C \to \mathcal M$
- Requirements:
- For every $m \in \mathcal M$, $D _ k(E _ k(m)) = m$
- (i.e. messages can be decrypted)
Consider the following modification of a Vernam cipher:
- $\mathcal M = \{0, 1\}^n$
- $\mathcal K = \mathcal C = \mathcal M$
- $E _ k(m) = m \oplus h(k)$
- $D _ k(m) = m \oplus h(k)$
where $h$ is some one-way function. The immediate KPA for Vernam ciphers no longer works as the cipher is no longer linear in the key. But why is this still weak?
- $\mathcal M$ is the set of messages (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal C$ is the set of ciphertexts (typically binary strings of length $n$, the block size)
- $\mathcal K$ is the keyspace (typically binary strings of length $k$, the key size)
- $E : \mathcal K \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C$ is the encryption function
- $D : \mathcal K \times \mathcal C \to \mathcal M$
- For every $m \in \mathcal M$, $D _ k(E _ k(m)) = m$
- (i.e. messages can be decrypted)
Suppose we know $E _ k(m) = c$, and have some $c’$ for which we wish to find the corresponding $m’$.
Since $c’ = m’ \oplus h(k)$, it follows $c \oplus c’ = m \oplus m’$. Then $m \oplus c \oplus c’ = m’$, and we are done (although we can’t deduce the key).
@Define Shannon perfect security.
- $m \in \mathcal M$ are drawn from some distribution
- $k \in \mathcal K$ are drawn from some distribution
Then, a cryptosystem is perfectly secure if
- For all $m \in \mathcal M$ and $c \in \mathcal C$, $\mathbb P[M = m \mid C = c] = P[M = m]$. (the attacker gains no extra information about the message $m$ if they are given the ciphertext $c$)
- Keys are drawn uniformly from $\mathcal K$, and one key is used for one encryption only (so KPAs, CPAs or CCAs are impossible).
Shannon perfect security is defined where
- $m \in \mathcal M$ are drawn from some distribution
Then, a cryptosystem is perfectly secure if
- For all $m \in \mathcal M$ and $c \in \mathcal C$, $\mathbb P[M = m \mid C = c] = P[M = m]$. (the attacker gains no extra information about the message $m$ if they are given the ciphertext $c$)
- Keys are drawn uniformly from $\mathcal K$, and one key is used for one encryption only (so KPAs, CPAs or CCAs are impossible).
@State the impracticability theorem, which shows that it’s impractical to meet condition (1).
Let $\mathcal M’ \subseteq \mathcal M$ denote the set of all messages with strictly positive probability.
Then Shannon’s first condition $\mathbb P[M = m \mid C = c] = P[M = m]$ requires $ \vert \mathcal K \vert \ge \vert \mathcal M’ \vert $.
This means it’s impractical because if there at least as many possible keys as there possible messages, it will take at least as many bits to store/transmit the key as the message itself.
Shannon perfect security is defined where
- $m \in \mathcal M$ are drawn from some distribution
Then, a cryptosystem is perfectly secure if
- For all $m \in \mathcal M$ and $c \in \mathcal C$, $\mathbb P[M = m \mid C = c] = P[M = m]$. (the attacker gains no extra information about the message $m$ if they are given the ciphertext $c$)
- Keys are drawn uniformly from $\mathcal K$, and one key is used for one encryption only (so KPAs, CPAs or CCAs are impossible).
A result called the impracticability theorem shows that it’s impractical to meet condition (1): If $\mathcal M’ \subseteq \mathcal M$ denotes the set of all messages with strictly positive probability and Shannon’s first condition $\mathbb P[M = m \mid C = c] = P[M = m]$ is met, then $ \vert \mathcal K \vert \ge \vert \mathcal M’ \vert $.
@Prove this.
Overall idea: Use the assumption that $ \vert \mathcal K \vert < \vert \mathcal M’ \vert $ to find some ciphertext $c \in \mathcal C$ and message $m _ 0 \in \mathcal M’$ such that $E _ k(m _ 0) \ne c$ for any key. This would imply $\mathbb P[C = c \vert M = m _ 0] = 0$, which contradicts the fact that $\mathbb P[C = c] \ne 0$.
First note that if $\mathbb P[M = m] \ne 0$, then
\[\begin{aligned} &\mathbb P[M = m \mid C = c] = \mathbb P[M = m] \\\\ \implies& \mathbb P[M = m \land C = c] = \mathbb P[M = m]\mathbb P[C = c] \\\\ \implies& \mathbb P[C = c \mid M = m] = \mathbb P[C = c] \end{aligned}\]Now suppose for a contradiction that $ \vert \mathcal K \vert < \vert \mathcal M’ \vert $.
Pick some ciphertext $c$. Because $c$ is possible, $\mathbb P[C = c] > 0$. Define
\[\mathcal M _ c := \\{m \in \mathcal M \mid D _ k(c) = m \text{ for some }k\\}\]Then
\[|\mathcal M _ c| \le |\mathcal K| < |\mathcal M'|\](Why is the first inequality justified? Let $f(k) := D _ k(c)$. Then $f : \mathcal K \to \mathcal M$, and $\mathcal M _ c \subseteq \mathcal M$. But a function cannot have more outputs than it does inputs).
This means there exists some $m _ 0 \in \mathcal M$ with $\mathbb P[M = m _ 0] > 0$ but $D _ k(c) \ne m _ 0$ for any $k$.
Therefore $E _ k(m _ 0) \ne c$ for any $k$ and so $\mathbb P[C = c \vert M = m _ 0] = 0$.
But by assumption $\mathbb P[C = c] \ne 0$, so $\mathbb P[C = c] \ne \mathbb P[C = c\mid M = m _ 0]$, a contradiction.
What is the difference between a Vernam cipher and a one-time pad?
A one-time pad is a Vernam cipher used with uniformly random keys and the key is changed for every encryption.
@Prove that the Vernam cipher with a truly random key meets Shannon’s first condition of perfect security.
Vernam cipher:
- $\mathcal M = \{0, 1\}^n$
- $\mathcal K = \mathcal C = \mathcal M$
- $E _ k(m) = m \oplus k$
- $D _ k(m) = m \oplus k$
Shannon’s first condition:
- For all $m \in \mathcal M$ and $c \in \mathcal C$, $\mathbb P[M = m \mid C = c] = P[M = m]$. (the attacker gains no extra information about the message $m$ if they are given the ciphertext $c$)
Pick arbitrary $m \in \mathcal M$ and $c \in \mathcal C$. Then:
\[\begin{aligned} \mathbb P[M = m \mid C = c] &= \frac{\mathbb P[M = m \land C =c]}{\mathbb P[C = c]} \\\\ &= \frac{\mathbb P[M = m \land K = c \oplus m]}{\mathbb P[C = c]} \\\\ &= \frac{\mathbb P[M = m] \mathbb P[K = c \oplus m]}{\mathbb P[C = c]} && (\star) \\\\ &= \frac{\mathbb P[M = m] 2^{-n}}{\mathbb P[C = c]} \\\\ &= \frac{\mathbb P[M = m] 2^{-n}}{\sum_{m \in \mathcal M} \mathbb P[M = m \land C = c]} \\\\ &= \frac{\mathbb P[M = m] 2^{-n}}{\sum_{m \in \mathcal M} \mathbb P[M = m]2^{-n}} \\\\ &= \mathbb P[M = m] \end{aligned}\]where $(\star)$ is justified as the choice of key is independent from the message.
@Define Shannon’s property of confusion in a cipher, state what attack models this aims to prevent, and give an example of a weak cipher which doesn’t have this property
- Given $m$ and $c$, the equation “find $k$ such that $E _ k(m) = c$” should be very hard to solve
- Aims to make KPA and CPA difficult.
- A Vernam cipher does not have the confusion property, since there is a simple linear relationship
@Define Shannon’s property of diffusion in a cipher, state what attack models this aims to prevent, and give an example of a weak cipher which doesn’t have this property.
- Nonuniformity in parts of $m$ should be spread out so that $E _ k(m)$ is close to uniform for any $k$.
- Aims to make COA difficult by obscuring properties of the message in the ciphertext.
- A monoalphabetic permutation cipher doesn’t have this property since you can perform straightforward frequency analysis.
Suppose you have a cipher with encryption and decryption functions
&E : \mathcal K \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C \\\\
&D : \mathcal K \times \mathcal C \to \mathcal M
At the moment, the size of the keyspace is $ \vert \mathcal K \vert $. You might think that encrpting twice through two different keys via
&E'' : (\mathcal K \times \mathcal K) \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C \\\\
&E'' _ {\langle k, k' \rangle} (m) = E _ k(E _ {k'}(m))
would square the number of steps in the exhaustion attack on $E$. Can you describe the technique that shows this is not the case?
The technique is a meet-in-the-middle KPA attack. It works like this:
- Obtain plaintext $m$ with known encryption $c$
- For each $k \in \mathcal K$, compute $E _ k(m)$ and store $\langle k, E _ k(m)\rangle$ in list $L$
- For each $k’ \in \mathcal K$, compute $D _ {k’}(c)$ and search for $\langle k, D _ {k’}(c)\rangle$ in $L$
- If it is found, store $\langle k, k’\rangle$ in a list of candidate pairs
- Otherwise, continue
- Test the candidate pairs $\langle k, k’\rangle$ against a new plaintext $m’$ with known encryption $c’$. Discard the pair if $E _ {k’}(E _ k(m’)) \ne c’$
- Repeat the previous step until only one candidate pair remains, this is the double encryption key
Suppose you have a cipher with encryption and decryption functions
&E : \mathcal K \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C \\\\
&D : \mathcal K \times \mathcal C \to \mathcal M
At the moment, the size of the keyspace is $ \vert \mathcal K \vert $. You might think that encrpting twice through two different keys via
&E'' : (\mathcal K \times \mathcal K) \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C \\\\
&E'' _ {\langle k, k' \rangle} (m) = E _ k(E _ {k'}(m))
would square the number of steps in the exhaustion attack on $E$. But the technique known as a meet-in-the-middle KPA attack shows this is not the case:
- Obtain plaintext $m$ with known encryption $c$
- Work through each $k \in \mathcal K$, compute $E _ k(m)$ and store $\langle k, E _ k(m)\rangle$ in list $L$.
- Then go through again, and for each $k’ \in \mathcal K$, compute $D _ {k’}(c)$ and search for $\langle k, D _ {k’}(c)\rangle$ in $L$
- If it is found, store $\langle k, k’\rangle$ in a list of candidate pairs
- Otherwise, continue
- Test the candidate pairs $\langle k, k’\rangle$ against a new plaintext $m’$ with known encryption $c’$. Discard the pair if $E _ {k’}(E _ k(m’)) \ne c’$
- Repeat the previous step until only one candidate pair remains, this is the double encryption key
@Justify why this attack works.
- If it is found, store $\langle k, k’\rangle$ in a list of candidate pairs
- Otherwise, continue
- Firstly, it requires only $2^{n+1}$ work rather than $2^{2n}$ work, since you just need to iterate through the keyspace twice.
- If $E _ {k’}(E _ k(m)) = c$, then $E _ k(m) = D _ {k’}(c)$. So you can identify the two keys by “searching from both directions”, meeting in the middle.
Suppose you have a cipher with encryption and decryption functions
&E : \mathcal K \times \mathcal M \to \mathcal C \\\\
&D : \mathcal K \times \mathcal C \to \mathcal M
At the moment, the size of the keyspace is $ \vert \mathcal K \vert $. What is triple ecryption?
Defining a new encryption function
\[E''' _ {\langle k, k', k'' \rangle} (m) = E _ {k''}(D _ {k'}(E _ k(m)))\]