Lecture - Ethics and Responsible Innovation MT22, II
- Feedback loops through society; using past crime rates to predict crimes is biased towards black neighbourhoods. This increases the policing in those neighbourhoods and then means that more crimes will be detected.
- Types of bias
- Automation bias: human tendency to trust the output of an algorithm more than their own intuition
- Algorithmic bias; algorithms systematically failing to treat individuals equally, causing disproportionate inconvenience or harm
- What makes actions right in general?
- Consequentialism; the consequences that an action leads to.
- Deontology
- Problems for consequentialism
- How are you measuring the outcome?
- Predicting the consequences of actions in complex situations is very difficult
- Problems for deontology
- In lots of cases, the two theories can be made compatible
- Lenses
- Outcome lens: in what ways does what you’re making turn out better or worse for your stakeholders?
- Process lens: How did the process ttreat everyone involved? Who had dcision making power, who was treated with respect, etc.?
- Structure lens: how were the outcomes distributed across groups? Were there differences in how different groups were treated or involved with the process?