AIMA - First-Order Logic


What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

Our understanding of the world is strongly influenced by the language we speak.

What three things does first-order logic assume exists in the world?

  1. Facts
  2. Objects
  3. Relations

What one thing does propositional logic assume exists in the world?


What are the ontological commitments of a logic?

What it assumes about how reality is constructed.

What is a relation in first-order logic?

Some relationship or property expressed by one or more objects.

What’s a more natural way of thinking about unary relations?

Properties of an object.

What’s an example of a unary relation?

  • $\text{Smelly}(\text{Zain})$
  • $\text{Green}(\text{Grass})$

What’s an example of a binary relation?

  • $\text{Head}(\text{Bob’s Head}, \text{Bob})$


\[P(x, y)\]

How can you read a binary relation like this?? $x$ is a $P$ of $y$.

What is the arity of a relation?

The number of objects it connects.

What is a function in first-order logic?

A shorthand for representing the only existing related object for many-to-one relations.

Why is $\text{LeftLeg}(\text{Charlie})$ a valid function in first-order logic?

Because the relation $\text{LeftLeg}$ is many-to-one.

Why is the notation for functions and relations such as $\text{YoungestSibling}(\text{Bob})$ confusing?

Because it can represent two differet things:

  1. The sentence “Bob has a youngest sibling”
  2. The term representing Bob’s youngest sibling

Why are functions used in first-order logic?

Because they mean you don’t have to name every single object.

What is the symbol for universal quantification?



\[\forall x\, ...\]

How can you pronounce something like this?? “For all $x$…”

How would you write the sentence that every $\text{King}$ is a $\text{Person}$ in first-order logic?

\[\forall x\, \text{King}(x) \implies \text{Person}(x)\]

What is the symbol for existential quantification?



\[\exists x\, ...\]

How can you pronounce something like this?? “There exists at least one $x$…”

How would you write the sentence that there exists at least one $\text{Crown}$ that is also on $\text{John’s}$ head?

\[\exists x\, \text{Crown}(x) \land \text{OnHead}(x, \text{John})\]


\[\neg \exists x P\]

Can you rewrite using this a universal quantifier??

\[\forall x\,\neg P\]


\[\neg \forall x P\]

Can you rewrite this using an existential quantifier??

\[\exists x\, \neg P\]


\[\exists x P\]

Can you rewrite this using a universal quantifier??

\[\neg \forall x\, \neg P\]


\[\forall x P\]

Can you rewrite this using an existential quantifier??

\[\neg \exists x\, \neg P\]

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