Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Nondeterministic search
@Define the difference between nondeterministic and stochastic.
Stochastic implies that the uncertainty about outcomes can be quantified in terms of probability.
A deterministic search problem can be formalised by:
- A set of states $S$
- An initial state $s$, where the agent starts
- Possible actions, described by a function $\mathbf{Actions}(s)$ which returns the set of actions applicable to state $s$
- A transition model, given by a successor function $\mathbf{Result}(s, a)$ which returns the state obtained by applying action $a$ to state $s$
- Goal test: A function for checking whether a state is a goal
- Path cost: A function assigning a value $\mathbf{pc}(p)$ to each path $p = s _ 0, a _ 1, s _ 1, a _ 2, \ldots$ and so on.
…and a solution is a sequence of states leading to a solution.
How does a nondeterministic environment change this model?
Rather than $\mathbf{Result}(s, a)$, it is $\mathbf{Results}(s, a)$, which returns a set of possible states. Now a solution is a contingency plan, like a game against nature.
Why is sensing needed in a nondeterministic environment?
You need to know the outcomes of your actions in order to know how to proceed according to your contingency plan.
Describe the And-Or @algorithm for search in nondeterministic algorithms, and describe its key differences with minimax (in the “game against nature” view).
- OR nodes: The agent has the choice of action (OuR choice)
- AND nodes: The environment chooses the action outcome (us AND THEM)
function AndOrGraphSearch(problem) return solution/failure:
return OrSearch(problem.InitialState, problem, [])
function OrSearch(state, problem, path) returns solution/failure:
if problem.GoalTest(state):
return empty plan
if state is on path:
return failure # (a cycle)
for each action in problem.Actions(state):
plan = AndSearch(results(state, action), problem, [state] + path)
if plan != failure:
return [action] + plan
return failure
function AndSearch(states, problem, path) return solution/failure:
for each s_i in states:
plan_i = OrSearch(s_i, problem, path)
if plan_i = failure:
return failure
return [
if s_1 then plan 1
else if s_2 then plan 2
else if s_{n-1} then plan n-1
else plan n
- Differences with minimax:
- Games against nature might last forever; in minimax if the opponent could force a cycle then this would be a draw. The algorithm can be modified to produce cyclic plans.
Is it true that every problem in a nondeterministic environment can be solved by an acyclic plan?
Sometimes search in non-deterministic environments leads to plans which involve a cycle. In an adversarial environment, this would be bad news since the opponent could force a game to go on forever. But in the “game against nature” view of non-deterministic search, what’s sometimes a reasonable assumption to make?
The goal can be reached if each nondeterministic outcome occurs eventually.