Notes - Galois Theory HT25, Galois groups and Galois extensions
- $F \subset \mathbb C$
- $K/F$ is a Galois extension
@Define the Galois group of $K/F$, written $\text{Gal}(K/F)$.
The group of all $F$-linear field automorphisms of $K$.
@Define an $F$-linear field automorphism of $K$ where $K/F$.
A bijective map $\theta : K \to K$ such that for all $k _ 1, k _ 2 \in K$, and $f \in F$:
\[\begin{aligned} \theta(k_1 k_2) &= \theta(k_1) \theta(k_2) \\\\ \theta(k_1 + k_2) &= \theta(k_1) + \theta(k_2) \\\\ \theta(f k_1) &= f \theta(k_1) \end{aligned}\]Suppose:
- $K/F$ is a Galois extension
- $H$ is a subgroup of $\text{Gal}(K/F)$
@Define the fixed field of $H$, written $K^H$.
- $F \subset \mathbb C$ is a subfield
- $f \in F[x]$ is a non-constant polynomial
@Define a splitting field of $f$ over $F$.
$K \supseteq F$ is said to be a splitting field of $f$ if:
- $f$ splits completely in $K[t]$, and
- $K$ is generated as a field by $F$ together with the roots of $f$.
- $F \subset \mathbb C$ is a subfield
- $K / F$ is a finite field extension
@Define what it means for $K/F$ to be a Galois extension.
- There exists a non-constant polynomial $f \in F[x]$ such that $K$ is the splitting field of $f$.
- Equivalently (? @todo), there is a separable polynomial $f \in F[x]$ such that $K/F$ is the splitting field of $F$.
Give an @example of a field extension that is not Galois.
Consider $\mathbb Q[\alpha] / \mathbb Q$ where $\alpha = \sqrt[3]{2}$. Then $m _ \mathbb Q(x) = x^3 - 2$, but $m(x)$ does not split completely, since it has two roots which are not in $\mathbb Q[\alpha]$.
- $K/F$ is a field extension
- $\alpha _ 1, \ldots, \alpha _ n \in K$ are algebraic over $F$
\[[F(\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_n) : F] < \infty\]
@State a useful corollary of this fact.
If $f \in F[t]$ and $K$ is a splitting field of $f$, then $[K : F] < \infty$.
- $f \in F[t]$ is irreducible
@Prove that you can always find a (simple!) extension field $K \supset F$ which includes a root of $f$ (note that $F$ can’t contain any roots of $f$, or it wouldn’t be irreducible).
Since $f$ is irreducible in $F[t]$, $\langle f \rangle$ must be a maximal ideal in $F[t]$ and hence $K := \frac{F[t]}{\langle f\rangle}$ is a field. Then $\alpha := t + \langle f \rangle$ is a root of $f$ in $K$.
Since $\alpha$ generates $K$ as a ring together with $F$, $K = F[\alpha]$.
Since $\alpha$ is algebraic over $F$, it follows
\[F(\alpha) = F[\alpha] = K\]and $K / F$ is the required extension.
- $f \in F[t]$ be any polynomial
@Prove that there exists a splitting field $K$ of $f$.
Induct on $d := \deg f$.
Base case. $d = 1$. Then $F$ is already a splitting field.
Inductive step. $d > 1$. Suppose that $g$ is an irreducible factor of $f$. By the result that says:
If $g \in F[t]$ is irreducible, there exists a simple extension $F(\alpha)$ where $\alpha$ is a root of $g$.
we can construct $L := F(\alpha)$. Since $g \mid f$, $f(\alpha) = 0$ and hence $(t - \alpha) \mid f$.
Define $h := \frac{g}{(t - \alpha)} \in L[t]$. Since $\deg h < d$, by induction there exists a splitting field $K$ of $h$.
Since $a \in L \subset K$, $f = (t - \alpha) \cdot h$ splits completely in $K[t]$.
Since the roots of $f$ in $K$ generate $K$ together with $F$, it follows that $K$ is a splitting field of $f$.
- $\varphi : F \to \tilde F$ is an isomorphism between two fields
- $K / F$ and $\tilde K / \tilde F$ are finite extensions
- $\alpha \in K$, $\tilde \alpha \in \tilde K$
- $\varphi(m _ {F, \alpha})(\tilde \alpha) = 0$
@State a useful result in this context.
There is a unique extension of $\varphi$ to $\varphi^\ast$ where
\[\varphi^\ast : F(\alpha) \to \tilde F(\tilde \alpha)\]such that $\varphi^\ast (\alpha) = \tilde \alpha$.
In other words, if you’ve got an isomorphism between two fields, and two elements of an extension with the important “minimal polynomial preserving” property, then it extends to a field extension of the field adjoined with these two elements. This could be summarised by the diagram:
- $\varphi : F \to \tilde F$ is an isomorphism between two fields
- $K / F$ and $\tilde F / \tilde K$ are finite extensions
- $\alpha \in K$, $\tilde \alpha \in \tilde K$
- $\varphi(m _ {F, \alpha})(\tilde \alpha) = 0$
@Prove that then there is a unique extension of $\varphi$ to
\[\varphi^\ast : F(\alpha) \to \tilde F(\tilde \alpha)\]
such that $\varphi^\ast (\alpha) = \tilde \alpha$.
Existence. By assumption, $\varphi(m _ {F, \alpha})(\tilde \alpha) = 0$. Then $\varphi(m _ {F, \alpha}) \mid m _ {\tilde F, \tilde \alpha}$, but as $m _ {\tilde F, \tilde \alpha}$ is irreducible, it follows that $\varphi(m _ {F, \alpha}) = m _ {\tilde F, \tilde \alpha}$.
We have the isomorphisms
\[\begin{aligned} &\theta : \frac{F[t]}{\langle m_{F, \alpha} \rangle} \stackrel\cong\longrightarrow F(\alpha) \\\\ &\tilde \theta : \frac{\tilde F[t]}{\langle m_{\tilde F, \tilde \alpha}\rangle} \stackrel\cong\longrightarrow\tilde F(\tilde \alpha) \end{aligned}\]And $\varphi : F \to \tilde F$ extends to an isomorphism
\[\varphi' : F[t] \stackrel\cong\longrightarrow\tilde F[t]\]by fixing $t$. As $\varphi’$ sends $\langle m _ {F, \alpha}\rangle$ to $\langle m _ {\tilde F, \tilde \alpha} \rangle$, by the universal property of quotients this map descends to give
\[\overline \phi : \frac{F[t]}{\langle m_{F, \alpha}\rangle} \longrightarrow \frac{\tilde F[t]}{\langle m_{\tilde F, \tilde \alpha}\rangle}\]This can be summarised with the following commutative diagram:
Chaining isomorphism together, we have
\[\begin{aligned} &\varphi^\ast : F(\alpha) \to \tilde F(\tilde \alpha) \\\\ &\varphi^\ast := \tilde \theta \circ \overline \varphi \circ \theta^{-1} \end{aligned}\]gives the existence of the required isomorphism.
Uniqueness. Suppose that $\psi : F(\alpha) \to \tilde F(\tilde \alpha)$ is another isomorphism with the property that $\psi(\alpha) = \tilde \alpha$ (this is what we are assuming in the construction).
Then $\psi$ agrees with $\varphi^\ast$ on $F$ and $\alpha$.
Since $F$ and $\alpha$ generate $F[\alpha]$, and $F[\alpha] = F(\alpha)$ ($\alpha$ is algebraic) it follows that $\psi = \varphi^\ast$, so we have uniqueness as required.
- $\varphi : F \to \tilde F$ is an isomorphism of fields
- $f \in F[t]$ is a separable polynomial
- $K$ is a splitting field for $f$
- $\tilde f = \varphi(f)$
- $\tilde K$ is a splitting field for $\tilde f$
@State a result about the number of distinct isomorphisms $K \to \tilde K$ extending $\varphi$.
There are at least $[K : F]$ distinct isomorphisms extending $\varphi$.
- $\varphi : F \to \tilde F$ is an isomorphism of fields
- $f \in F[t]$ is a separable polynomial
- $K$ is a splitting field for $f$
- $\tilde f = \varphi(f)$
- $\tilde K$ is a splitting field for $\tilde f$
@Prove that there are at least $[K : F]$ distinct isomorphisms extending $\varphi$.
We proceed by induction on $[K : F]$.
Base case: $[K:F] = 1$. Then $K \cong F$ already, and so we have at least one isomorphism.
Inductive step: Let $g$ be a monic irreducible factor of $f$ in $F[t]$ with $\deg g \ge 2$. Then $g$ is separable in $F[t]$. (@todo, does this assume that $F$ is a field of characteristic zero?).
$\varphi$ is an isomorphism and it extends naturally to an isomorphism $\varphi’ : F[t] \to \tilde F[t]$. Then $\tilde g := \varphi’(g)$ is also separable (since if it weren’t this would also imply $g$ wasn’t).
Since $\tilde K$ is a splitting field of $\tilde f$ and $\tilde g \mid \tilde f$, $\tilde g$ has exactly $n := \deg \tilde g$ roots, say $\beta _ 1, \ldots, \beta _ n \in K$ by the result that all roots of separable irreducible polynomials are simple.
Choose a root $\alpha \in K$ of $g$. Since $g(\alpha) = 0$, by the “division property” of minimal polynomials, $m _ {F, \alpha} \mid g$. But then by assumption $g$ is monic and irreducible over $F$, so it must actually be the case $m _ {F, \alpha} = g$.
Pick some $i = 1, \ldots, n$. Then $\phi’(m _ {F, \alpha})(\beta _ i) = \phi’(g)(\beta _ i) = \tilde g(\beta _ i) = 0$, so the conditions of the lemma that
\[\varphi^\ast : F(\alpha) \to \tilde F(\tilde \alpha)\]If
- $\varphi : F \to \tilde F$ is an isomorphism between two fields
- $K / F$ and $\tilde F / \tilde K$ are finite extensions
- $\alpha \in K$, $\tilde \alpha \in \tilde K$
- $\varphi(m _ {F, \alpha})(\tilde \alpha) = 0$ Then there is a unique extension of $\varphi$ to
are satisfied. Hence we obtain a unique isomorphism $\phi _ i : F(\alpha) \to \tilde F(\beta _ i)$ which extends $\phi : F \to \tilde F$ and sends $\alpha$ to $\beta _ i$.
Let $m := [K : F(\alpha)]$. As $m < [K : F]$, we can apply the inducitve hypothesis to $K/F(\alpha)$ and $\tilde K / \tilde F(\beta _ i)$ together with the isomorphism to find at least $m$ different extensions
\[\phi_i^{(j)} : K \to \tilde K \quad\text{ for }j = 1, \ldots, m\]It remains to show that these are all distinct. If $\phi _ {i}^{(j)} = \phi _ {i’}^{j’}$ for some $1 \le i, i’ \le n$ and $1 \le j, j’ \le m$, we have
\[\begin{aligned} \beta_i &= \phi_i^{(j)}(\alpha) \\\\ &= \phi_i^{(j')}(\alpha) \\\\ &= \beta_{i'} \end{aligned}\]So $i = i’$ and by induction $j = j’$ (@todo, explain this?). Thus there are at least $mn$ different extensions. Since $[F(\alpha):F] = \deg m _ {F, \alpha} = \deg g = \deg \tilde g = n$, it follows that $[K : F] = [K : F(\alpha)] [F(\alpha) : F] = mn$ and we are done.
We have a result that says if:
- $\varphi : F \to \tilde F$ is an isomorphism of fields
- $f \in F[t]$ is a separable polynomial
- $K$ is a splitting field for $f$
- $\tilde f = \varphi(f)$
- $\tilde K$ is a splitting field for $\tilde f$
then there are at least $[K : F]$ distinct isomorphisms extending $\varphi$. Use this to @state and @prove a result about the size of the Galois groups of Galois extensions.
- $K/F$ is a Galois extension
\[|\text{Gal}(K/F)| \ge [K : F]\]Proof: Since $K/F$ is a Galois extension, by definition $K$ is the splitting field for some polynomial $f \in F[t]$. In the above result, take $\tilde F := F$ and $\varphi : F \to \tilde F$ as the identity map. Then there are at least $[K : F]$ distinct automorphisms of $K$ extending $1 : F \to F$.
Automorphisms of this type are exactly the $F$-linear automorphisms of $K$, and hence
\[|\text{Gal}(K/F)| \ge [K : F]\]as required.
- $f \in F[t]$ is a separable polynomial
Is it true that any two splitting fields of $f$ are isomorphic?
We have a result that says if:
- $\varphi : F \to \tilde F$ is an isomorphism of fields
- $f \in F[t]$ is a separable polynomial
- $K$ is a splitting field for $f$
- $\tilde f = \varphi(f)$
- $\tilde K$ is a splitting field for $\tilde f$
then there are at least $[K : F]$ distinct isomorphisms extending $\varphi$. Use this to @prove that if $f \in F[t]$ is a separble polynomial, then any two splitting fields of $f$ are isomorphic.
We show this in three steps:
- Show that if $L$ is another extension of $F$ such that $f$ splits completely, there exists at least one injective homomorphism $K \to L$.
- Show that if $L$ is a splitting field of $f$, then this injective homomorphism is actually an isomorphism.
- Conclude that any two splitting fields of $f$ are isomorphic.
(1): Let $\tilde K$ be the subfield of $L$ generated by $F$ together with the roots of $f$. Then by the result above, there exists at least one isomorphism $\varphi : K \to \tilde K$ extending the identity map on $F$. If $i : \tilde K \to L$ is the inclusion map, then $i \circ \varphi : K \to L$ is the required monomorphism.
(2): If $L$ is a splitting field of $F$, it follows that $\tilde K$ as defined above equals $L$, and hence this injective homomorphism must actually be an isomorphism.
(3): Since there are isomorphism between these two splitting fields, and these splitting fields are isomorphic, it folows that any two splitting fields of $f$ are isomorphic.
- $K/F$ is a (finite? is this extra bit necessary, @todo) Galois extension
What can you conclude about the size of the Galois group $\text{Gal}(K/F$)?
- $K/F$ is a (finite? is this extra bit necessary, @todo) Galois extension
@State the two results together which allow you to conclude that $ \vert \text{Gal}(K/F) \vert = [K : F]$.
- $K/F$ is a Galois extension
\[|\text{Gal}(K/F)| \ge [K : F]\]Suppose:
- $K/F$ is a finite field extension
\[|\text{Gal}(K/F)| \le [K : F]\]@Prove that if:
- $K/F$ is a finite Galois extension
- $G = \text{Gal}(K/F)$
\[\text{Gal}(K/K^G) = G\]
$K^G$ is a subfield containing $F$, so Every $K^G$-linear automorphism of $K$ is also $F$-linear.
If $\sigma : K \to K$ is $F$-linear, then $\sigma \in G$ and so $\sigma$ fixes $K^G$ pointwise. Therefore $\sigma$ is also $K^G$-linear.
- $K/F$ is a finite Galois extension
- $G = \text{Gal}(K/F)$
- $ \vert G \vert = [K : F]$
@State a result about the relationship between $F$, $K$ and $G$.
@Prove that if:
- $K/F$ is a finite Galois extension
- $G = \text{Gal}(K/F)$
- $ \vert G \vert = [K : F]$
\[F = K^G\]
We have a result which says
\[G = \text{Gal}(K/K^G)\]Then, by the result on upper bounds on the size of the Galois group,
\[|G| \le [K : K^G]\]But then
\[|G| \le [K : K^G] \le [K : F] = |G|\]and so $[K : K^G] = [K : F]$ and hence $[K^G : F] = 1$, and so $K^G = F$.
- $H$ is a finite group of automorphisms of a field $L$
- $X \subseteq L$, $X$ is finite
Can you @define a polynomial $f _ X$ which satisfies the properties:
- $f _ X$ is separable.
- If $X$ is $H$-stable, then $f _ X$ has coefficients in $L^H$.
- $K/F$ is a finite field extension
- $G = \text{Gal}(K/F)$
- $F = K^G$
@State a result about what you can then conclude about $K/F$.
$K/F$ is Galois.
@Prove that if:
- $K/F$ is a finite field extension
- $G = \text{Gal}(K/F)$
- $F = K^G$
- $K/F$ is Galois.
Let $\{z _ 1, \ldots, z _ n\}$ be an $F$-basis for $K$. Since $G$ is finite (by the result that says finite field extensions lead to finite Galois groups), it follows that the set
\[X := \bigcup^n_{i = 1} G\cdot z_i\]is finite as well as $G$-stable.
Then we can construct the polynomial $f _ X$ where
\[f_X := \prod_{y \in X} (t - y)\]which is a separable polynomial with coefficients in $K^G$ (this is nontrivial and comes from a previous result). Since $K^G = F$, it follows $f _ X \in F[t]$. And since $f _ X$ splits completely over $K$ and since $K$ is generated by the roots of $f _ X$ in $K$, it is the splitting field of $f _ X$ over $F$.
- $K/F$ is a finite extension
- $G = \text{Gal}(K/F)$
@State some equivalent conditions to the condition that $K/F$ is Galois.
The following are equivalent:
- $K/F$ is Galois.
- $ \vert G \vert = [K : F]$
- $F = K^G$