Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Online search


A typical search-based agent in an environment knows the following:

  1. A set of states $S$
  2. An initial state $s$, where the agent starts
  3. Possible actions, described by a function $\mathbf{Actions}(s)$ which returns the set of actions applicable to state $s$
  4. A transition model, given by a successor function $\mathbf{Result}(s, a)$ which returns the state obtained by applying action $a$ to state $s$
  5. Goal test: A function for checking whether a state is a goal
  6. Path cost: A function assigning a value $\mathbf{pc}(p)$ to each path $p = s _ 0, a _ 1, s _ 1, a _ 2, \ldots$ and so on.

What assumption do you drop in order to model an online agent?

$\mathbf{Result}(s, a)$ is not known in advance.

An online agent models the search space via:

  1. A set of states $S$
  2. An initial state $s$, where the agent starts
  3. Possible actions, described by a function $\mathbf{Actions}(s)$ which returns the set of actions applicable to state $s$
  4. Goal test: A function for checking whether a state is a goal
  5. Path cost: A function assigning a value $\mathbf{pc}(p)$ to each path $p = s _ 0, a _ 1, s _ 1, a _ 2, \ldots$ and so on.

and where $\mathbf{Result}(s, a)$ is not known in advance. What assumption is needed so that online agents are useful?

The state space is safely explorable, i.e. from every reachable state, some goal state can be reached.

Describe the @algorithm used for an online depth-first search algorithm.

# Global variables
result:         a table indexed by state and action, initially empty
untried:        a table listing, for each state, the actions not yet tried
unbacktracked:  a table listing, for each state, the untried backtracks (i.e. previous states we can return to)
s_prev, a_prev: the previous state and action, initially null.

function OnlineDFSAgent(s) returns an action:
	inputs: s, the current state

	if GoalTest(s):
		# We have finished

	if s is a new state:
		# We can only determine the actions of a state when we are in that state since the search is online
		untried[s] = Actions(s)

	if s_prev != null:
		# Fill in the details for where taking a_prev in s_prev ends up
		result[s_prev, a_prev] = s
		add s_prev to the front of unbacktracked[s]

	if untried[s] is empty:
		# We've not reached the goal and there's nothing left to try
		# Therefore we need to backtrack
		if unbacktracked[s] is empty:
			# In this case we've hit a dead end
			return stop
			# Take an action which backtracks
			a = an action such that result[s, a] is Pop(unbacktracked[s])
		# We've not reached the goal but there's still things left to try
		# Choose an untried action
		a = Pop(untried[s])

	s_prev = s
	return a

Describe the $\mathbf{LRTA}^\ast$ (learning real-time $A^\ast$) @algorithm and explain its purpose.

The main purpose of $\mathbf{LRTA}^\ast$ is to explore an unknown environment, making use a heuristic to guide the search.

# Global variables
result:         a table indexed by state and action, initially empty
H:              a table of cost estimates indexed by state, initially empty
s_prev, a_prev: the previous state and action, initially null

# h is a heuristic estimating the cost

function LRTAAgent(s) returns an action:
	inputs: s, a percept that identifies the current state

	# If we hit a goal node then stop
	if GoalTest(s):
		return stop

	# Set our initial estimate for this state using the heuristic
	if s is a new state (not in H):
		H[s] = h(s)

	# If there is a predecessor, note down how we got to the current state
	# and update our estimate of the cost for that previous state by setting
	# it to the minimum over all costs of successor states
	if s_prev != null:
		result[s_prev, a_prev] = s
		H[s_prev] = minimum cost over any action a_candidate for LRTA-Cost(s_prev, a_candidate, result[s_prev, a_candidate], H)

	# Pick the action which leads to a state of least cost
	a_next = argmin over a_candidate actions LRTA-Cost(s, a_candidate, result[s, a_candidate], H)
	s_prev = s

	return a_next

function LRTA-Cost(s_0, a_candidate, s_1, H) returns a cost estimate:
	if s_1 is undefined:
		# If we know nothing about the successor state because we haven't
		# figured it out yet, a good estimate is that the cost 
		return h(s_0) 
		return c(s_0, a_candidate, s_1) + H[s_0]

It may be helpful to contrast to the online DFS agent:

# Global variables
result:         a table indexed by state and action, initially empty
untried:        a table listing, for each state, the actions not yet tried
unbacktracked:  a table listing, for each state, the untried backtracks (i.e. previous states we can return to)
s_prev, a_prev: the previous state and action, initially null.

function OnlineDFSAgent(s) returns an action:
	inputs: s, the current state

	if GoalTest(s):
		# We have finished

	if s is a new state:
		# We can only determine the actions of a state when we are in that state since the search is online
		untried[s] = Actions(s)

	if s_prev != null:
		# Fill in the details for where taking a_prev in s_prev ends up
		result[s_prev, a_prev] = s
		add s_prev to the front of unbacktracked[s]

	if untried[s] is empty:
		# We've not reached the goal and there's nothing left to try
		# Therefore we need to backtrack
		if unbacktracked[s] is empty:
			# In this case we've hit a dead end
			return stop
			# Take an action which backtracks
			a = an action such that result[s, a] is Pop(unbacktracked[s])
		# We've not reached the goal but there's still things left to try
		# Choose an untried action
		a = Pop(untried[s])

	s_prev = s
	return a

@State the time complexity of the $\mathbf{LRTA}^\ast$ agent in a finite state space with $n$ states.


Show how online depth-first search would enter the dead-end and then reverse out assuming that it moves up from this position:


Show how online learning real-time $A^\ast$ search would begin its search, assuming that it luckily picks the options that end up moving closer to the goal.


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