Course - Computer Security MT24
A Part A/Part B course on computer security, with a heavy focus on information security.
A lot of the information security topics rely on some foundational assumptions in computational complexity, most strongly that one-way functions exist – i.e. there exist functions $f$ where $f(x)$ is easy to compute but $f^{-1}(x)$ is very difficult to compute. Whether one-way functions exist is actually still an open problem! The existence of one-way functions would imply $\mathbf P = \mathbf{NP}$, so a proof of this fact is expected to be very difficult. Some of [[Course - Quantum Information HT24]]U instead builds up protocols of secure communication founded in quantum theory, whose security is founded in laws of nature rather than hard computational problems.
- Course Webpage
- Lecture Notes
- Andrew Ker’s lecture notes (from 2014, and don’t cover all content)
- 1, Introduction
- 2, Access control
- 3, Attacks
- From the previous year:
- Other courses this term: [[Courses MT24]]U
- Monday 11AM-12PM, Weeks 1,2,3,4,5,7 (lecture)
- Wednesday 11AM-12PM, Weeks 1,2,3,4,5,7 (lecture)
- Friday 11AM-12PM, Weeks 1-4 (lecture)
- Monday 10AM-11AM, Weekly 4,5,7,8 (class)
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Basic definitions]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Access control]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Bell-LaPadula model]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Clark-Wilson model]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Access control in UNIX]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Reference monitors]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Attacks]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Symmetric key ciphers]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Block modes]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Cipher attacks]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Stream ciphers]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, RC4]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Feistel structures]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, DES cryptosystem]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, AES cryptosystem]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Cryptographic hashes]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Example hash functions]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Key generation]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Asymmetric key ciphers]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Number theory]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, RSA cryptosystem]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Rabin cryptosystem]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Elliptic curve cryptography]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Diffie-Hellman key exchange]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Dolev-Yao model]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, MACs]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Digital signatures]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Protocols]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Needham-Schroeder protocol]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, Key distribution and mediated authentication]]U
- [[Notes - Computer Security MT24, SSL and TLS]]U
Problem Sheets
- [[Problem Sheet - Computer Security MT24, I]]?, Sheet 1
- [[Problem Sheet - Computer Security MT24, II]]?
- [[Problem Sheet - Computer Security MT24, III]]?
- [[Problem Sheet - Computer Security MT24, IV]]?
- From the previous year:
To-do List
Covering slides
- 1. Introduction
2. Access control
- Negative permissions
- Policy conflict and conflict resolution
- Privileges and roles, role based access control
- Requirements of reference monitor security
3. Attacks
- Drive-by-downloads
- Ransomware as denying data not service
- Double extortion
- Buffer overflow example
- Code injection SQL example
- Command injection PHP example
4. Symmetric key crypto
- Details of AES
- Other problems with ECB (repeats $\approx \sqrt{2^k}$, re-order blocks)
- Images for block modes
5. Hashes
- Stretched and salted passwords
- Details of LM hash
, forcing attacker to use memory as well as time - Hash function requirements for different use cases
- Details of MD4
- Details of SHA3
- RC4
6. Asymmetric key ciphers
- Elliptic-curve cryptography
7. MACs and digital signatures
- Combining confidentiality and integrity with one key using Galois Counter Mode
- Signature padding
- PKCS#1 v1.5 signature padding
8. Protocols
- More details about certificates, like their actual content
- Abstract protocol based on certificates
- BEAST attack on SSL/TLS
- Blockwise adaptive CPAs
- “Prudent engineering principles for cryptoprotocol design”
9. Frameworks
- NIST Framework