Course - Artificial Intelligence MT24
This course used to be called “Intelligent Systems” before it was changed to “Artificial Intelligence” a few years ago, and perhaps its previous name does a better job of setting expectations for the course content. The course sticks to the “logical” paradigm of artificial intelligence, and hence mainly covers search, planning, constraint satisfaction problems, and playing games. All machine learning content is instead in a separate course, [[Course - Machine Learning MT23]]U.
- Course Webpage
- Lecture Notes
- 1, Introduction
- 2, Problem solving and search
- 3, Problem solving and search
- 4, Informed search
- 5, Local search
- 6, Planning I
- 7, Planning II
- 8, Dealing with geometry of physical agents
- 9, Dealing with geometry of physical agents
- 10, Introduction to CSPs
- 11, Solving CSPs
- 12, Solving CSPs
- 13, Playing games
- 14, Playing games
- 15, Beyond classical search
- 16, Beyond classical search
- Other courses this term: [[Courses MT24]]U
- Related textbooks: [[AI - A Modern Approach]]N
- Related blog posts: [[Wordsworth, a pencil-and-paper game]]B
- Wednesday 3PM-4PM, Bill Roscoe Lecture Theatre (weeks 1-6)
- Friday 3PM-4PM, Bill Roscoe Lecture Theatre (weeks 1-8)
- Friday 2PM-3PM, Bill Roscoe Lecture Theatre (weeks 7-8)
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, All the algorithms]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Problem solving and search]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Uninformed search]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Informed search]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Local search]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Planning]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Partial order planning]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Planning with propositional logic]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Robots]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Constraint satisfaction problems]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Perfect information games]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Imperfect information games]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Nondeterministic search]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Partially observable environments]]U
- [[Notes - Artificial Intelligence MT24, Online search]]U
Related notes
Some more notes on the course textbook are available in [[AI - A Modern Approach]]N, but the following are particularly relevant to this course:
- I: Introduction
- Chapter 01: [[AIMA - Introduction]]N
- Chapter 02: [[AIMA - Intelligent Agents]]N
- II: Problem Solving
- Chapter 03: [[AIMA - Solving Problems by Searching]]N
- Chapter 04: [[AIMA - Constraint Satisfaction Problems]]N
- Chapter 05: [[AIMA - Adversarial Search and Games]]N
- Chapter 06: [[AIMA - Search in Complex Environments]]N
- III: Knowledge, Reasoning, and Planning
- Chapter 07: [[AIMA - Logical Agents]]N
- Chapter 08: [[AIMA - First-Order Logic]]N
- Chapter 09: [[AIMA - Inference in First-Order Logic]]N
- Chapter 10: [[AIMA - Knowledge Representation]]N
- Chapter 11: [[AIMA - Automated Planning]]N